
“Agriculture Demand Side Management,
Agriculture Demand Side Management, WENEXA
• The State Agricultural consumption is about 25-30% out of total
energy consumption.
• The underground water potential is getting depleted faster using
high cost of electrical energy.
• When both underground water and electrical energy became
scarce the necessity of conservation of energy to begin will
became imminent.
Agriculture Demand Side Management, WENEXA
Wenexa at Doddaballapur:
M/s ENZEN Global Solutions, an ESCO is engaged for replacement of
existing IP sets in Doddaballapura on 11 KV feeders under USAID –
WENEXA as Pilot (PPP Model). This ESCO Agriculture Demand Side
Management model was designed in association with USAID-PA
This pilot is the first of its kind in India to undertake Agriculture
Demand Side Management under ESCO model.
Agriculture Demand Side Management, WENEXA
The details of the project are:
Geographical area
No. of villages
Population covered
% of sown area
% of irrigated area
Major crops in the area
Depth of ground water
No. of feeders
No. of pump sets surveyed
No. of old pump sets replaced
11000 acres
mulberry and grapes
400 to 750 feet
4 no.s of 11 kV feeders
by New High Energy Efficient Pump sets
Overall Energy Savings
Agriculture Demand Side Management, WENEXA
• Proposed project:
Option I: Doddaballapura Model: Here all the proposed IP sets
under WENEXA Project have to be first got metered and base
line studied and fixed by the agency taking up the work. This
would take at least 12 months for the detailed survey, prepare
project report and fix base line the metering of IP sets may cause
delays as the farmers have to be convinced for metering of IP
Option II: HESCOM Model: HESCOM have gone in for
WENEXA project survey and preparation of project report
through M/s. EESL A Central Government organization based
on assessment HP connected of the IP Set rather than metering
of each IP Set as in Doddaballapur case.
Agriculture Demand Side Management, WENEXA
Approval from State Government has to be obtained for carryimg out this
survey work through EESL a GOI undertaking.
M/s EESL have carried out this survey work+ DPR at HESCOM at a cost
of Rs.52.7 Lakhs for 11,000 IP seta in 2 Taluks.
The survey report and DPR to be furnished by M/s. EESL, New Delhi in
6 months from the Date of Award. Here, only 10% of IP sets are
proposed have to be audited for assessment of base line. This may not
reflect the actual base line measurements and may lead to disputes later on
while implementing the scheme.
Agriculture Demand Side Management, WENEXA
Option III: Modified HESCOM model: We may go in for
HESCOM model with improvements in the conditions stipulated for
IP sets that at least 25% of IP sets have to be taken up for detailed
audit instead of 10% made by HESCOM. This would be a better
proposal and may be considered for adoption. But this would entail
additional cost and the cost of survey, Energy Audit and DPR may
work out to Rs.1.32 crores for 11,561 IP sets covering 4 taluks and 9
The method to be adopted for implementation of WENEXA Phase – II in
BESCOM is placed in the ORM for a decision:
a. Doddaballapura Model.
b. HESCOM Model.
c. Modified HESCOM Model.
Agriculture Demand Side Management, WENEXA
Project Roll out:
•Conducting initial survey and energy audit of the
feeders with respect to Irrigation pump sets for
implementation of AgDSM and furnishing a report.
•Preparation of DPR to enable tender process.
•Spreading awareness campaigns amongst all stake
•To etch out a business plan/model conducive for the
•To etch out risk mitigation measures.
Implementation AgDSM plan.
Agriculture Demand Side Management, WENEXA
Scope of work:
 The objective of this assignment is to conduct detailed survey and Energy Audit
of Agricultural Demand Side Management (AgDSM) scheme for 4 locations
(taluks), 20 Nos. of feeders covering 9 substations, about 197 villages and 11,561
authorized IP sets in both the Bangalore Rural Area and Chitradurga Zones
covering 2 circles each per zone.
 Provide an overview of existing facilities and current operating system.
 Conduct a survey to collect detailed information about all the agricultural
consumers connected to these feeders.
 Water requirements/consumption, agriculture details, underground water level
information and power supply pattern.
 Carry out a detailed energy audit (performance evaluation).
 Evaluate operating efficiency of all the pumps.
 Based on the field studies, evaluate the pump performance and efficiency of
pumping systems.
 Furnish MIS/Final report based on the Energy audit and the field survey for
preparation of DPR for the AgDSM project.
Agriculture Demand Side Management, WENEXA
Phase – II
 The objective of this phase-II is to study the survey and MIS data
furnished in the phase 1.
 To determine the capacity and type of new energy efficient pump to be
replaced for the existing pumps for the same discharge.
 Quantify the extent of energy savings / performance improvement.
 Recommend various technically sound and economically viable
 Provide a detailed estimate of the costs associated with the
implementation of each of the proposed energy conservation measure in
the report including break down for labour, materials and equipments.
 Preparation of DPR and RFP for the tendering of the implementation of
the AgDSM programme as part of Phase-III activities.
 Tender notification and validation to identify the agency for the project.
Agriculture Demand Side Management, WENEXA
Phase-3: No Cost to BESCOM to Implement.
 To enable the awardee to clearly satisfy the data, begin the implementation
process of replacement of Energy Efficient Pump sets of appropriate capacity and
to showcase the Energy savings so obtained after replacing old Pump sets.
Energy savings calculation:
Total Energy Savings = (Power (kW) consumed by the old pumps – power (kW)
consumed by new pump) x no. of actual hours of operation received from substation
(minimum 6 hrs per day or whichever is higher).
The quantified energy savings shall be accounted in rupees by considering the PPPP
(Power Pool Purchase Price).
The successful vendor (agency) will raise invoice in the name of BESCOM for every
month and will realize the payment through an ESCROW mechanism.
Agriculture Demand Side Management, WENEXA
Estimated Budget :
25% of the total IP sets: Detailed audit including water flow and others as
mentioned in Phase-1 (scope of work).
2890 IP sets x 1600 = Rs.46,24,400/75% of the total IP sets: Detailed audit excluding water flow measurement,
connected load.
8670 IP sets x 600 = Rs.52,02,000/Total = Rs.98,26,400+(service tax 12.36% Rs. 12,14,54,304)
= Rs.1.32 Crores
Comparative statement of two AgDSM models
BESCOM- Doddaballapur
Locations of implementation
Hubli area
HVDS system
Digital meters
Energy savings calculation
Based on data collected from
Based on the energy saved with
reference to the capacity of the
replaced pump sets
Meter Data collection
Estimation of pump set
efficiency over the years
Indirect way through meters
Every year connected load is
calculated and accordingly
energy savings will be
BESCOM- Doddaballapur method
BEE / EESL / HESCOM method
• Reliable method of energy saving calculation
• Farmers are getting good quality power supply
• Very fast implementation of the programme
• Less capital cost / no operational cost to utility
(no HVDS and metering / no meter burning) .
• Installation of HVDS is time consuming affair
• Installation of meters is practically a difficult task
and highly time demanding (due to resistance from
• Minimum time required to start installation of
efficient pump sets – 2 years (first year – HVDS and
metering, second year – baseline data collection)
• High operational cost due to burnt meters (about
10%-15% defective meters every year.
• Because of absence of HVDS , pump sets
burning chances are more. (This can be
addressed by inclusion of such costs in the
project) in phase – IIII.