GM Health Commission

Andrew Burridge
Policy & Programme Manager
AGMA Policy & Research Team
based in Wigan Investment Centre
AGMA Executive
GM Health
Planning and
for the
for GM
Why Greater Manchester?
Manchester Independent Economic
Review (April 2009)
Manchester is… a single functional economy.
Manchester “punching below its weight”?
Agglomeration economics suggesting a need
for a critical mass of skills, jobs, industries.
increased density of well-connected people
and firms is highly correlated with strong
economic performance and perhaps most
significantly, improved environmental
A need for more coherent spatial development
across a GM footprint (housing, transport)
The Greater Manchester Strategy
History of collaborative working across
City Region Pilot status
Combined Authority and Local Enterprise
The Greater Manchester Strategy
The GMS acts as the overarching
framework for working at the GM level.
Ten strategic priorities, underpinned by a
series of objectives and GM pilots.
Following on from Total Place
programme, spatial pilots for Early
Years, Better Life Chances, Housing and
Low Carbon.
Delivery structure under the AGMA
Executive, including WLT, BMG and SMG.
The View from the Moon
Strategic priorities
Early years
Better life chances
The highly skilled
Attracting talent
Economic base
International connectivity
Low carbon economy
Housing market
Sense of place
What is the GM Health Commission?
Greater Manchester suffers from some of the worst
health in the country.
To counter this the Greater Manchester Health
Commission was set up in 2007 to improve the
health of the two and a half million people living in
Greater Manchester. The Commission is the formal
partnership made up of leading representatives from
Greater Manchester’s Councils, NHS Primary Care
Trusts, and the Higher Education Sector, who are
working together to put right and tackle health
inequalities in the city region.
Our vision is of a Greater Manchester with improved
life expectancy, health and well-being, with a clear
reduction in health inequalities experienced by
different parts of the city region.
Why do we need a GM Health
Greater Manchester is a thriving area, rich in
tradition and culture. However, the city region
also suffers from some of the worst life
expectancy and health problems in the UK.
Health inequalities show that on average a child
born today in Greater Manchester is unlikely to
live as long as a child born almost anywhere else
in England.
There are big inequalities between different areas
across Greater Manchester, for instance, with
alcohol responsible for almost twice as many
months of life lost for men in some areas than in
Examples of previous work
…a focus on public health leadership
advised by GM Directors of Public Health
Smoking Manifesto
Influencing local organisations to adopt
tackling fuel poverty as one of their key
Influencing the priorities for the city
region for the next 20 years via the
Greater Manchester Strategy.
Raising awareness of issues like obesity
and domestic violence
Minimum Unit Price for Alcohol
A major area of work for the Health
How did it come about?
What has the Commission
Equity & Excellence: Liberating the
NHS – Health White Paper
Published 12 July 2010, Government response to
the consultation expected before Xmas
Move to GP consortia commissioning and abolition
of PCTs in 2013
Creation of a National Commissioning Board
Freeing existing providers with all becoming
Foundation Trusts
Consultation on a new outcomes framework
A new public health white paper with a new health
improvement role for local authorities, and the
creation of Health & Wellbeing Boards
Healthy Lives, Healthy People - Public
Health White Paper
Due for publication November 30th 2010
Creation of a new national Public Health Service.
It will be responsible for vaccination and
screening programmes and have powers relating
to public health emergencies.
PCT responsibilities for health improvement will
transfer to local authorities, who will employ the
Director of Public Health jointly appointed with the
Public Health Service.
Ring-fenced public health budget, allocated to
reflect relative population health outcomes, with a
new health premium to promote action to reduce
health inequalities.
Public Health will need to influence GP consortia
commissioning through Health & Wellbeing
Commission priorities for 2011
NHS Reform in GM
Minimum unit price for alcohol and
wider GM Alcohol Strategy
Cycling/Active Travel
Healthy Food campaign,
incorporating work on transfats
NHS Reform in GM
Supporting the establishment of the
new commissioning architecture
 Operating Framework for the NHS
in December 2010
 GP consortia pathfinders
 Creation of a shadow NHS
Commissioning Board
 Plans for PCT clustering
NHS Reform in GM
Embedding leadership for health
 H&WB Board Early Implementer
 GM Health Commission and a future
GM H&WB Board
 Northwest Transitional Support
NHS Reform in GM
Securing engagement in NHS delivery
 Community Budgets
 Spatial pilots
 Welfare Work Programme
Detailing the case for a focus at the
GM level
 What role would a GM Health &
Wellbeing Board take?
To provide oversight to NHS commissioning activities which extend across
consortia should they be retained
To provide oversight of service reconfigurations
To provide a mechanism for the combined authority to influence the 25%
of total public sector spend that is health in the GM City Region
To ensure the maximum possible social value is levered out of this health
spend in pursuit of GM Strategy Priorities
To provide a focal point for maximizing the health and wellbeing impact of
any potential GM wide community budgets (currently under discussion
with the Treasury)
To support GP consortia in recognizing where there are conurbation wide
inter-dependencies of healthcare provision (e.g. as exemplified by work
undertaken on stroke service reconfiguration across Greater Manchester)
To maintain the focus currently provided by the GM Health Commission on
total public sector commitment to population health interventions.
To ensure the work of the Public Health England is deployed as effectively
as possible in meeting GMS priorities and to ensure the most effective
deployment of resource for GM level Public Health
To ensure that the resilience and emergency planning functions of the
national public health service are appropriately landed with the GM
emergency planning functions.
Other priorities for 2011
Minimum unit price for alcohol and
wider GM Alcohol Strategy
Cycling/active travel
Healthy food campaign
Any questions?
Contact details
Andrew Burridge – Policy and Programme Manager, GM Health