Thrust I - Department of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology




Biofabrication by BioPrinting


• Precision in positioning cell types

• Scaffold “free” (

What are hydrogels?)

• “Mimics” Development

(vs. expts in evolution)

• Potential for “scale up automation”

• Solves the vascularization problem of thick tissue constructs

Biofabrication by BioPrinting


• Explosion of interest but unsolved technology

• Few pioneers 2005+

– Boland, Nakamura, Forgacs and their respective groups

Huvec cells survive printer and can be positioned 2D

3D tube printed in 2007 -- 1mm

2007 double layered (Huvec, aortic sm. Muscle) 1mm

2009 10 mm solid structures were printed but collapsed

Technology of great potential looking for new ideas and solutions

NSF RII Thrusts

• Thrust Leaders are tactical leaders who lead teams

• Five Thrusts not Five Silos

• Shared Vision: build vascular constructs

2011-2012 milestone: 4mm X 27mm tubular prototype having 6,000 subunits of living tissue

• All participate in the three steps of biofabrication pre-processing  processing  postprocessing


Thrust I – Modeling and Computer-Aided-Design

Mathematical Modeling, Software Design, Programming

Leader: Qi Wang

Members: Brian Canada, Thomas Trusk, William Mondy, Xiaofeng Yang, Xinfeng Liu,

Feng Gu, Xigiang Zheng

Thrust II – BioInk, Approaches to the Building Blocks

Aggregates, Stem Cells, Hydrogels, Differentiation, Endothelialization

Leaders: Chris Drake and Richard Visconti

Members: C. Bi, Agnes Nagy, Xuejun Wen

Thrust III – Biomechanical Testing

Natural Vessels, Collagen Tubes, BioPrinted Tubes

Leader: Michael Sutton

Members: Sue Lessner, Jay Potts, Mike Yost, Tarik Shazly, Esmail Jabbari

Thrust IV – Processing / Printing / Assembly

Manual templates, Izumi-ink jet printing, Laser-printing, Magnetic Assembly,


Leader: Xuejun Wen

Members: William Mondy, Frank Alexis, Scott Argraves, Yong Huang, Waleed Twal

Thrust V – Maturation

ECM Synthesis, Perfusion, Bioreactors, Scaffolds, Small Molecules

Leader: Scott Argraves

Members: Chris Drake, Waleed Twal, Xuejun Wen, Gear Grantees

NSF RII Thrusts

• Thrust Leaders are tactical leaders who lead teams

• Five Thrusts not Five Silos

• Shared Vision: build vascular constructs

2011-2012 milestone: 4mm X 27mm tubular prototype having 6,000 subunits of living tissue

Major Milestone for Year 3 – bioprint 4.5mm x 27 mm tubular construct

NSF RII Thrusts

• Thrust Leaders are tactical leaders who lead teams

• Five Thrusts not Five Silos

• Shared Vision: build vascular constructs

• All participate in the three steps of biofabrication pre-processing  processing  post-processing


Natural Properties

Thrusts I, III

Computer Aided Design

Virtual Blueprints

Thrust I, IV

I. Pre-processing

Spheroid-Based Vessel

Design Parameters


Spheroid Preparation

Thrusts II, IV, V


Thrust IV team



Thrusts II, IV, V


Directed Differentiation

Thrusts II, V





Thrusts , II, III, IV, V


Thrusts II, III, V

All Thrusts Participate in Multiple Steps of Bioprinting

Goals (Milestones) for Year 3

• Develop by mathematical modeling numerical predictive tools for the formation of vascular constructs by the deposition of multicellular aggregates/spheroids in a designer fashion.

– Spearheaded by Qi Wang/Thrust I leader


Leader: Qi Wang

TACTICAL LEADER ------------------ QI Wang

Members: Brian Canada, Thomas Trusk,

William Mondy, Xiaofeng Yang, Xinfeng Liu,

Feng Gu and Xigiang Zheng

Goals (Milestones) for Year 3

• Prepare various types of cell spheroids +/- hydrogels (“BioInk”)

Thrust I: Modeling of hydrogels that bind the cellular spheroids and enrich maturogens

Thrust II : stem cells, ECM, hydrogels (X.Bi, Chas So Univ)

Thrust IV: enhance production (microfluidics, laser assisted )

Thrust V: gelatin microcarrier spheroids: test bed for maturogens etc.

• Build Inkjet type bioprinter to dispense living spheroids


Goals (Milestones) Yr 3

• Design and Build an inkjet printer

Designed by Xuejun Wen; assembled by Izumi Inc


2 years in the making


Bill Mondy with Jorge V. L. Silva, Chief of the Division of Three Dimensional

Technology, Renato Archer Center for Information Technology, Campinas Brazil.

Beta testing (related to Thrust IV)

Early result of printed feature resolution demonstrated by the surface penetration of cardboard on the right and clay on the left. The pliability of clay allowed for smaller feature representation .

An eleven by ten array of physical

impressions, with radii of 36 microns, created in a clay surface by bioprinter’s dispenser.


A. Series of 1 mm spheres printed during initial testing.

B demonstrates 10 rows of 10 silicone spheres 1 mm in diameter printed in a z stack.

C shows initial testing of bioprinter’s resolvable feature size.

Goals (Milestones) for Year 3

• Translate CAD into coordinates for the cellularized building blocks (spheroids) that can be used by the bioprinter to position (drop) the spheroids at specified locations

– Thrust 1 Team Effort - Bill Mondy

Goals (Milestones) for Year 3

• Dispense and assemble (“print”) living spheroids into variablesized tubular constructs (6 to 6000)


Izumi (Wen, Mondy, Dr. Waleed Twal)

Yong Huang (“drop on demand”)


OTHER TISSUE ASSEMBLY APPROACHES magnetic particles (Frank Alexis, Xuejun Wen) laser assisted (Yong Huang) **

machined assisted devices/Argraves,Drake,Wen) microfluidics – Xuejun Wen presentation

4 mm x 17mm

Scaffold-free Alginate Tube Fabrication using Inkjet and Laser printing


Yong Huang

Department of Mechanical


Clemson University, Clemson, SC

Goals (Milestones) for Year 3

• Dispense and assemble (“print”) living spheroids into variable-sized tubular constructs (6-10 to 6000 model )

Izumi (Wen, Mondy et al.)

Yong Huang (“drop on demand”)


Other experimental approaches magnetic particles (Frank Alexis) laser assisted (Yong Huang) ** machined assisted devices

Goals (Milestones) for Year 3

• Dispense and assemble (“print”) living spheroids into variable-sized tubular constructs (6-10 to 6000 model )

Izumi (Wen, Mondy et al.)

Yong Huang (“drop on demand”)

Other experimental approaches magnetic particles (Frank Alexis, Xuejun Wen) laser assisted (Yong Huang)

machined assisted devices/Argraves,Wen)

Flow-through Bioreactor Template for 27mm x 4mm tube

This template is designed to allow spheroids to fill a 4mm diameter tube-shaped space, which will allow the flow of media while the spheroids mature enough to be removed from the chamber.

Using a machined construct to arrange “carrier” spheroids into multi-layer tubes (test bed)

Goals (Milestones) for Year 3

• Dispense and assemble (“print”) living spheroids into variable-sized tubular constructs (6-10 to 6000 model )

Ink Jet

Izumi (Wen, Mondy et al.)

Yong Huang (“drop on demand”)

Other experimental approaches magnetic particles (Frank Alexis, Xuejun Wen) laser assisted (Yong Huang)

machined assisted devices/Argraves,Wen)

Microfluidics: Xuejun Wen (Thrust IV leader)

Presentation by

Xuejun Wen

THRUST IV: Microfluidic approach (Spheroid maker* + Spheroid printer)*

Goals (Milestones) for Year 3

Model and test for viability * and stability of “printed” spheroids/constructs ( all thrusts) * grant opportunities

• Initiate post-processing differentiation and ways to

endothelialize” tubular constructs (thrust II, V)

• Develop post-processing mechanisms for accelerating stabilization and maturation (focus on ECM) (thrust II, III V )

• Biomechanical testing: cf.natural (authentic) blood vessels to engineered constructs (bioprinted, extruded collagen tubes, etc.

(thrust III )



• Thrust II - Chris Drake/Rick Visconti

• Thrust V - Scott Argraves

• Thrust III - Mike Sutton/Jay Potts

Preliminary analysis demonstrates that:

• the measured in vivo longitudinal strain differed between the main renal artery and the first branch by a factor of 2 (25% for main renal artery, 12% for first branch)

• the measured in-vivo circumferential strain differed between

the main renal artery and the first branch by a factor of 2

(12% for main renal artery, 25% for first branch).”

Next level - 2013

MondyCAD “Blueprint”

Goals to reach the next level

• Higher resolution CADs

• Translation of CADs into programming for directing printheads (dispensors)

• Modeling & testing the biology of spheroid formation and fusion

• Hydrogel or ECM properties of Spheroids

• Integration of printing (assembly) approaches

• Endothelialization, Differentiation,Maturogens
