8th gr. reg at HHMS - Floyd Central High School — Home of the

folders on tables are
in alphabetical order.
find your name and
take a seat.
Class of 2019
Emily Sowder, Freshman Counselor
 esowder@nafcs.k12.in.us
Larry Schellenberg, Special Education Services
 lschellenberg@nafcs.k12.in.us
Janie Whaley, Principal
Joe Voelker, Assistant Principal for Student Development
Rob Willman, Assistant Principal for Staff Development
What is our goal today?
To help you plan your transition to high school and
Choose a diploma track
Choose classes for 9th grade
Create a 4-year plan
DECISIONS Course Offering Guide
Diploma Tracks (pg. 2)
Career Clusters & Pathways (pg. 9)
Prosser Education & Career Center (pg. 40)
Description of all FCHS Courses (pg. 12/ABC order by department)
Review and read carefully and thoroughly
Pink Public Law 119 paper
5 Diploma Tracks (pg.2 )
Core 40 Diploma
Core 40 with Technical Honors
Core 40 with Academic Honors
International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
Minimum Diploma (Opt-Out Process)
Must declare your diploma track on the pink Public Law 119 form!
College & Career Pathways (pg. 9)
Prosser Career Education Center (pg. 39)
IB Diploma
•Rigorous course of study over six subject areas
Language A1 (English), Math, World Language, Individual and Societies, Experimental
•The sixth subject area
•One additional subject in the above five
•The Arts (music, performing, & visual)
•Requires work outside the school day
150 hours of community / school service
4,000 word Essay
•Automatic qualifier for the Academic Honors Diploma
•Apply for candidacy at the end of the sophomore year
Scheduling Recommendations for
IB Diploma
• Take seven classes each semester
• *World Language—MUST!
• Spanish, French, Latin or German
• English Honors, Biology Honors, AP European History
• In preparation for the IB work load
• Geometry (9H) or Algebra II H
Green Registration paper
Required Courses
English 9 Honors / English 9
Algebra I / Geometry / Geometry Honors/ Algebra II Honors
Biology Honors / Biology / Earth Space
Consult your Math teacher for placement
Consult your English teacher for placement
Take biology unless your teacher recommends the Earth Space course
Physical Education (1 semester)
PE I is required
A flex credit for PE II may be earned by participating in a school sport or marching band
One semester of PE is equivalent to one year of NJROTC.
Career Information & Exploration (1 semester)
Choose 2 Electives & a Study Hall OR 3 Electives
Project Lead the Way
Family & Consumer
Social Studies
Study Hall
Mass Media
Theatre Arts
Performing Arts
Visual Arts
World Language
ELEC PE: please indicate on
green form
2nd year languages: please
indicate on green form
Floyd Central 4-Year Plan
Courses already listed are required for ALL diplomas.
The purpose of the 4-year plan is to make sure you can fit in all of your
required courses to earn your diploma of choice, as well as any electives
you’re interested in taking. (You have so many options!)
Use your diploma track & college/career pathway as a guide to fill in the
remaining courses.
Your plan can be adjusted from year to year.
Points to consider
You will earn 1 credit for each semester class that you pass.
 Taking fewer study halls gives you the opportunity to earn more
 Taking a study hall may take you out of the top 10% of the class.
 If you fail any class(es) for the semester, you will earn fewer
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Career goals and life goals
 Interests, Aptitudes, Academic Abilities
 Be ready for the challenge
 Study habits
 Homework
 GPA, grades on transcript, and credits
Other Important Information
Credit recovery (aka, make-up only)
Online courses to get ahead
must be approved by Mrs.
Left side of folder…
Yellow—details about completing green registration form
Turquoise—details about completing 4-year plan
Purple—recommended courses for IB diploma track
Orange—quantitative reasoning courses (FYI)
Red—college scholarship info (just as an FYI)
What next?
Take everything home to parents TONIGHT
 Talk to parents & get teacher recommendations
 Fill out 3 papers:
 Green registration form
 Pink Public Law 119 form
 4-year plan
 Return these 3 forms to your SCIENCE TEACHER
1 week from today (Jan. 27th)
Activity Fair & Open House
Remind your parents!!!!
5:30—Activity Fair (FCHS
6:30—Parent registration
meeting (FCHS auditorium)
Thursday & Friday
In the cafeteria during lunch