Mirror, Mirror On the Wall What Will I Be When I Am Tall?

Mirror, Mirror On the Wall
What Will I Be When I Am Tall?
Career Clusters, Skills and Interests
A Career Classroom Guidance
Lesson for Fifth Grade
Presented by Claire Murphy
Professional School Counselor
Sope Creek Elementary School
Lesson Agenda
7. Post Test
1. Global Greeting
6. Think-Pair-Share
5. Interest Inventory
2. Pre Test
3. Essential Questions
4. Career Clusters
Pre Test
Read each question and choose the best
answer for you.
Remember: This is a Pre Test!
Essential Questions
1. How are careers classified?
2. How can I determine the careers that would
match my skills and interests?
3. Why would it be important to match my
skills and interests in my future career?
How are Careers Clustered or
Grouped Together?
Career clusters are occupations in
the same field that require similar
skills. Do these jobs require similar
How about these?
How can I find out my skills and
What do you like?
How do you spend your free time?
What are your best grades in school?
What have your parents noticed about you?
What have your friends noticed about you?
If you could have any job in the world, what
would you choose?
How can I find out what jobs might
match my interests and skills?
Ask your parents
Ask your friends
Ask you teacher
Search the media center
Here are Examples of
Career Clusters
Social/Personal Services
Natural Sciences/Resource Management
Career Interest Inventory
Look at the page with pictures. Circle as many pictures
in each box that would complete this sentence for
you, “I would like to…”
When you have finished circling pictures, add up the
number you have circled in each box and write that
number next to the box. The boxes with highest
numbers indicate careers that match your interests.
1. Think about today’s lesson.
2. Choose a partner.
3. Tell your partner 3 things you
learned during the lesson.
Post Test