Little Philmont 2013 - 11 year old Scouts

Running an Effective
Eleven-year-old Scouting Program
• Purpose of Scouting in
the Church
• Effective Adult Leaders
• Principles and Policies
• Running the program
• Resources
Why do we use Scouting
in the Church?
 Help young men and boys enhance relationships with
their families and the Church
 Develop strong and desirable traits of character,
citizenship, and physical and mental fitness.
 Build testimonies in young men and boys.
 An extension of the home, Primary
classes, and Aaronic Priesthood quorums
 The Church’s activity program for boys
and young men.
Scouting Handbook 1.1
Scouting is a Tool
“Why have we adopted Scouting? Someone has
said that it isn't mentioned in the revelations given to
the Prophet Joseph Smith, and of course that is true.
Neither is the Primary nor the Sunday School, but
one of our Articles of Faith clearly indicates that ‘if
there is anything virtuous, lovely or of good report or
praiseworthy, we seek after these things’
Scouting is a help. It is a tool in achieving
the objective of the building of real men.”
-- Ezra Taft Benson
Scouting Prepares Young Men
“I feel that there has never been a greater need for youth
to acquire the timeless values espoused and taught by
Scouting than now. The war between good and evil is
raging now as never before. But it is not a war of tanks
and guns – but of words, of media, of thoughts and
feelings, of Internet, cell phones and earphones – of
drugs and drinks that dull the mind and the soul of our
youth. And if we as leaders are not valiant, our
youth will not be prepared for the challenges
that await them.”
-- Charles W. Dahlquist, II
The Power of Scouting
“Impossible to measure is the great good which
has come from this organization during the past
century. . . . I believe in Scouting. I believe in the
goals of the organization. I believe in the power of
Scouting to bless and enrich lives for good.”
-- President Thomas S. Monson
In Short
Scouting is a tool that helps young
men develop the character and
qualities needed to be effective
instruments in the hands of the Lord in
moving His work forward in the home,
the Church, and the world.
Stake Primary Presidency
• Registers with BSA and receive BSA training
• Coordinates support for Primary-aged Scouting
programs in each ward.
• Encourages ward Primary Scout leaders to
participate in basic and other approved training
• Helps plan day camps for Cub Scouts and 11 year
old Scouts in conjunction with the local BSA Council.
-- LDS Scouting Handbook 3.4
Can also serve as unit commissioners.
Provide general direction for Scouting and ensure
that it is properly organized and functioning.
Under the Bishop’s direction, counselors see that
the various Scouting programs are organized and
that adult leaders are called and trained.
The bishopric organizes a ward Scout committee to
ensure that Scouting functions properly
-- LDS Scouting Handbook 4.2
Ward Primary Presidency
Registers with BSA and receive BSA training
Serves on the appropriate ward Scouting committee(s)
Coordinates Scouting with the Faith in God program
Provides support to Scouting leaders and encourages
them to attend Scout training
• Visits Scout meetings and activities
• Reviews each boy’s progress and participation
• Helps plan and ensures that boys have an opportunity
to participate in day camps
-- LDS Scouting Handbook 6.5
Ward Organization
(Ages 12-18)
Young Men
(Ages 16-18)
(Ages 14-15)
(Ages 3-11)
Counselor Deacons
(Ages 12-13)
Ward Scouting Organization
(Ages 12-18)
Young Men
(Ages 16-18)
(Ages 14-15)
(Ages 3-11)
ASM 11 yr-olds
11 yr-olds
Counselor Deacons
(Ages 12-13)
Den Leaders
(Ages 8-10)
Scout Leader
Either the Primary teacher of eleven-year-old boys or another capable
adult may serve as the group’s Scout leader. This leader should:
• Work under the direction of a member of the Primary presidency,
meeting regularly to discuss the Scouting program and each boy’s
• Register as the eleven-year-old Scout leader and attend the Boy
Scout troop committee meetings
• Attend Scout training as applicable
• Attend other Primary meetings as invited
• Encourage and help each boy achieve the Faith in God for Boys
award and advance in Scouting
• See that the boys participate in a day camp and help
plan it if requested
Selecting Adult leaders
“Just because this is God’s work, why do we
think that we do not need to be trained . . . .
by and large, we do a very poor job in
training the leaders we call … and yet expect
them to work miracles in the live of their
young men.”
-- Charles W. Dahlquist, II
Assistant Scout Master
(11 year old Scout Leader)
• Youth Protection Training (YPT) – online
• Scoutmaster Specific Training
• Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)
For online courses go to
Wood Badge
Wood Badge is leadership training for all
Scouting volunteers
“If you haven’t already, we
encourage you to sign up now
for the next Wood Badge
course in your council.”
-- Charles W. Dahlquist, II
Additional Training
• Monthly Roundtable
• University of Scouting
• Additional Online Training
Safe Swim Defense
Safety Afloat
Weather Hazards
Climb on Safely
Eleven-year-olds are not Deacons
• Eleven-year-old Scouts meet separately
from 12-13 year old Boy Scouts (Deacons)
• Only three one-night campouts for
-- LDS Scouting Handbook 6.2
Age based program - boys advance on their
birthday, not all together in the spring
Weekly Meetings
" Eleven-year-old boys meet separately from the
Aaronic Priesthood age Scouts because they are not
yet part of the quorum. Occasionally, special day time
activities for Aaronic Priesthood age Scouts may
include the patrol for eleven-year-old Scouts.
Eleven-year-old Scouts preferably meet in the
daytime, but if evening meetings are necessary,
arrangements should be made to ensure that these
boys are not away from their homes late at night and
that they are carefully supervised until they arrive
-- LDS Scouting Handbook 6.2
Weekly Meetings
• If possible, avoid meeting at the same time/place
as the older (or younger) boys.
• Have your own meeting place – suitable for
Scouting activities.
• Eleven-year-olds should participate in Boards of
Review and Courts of Honor with the older YM.
“Eleven-year-old Scouts may participate in a
one-night camp three times each year. No
other Scout-sponsored overnight camping
should be planned for the eleven-year-old
Scouts…. Fathers are invited and encouraged
to participate in the overnight camping
experiences with their sons and with boys
whose fathers cannot attend.”
-- LDS Scouting Handbook 6.2
• No more than three one-night campouts for
each eleven-year-old
• Fathers are not required to accompany
their sons in order for them to attend an
overnight campout.
• 11-yr old (or younger) boys do not go on
campouts with their fathers serving in YM
callings with older boys.
Two-Deep Leadership
“Two registered adult leaders or one registered adult
leader and a parent of a participant (one of whom must
be 21 years of age or older) are required on all Scouting
trips, outings, classes, and meetings.”
-- LDS Scouting Handbook 8.7
This includes campouts…
“The bishopric adviser to the Primary or another qualified
male adult should be invited to supervise the overnight
camping experience when the leader of the eleven-yearold scouts is a woman. Women leaders do not
participate in overnight camping with the boys.”
-- LDS Scouting Handbook 6.2
Youth Protection
• One-on-one contact between adults and youth is not
permitted. In situations that require personal
conferences, such as a Scoutmaster's conference, the
meeting is to be conducted in view of other adults and
Adult leaders must respect the privacy of youth in
situations such as changing clothes and taking showers
at camp, and intrude only to the extent that health and
safety require. Adults must protect their own privacy in
similar situations.
Sleeping Arrangements
• Eleven-year-old Scouts may share a tent
while camping – in fact they should share
tents so no one is left all alone.
• Adult Leaders under no circumstances may
share a tent with any Scout
• A Father may share a tent with his son while
on a campout, but no other Scouts or
leaders may share that same tent. Father
and son only.
Fund Raising
1. Activities are funded from the budget – no fees to participate
2. If budget funds are insufficient, youth can pay for all or part of
the cost of an annual extended camp. (8.13.7, 10.8.9, 13.2.8)
3. If that is not enough, one group fund-raising activity may be
permitted each year to help pay the cost of an annual camp
or activity, or to buy equipment and supplies needed for
camp. (8.13.7, 10.8.9, 13.6.8)
• Sales of commercial goods is NOT approved (13.6.8)
• Ticket sales for Scout Fairs, Camporees, etc. are approved.
(LDS Scouting Handbook 8.13)
• Church supports FOS (13.6.8, LDS Scouting Handbook 8.13)
Calling Adult leaders
Upon being called to a ward Scouting leadership position, and
before meeting with the boys, the person accepting the call
should complete the BSA Adult Application. In addition, the
person must complete Youth Protection training (YPT). The
membership application should be submitted with appropriate
fees to the BSA local council office immediately. The bishopric
should wait two weeks before sustaining the applicant in
sacrament meeting.
The name of each applicant is checked against the BSA files and
a criminal background check is done. If there are any problems,
a BSA official will contact the bishop; otherwise, the bishop may
assume the application has been accepted.
LDS-BSA Relationships
May 2011
Running an
Effective Program
Break and activity
Scouting is a…
“Game with a Purpose”
-- Baden Powell
Activities allow Scouts to learn by doing
Scouting Methods
• Patrol Method
• Adult Association
• Uniform
• Leadership Development
• Scouting Ideals
• Outdoors
• Advancement
• Personal Growth
Wear your uniform
Expect Scouts to wear theirs
• Field Uniform
Tan shirt with all the patches
Pants or shorts
Belt and socks
Either new or old are OK – but don’t mix/match
• Activity uniform
• Polo or T-shirt
Get out of the classroom
Go outside!
Boys remember activities
and campouts…
not Sunday lessons
“Eleven-year-old Scouts … are encouraged to achieve
the rank of First Class before turning twelve years old.”
-- LDS Scouting Handbook 6.2
This takes planning to accomplish
• Develop an annual plan
• Do things in parallel – work on requirements for
Tenderfoot, 2nd Class and First Class at the same time
Don’t forget …
advancement is just one of the eight methods of Scouting
Parallel Advancement - First Aid
12a. Demonstrate how to care for someone who is choking.
Second Class
7a. Show what to do for "hurry" cases of stopped breathing….
First Class:
8c. …explain the steps (procedures) in cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR).
Merit Badge:
3a. Explain what action you should take for someone who shows
signals of shock, for someone who shows signals of a heart
attack, and for someone who shows signals of stroke.
3b. Identify the conditions that must exist before performing CPR on
a person. Then demonstrate proper technique in performing CPR
using a training device approved by your counselor.
3c. Explain the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED).
“Eleven-year-old Scouts … are encouraged to achieve
the rank of First Class before turning twelve years old.”
-- LDS Scouting Handbook 6.2
This takes planning to accomplish
• Develop an annual plan
• Do things in parallel – work on requirements for
Tenderfoot, 2nd Class and First Class at the same time
Don’t forget …
advancement is just one of the eight methods of Scouting
Annual Program Planning
• Help each boy achieve the First Class Rank
• Prepare each boy to receive the Aaronic Priesthood
Things to consider:
• Calendars – School, Church, Family,
District/Council, Troop
• Weather – Camping in July/August isn’t fun
• Birthdays – boys advance on their birthdays
• Individual interests and needs – be flexible
Program Planning Tools
• Boy Scout Handbook
• Scout Fieldbook
• Troop Program Features, Vol. I, II & III
• Faith in God for Boys
Program Features
Weekly Meeting
Boy size pieces
Every boy gets
an assignment
Faith in God
Well Planned and Executed
Meetings = Fun + Learning
• Fast moving
• Start and end on time
• Have a written plan
• Follow a monthly
program theme
• Include Faith in God
Communication with
parents is essential!
Faith In God
• Help boys and their parents become familiar with
the Faith in God for Boys guidebook.
• Find ways to combine activities from Faith in God
with Scout activities. Many activities fulfill
requirements in both programs.
• Boys should complete two activities in each of the three
areas each year. Eleven-year-olds complete five
additional activities in “Preparing for the Priesthood.”
Some of these activities can be done at home with family.
• When a boy has completed the activities in the Faith in
God for Boys guidebook, the Primary president and the
bishop sign the Faith in God Award certificate on the last
page of the guidebook. The boy is then recognized in
Primary for his accomplishments.
Basic Requirements
Learning and Living the Gospel
Read D&C 89. Discuss how Heavenly Father blesses
us when we faithfully live the Word of Wisdom. . .
Plan and complete your own activity...
The Adventure Begins, Chapter 1, p.4
Second Class 8, 9a
Tenderfoot 3, 4c, 7, 9; Second Class 1a; First Class 10,
Serving Others
Plan, prepare, and serve a nutritious meal.
Tenderfoot 3, Second Class 3g, First Class 4a
Service project
Second Class 4
Read and discuss the parable of the good Samaritan... Second Class 5
Developing Talents
Learn how to budget and save money...
Second Class 10
Make an item from wood, metal, fabric...
First Class 7b, c
Plan a physical fitness program...
Tenderfoot 10a
Learn about and practice good nutrition...
Tenderfoot 13, Second Class 11, First Class 12
Preparing for the Priesthood
Discuss with parent or Primary leader how important a
Second Class 9 or First Class 10
good education is…
Day camp
“The stake Primary president should see that every boy in
the stake has an opportunity to attend day camp.”
“Day Camp should provide the 11 year old boys the
excitement and fun of putting into practice,
in the out-of-doors, the Scouting skills they
have learned and are learning.”
-- Day Camp Guide
Day Camp should be useful and fun
Day camp
• Do what works for you
1-3 days
Spring, Summer, Fall, Saturday
Consider number of boys attending
Ask 11-year-old Scout Leaders what would help them
• Help with rank advancement
Be organized: Plan, Plan, Plan
Involve leaders, specialists in your Stake/Ward
Keep boys moving, busy and having fun
Balance indoor/outdoor activities
Involve older Scouts as Patrol Leaders
Communicate with families
Great opportunity to engage families new to Scouting
Put It All Together
Weekly Meetings
Sunday Lessons
Other Activities
Faith in God
Priesthood Preview
Day camp
Invite the Spirit
Always look for opportunities
to invite the spirit
• Sunday lessons
• Spiritual thoughts
• Campfires
• Scoutmaster’s Minute
Online Resources
• Scouting Handbook
• Handbook 2: Administering the Church
• Primary / Eleven-Year- Old Scouts
• Troop Program Features Vol I-III
• Troop Program Resources
• Guide to Safe Scouting
• Scouting For Youth With Disabilities Manual
“One of the tools Satan uses against the Church is to
convince priesthood holders that they can do tomorrow
what they should do today. But the Lord tells us,
‘Wherefore, now let every man learn his duty, and to act in the
office in which he is appointed, in all diligence’ … a key word to
this counsel is now.
In a program as demanding as Scouting, some leaders are
concerned and tentative and might feel inadequate or
overwhelmed. These feelings are normal. The best way to deal
with such feelings is to just jump in—now. The Lord has called
you, and He will qualify you and bless you to the degree that
you learn your responsibilities and magnify your calling.”
- David l. Beck
Do it NOW
Your time horizon
is very different
from that of your
Young Men
To have an impact
on their lives you
must act NOW
“This, then is our assignment: to save
every boy, thereby assuring a worthy
husband for each of our young women,
strong Melchizedek Priesthood quorums,
and a missionary force trained and
capable of accomplishing what the Lord
-- Thomas S. Monson
Carolyn Gardner
Rich Bowman
Little Philmont documents