Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions - ACP


Nationally Appropriate Mitigation

Actions in the post 2012

Ann Gordon

Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment


Nationally Appropriate Mitigation

Actions (NAMAs)


 Origin

 What is a NAMA

 Scope of NAMAs

 Cancun Agreement and NAMAs

 Current developing countries’ proposed


Origin of NAMAs

Paragraph 1 (b) (ii) of the Bali Action Plan calls for Nationally appropriate mitigation actions’

by developing country Parties in the context of sustainable development, supported and enabled by technology, financing and capacity building, in a measurable, reportable and verifiable manner”.

What is a NAMA

Appendix II to the



Source: ECOFYS-Nationally Appropriate

Mitigation Actions

NAMAs and the Copenhagen Accord

 Developed countries agreed to provide 30 billion

USD in fast track financing between 2010 and

2012 and to mobilize 100 billion per year by 2020.

 No decisions made in 2009 on modalities and required institutions.

 Mechanisms to raise and distribute funds, and procedures to measure, report and verify NAMAs must be in place

Cancun Agreement and NAMAS

 Schedule for establishing guidelines for measuring reporting and verification

 A registry for matching NAMAs and support is established

(registry will record NAMAs and their support)

 Creation a fund to finance mitigation and adaptation actions

 New technology transfer mechanisms

 Creation on “new market based mechanisms” – no explicit text on


 Individual pledges submitted under Copenhagen Accord anchored under UNFCCC

Type of NAMA Description

1. Voluntary and unilateral NAMA associated with actions that developing countries would take voluntarily and unilaterally without support from developed countries

2. Supported Actions that require support from developed countries

3. Carbon Credit NAMAs NAMAs associated with actions that developing countries are willing to take for the purpose of obtaining carbon credit as an outcome of implementing such actions.

National Climate Change Action Plan or Low Emission

Development Strategies

Sectoral Strategy

Sectoral Strategy


Sectoral Strategy


 Implementation of building codes

 Define and implement building codes

 Create institutions to support definition, implementation and enforcement

 Promotion of solar thermal use

 Conduct study and implement

 Information and capacity building

 Incentives for efficient appliances

 Implement labeling regulations

Source ECOFYS: Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions

Financing of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions












Adapted from ECOFYS







Decision postponed to

COP 17

Directly Supported NAMAs

 Can be

 Projects (e.g. Bus Rapid Transit lane)

Programmes (e.g. energy efficient lighting program)

Policy instrument and tools including:

Pilot programmes in local communities

Energy efficiency standard in buildings and transport sectors

Appliance labelling and provision of subsidies

Phasing out small inefficient power plants

Inefficient cement and steel plants

Replacement of incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs

Removing fuel subsidies

Appropriate taxation policies

 Development and implementation of a strategy

 National mitigation target

Current Developing Countries’ Proposed


Become climate neutral around 2020

• Costa Rica, Maldives

Percentage reduction of national emission below BAU or base year in 2020

• Brazil, Indonesia, Israel, Marshal Islands, Mexico, Moldova,

Singapore, South Africa, South Korea

Percentage reduction of intensity (national emission per GDP) in

2020 from 2005

• China, India Detailed list of projects

• Congo, Ethiopia, Jordan, Macedonia, Madagascar, Morocco,

Sierra Leone

What is needed?

 NAMAs should be based on well developed national and

/or sectoral strategies.

 Initiate process of planning for and preparing for NAMAs and put in place necessary institutional arrangements to support such an endeavour

 Need to ensure stakeholder consultation in the process and preparation of NAMAs.


 NAMAs should be based on well developed national and/or sector strategies

– Strategic, long-term, transformational measures

– Allows for comprehensive, packages of actions

– Can also address difficult CDM sectors (e.g. transport, buildings)

– Can consists of several components

– Can lead to carbon credits or not

Learn from existing experience in development finance

NAMAs could also take place outside of UNFCCC (e.g. bilateral and multilateral donors)

NAMAs can be implemented through the use of domestic resources and funding through the Green Climate Fund, complemented by the use of the market mechanisms, in a balanced manner.

PoAs under the Clean Development Mechanism regarded as predecessor of a future NAMA mechanism

Thank you for your attention!!
