From 2011 FCD Survey…9-12 Grade
ASB Students were asked the
following questions and gave the
following answers…
40%-65% have had sex.
20%-40% have had sex.
20% or less have had sex.
7% - 40%-65% have had sex.
32% - 20%-40% have had sex.
61% - 20% or less have had sex.
School wide:
(an additional 7.9% did not answer)
Of the ASB students who did not
use a condom last time they had
sex what % took drugs or drank
alcohol beforehand?
Sadly the survey can’t tell us this!
But 28% drunk or used drugs
before they last had sex!
The vast majority of ASB students are not
engaging in Sex
Of the ASB students engaging in sex, the vast
majority of them are practicing “SAFER
 ASB Students are making
responsible choices about their
Sexual Health 