Types of Sentences

What is a Sentence?
Mrs. DeGraw
English Language Arts
Directions: Please read and copy each
sentence. At the end of the sentence, write the
correct end punctuation (period, question
mark, or exclamation mark).
1. Please read this information about private schools_____
2. Would you be surprised to learn that there are almost
1,500 private schools in the United States_____
3. A boarding school is one type of private school_____
4. Are these schools only for students with excellent
academic skills_____
5. Some boarding schools were founded to teach students
who did poorly at other schools_____
6. These boarding schools are sometimes called “secondchance schools_____
7. What a good name that is_____
8. Do students at boarding schools live and eat in
dormitories on the school grounds_____
9. The students’ parents pay tuition to send their children to
these schools_____
10. My, the children must study hard at those schools_____
What are the Four Types of Sentences?
A sentence is a group of words that expresses a
complete thought. Every sentence begins with a
capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark.
There are four kinds of sentences. Each has its
own purpose.
Declarative Sentence
A declarative sentence makes a statement or tells
something. It ends with a period.
Example: The library opens soon.
Interrogative Sentence
An interrogative sentence asks something. It ends
with a question mark.
Example: Shall we get some books?
Imperative Sentence
An imperative sentence gives a command or asks a
request. It tells or asks someone to do something. It
ends with a period.
Example: Look in the card catalog.
“Dance with me.”
Exclamatory Sentence
An exclamatory sentence shows excitement or
strong feelings. It ends with an exclamation mark.
Example: What a large book that is!
“It’s a
Directions: Please read and copy each of the
following sentences. Write DEC in the blank if the
sentence is a declarative sentence. Write INT if it is a
question. Write IMP if it is imperative. Write EXC if
it is exclamatory.
1. _____Michael’s new friend Jorge is from Mexico.
2. _____Jorge and his family just moved into the
3. _____They live on Logan Street, which is almost two
miles from school.
4. _____Do you think Jorge will ride his bike to school?
5. _____Michael, show him where the bike racks are.
6. _____Please explain the rules about not leaving the
school grounds during the day.
7. _____Do you think Jorge would mind helping Michael
with his Spanish?
8. _____Michael could certainly use the practice in
9. _____Jorge’s English skills are very strong.
10._____How lucky we are to have him as a classmate!
11._____Do you think he will like our school?
12._____Make him feel as welcome as you can.
Good job! Now that’s practice a bit more.
Directions: Please read and copy the following
sentences. Then identify each as either
declarative, interrogative, imperative, or
1. The librarian helps Luis. _____
2. Elena, do you have a library card? _____
3. How quiet the library is today! _____
4. Speak softly. _____
5. The library has more than 100,000 books. _____
Directions: Write each sentence below. Begin each
one with a capital letter. End each one with the correct
punctuation mark. Tell what kind of sentence it is and
1. the library is pleasant on rainy days__________________
2. do you like science books__________________________
3. where are the books about astronomy________________
4. what a fantastic collection of science fiction the library
5. put those books on the cart_________________________
Remember to tell me why.
Your Assignment: Imagine that you are planning
to visit your best friend at the boarding school he or
she attends. Write a letter to your friend asking
about activities at the school and telling what you
would like to see and do on your visit. Use at least
two of each type of sentence. Write DEC next to
each declarative sentence. Write INT next to each
interrogative sentence. Write IMP next to each
imperative sentence. Write EXC next to each
exclamatory sentence. Use correct punctuation for
each sentence.
Congratulations!!! You have done a
fabulous job learning about the four types
of sentences!!