Russia Essay 6 - holycrosshistory

Russia Essay 6
Reasons for the Red Victory in the
Civil War
Reason 1: Trotsky
Trotsky had a completely free hand in military matters.
HQ was heavily armed train, which he used to travel around the
He supervised the formation of the Red Army, which became a
formidable fighting force of three million men.
He recruited ex-Tsarist army officers and used political
commissars to watch over them, thus ensuring experienced officers
but no political recalcitrance.
He used conscription to gain troops and would shoot any
Trotsky helped provide an army with great belief in what it was
fighting for, which the whites did not have.
Reason 2: Organisation of Red Army
• The Red Army was better organized than the
White army and better equipped and therefore
able to crush any opposition from the White
• Use of ex-officers from old Imperial Army
• Reintroduction of rank and discipline
• Role of Commissars
The aftermath of October…
• Fresh from seizing control of Russia from the hands of the Provisional
Government, the Bolsheviks' next step was to safeguard their fragile grip
on the reigns of power.
• Lenin negotiated peace with Germany and therefore an end to Russia's
role in World War I. He could not, however, avoid a civil war in Russia. The
Bolsheviks were made to fight for control of the country.
• The Russian Civil War raged from 1918 until the start of 1921. During this
time, the Bolsheviks faced massive opposition to their rule in the form of
the White Armies, led by former officers of the Tsarist state, and also from
intervention by the forces of foreign countries. The Bolsheviks were
surrounded, often outnumbered by their opponents, and had no
experienced military commanders. At times, their situation seemed
• Yet, by the start of 1921, the Bolsheviks had defeated their enemies and
gained a complete victory. The establishment of Communism in Russia
went ahead unchallenged.
• The Bolsheviks were extremely fortunate in the
quality of their leadership, particularly in Lenin
and Trotsky.
• Lenin had led the Bolsheviks to victory in the
October Revolution. Throughout the Civil War,
Lenin provided the energy and drive needed to
inspire success. At all times, he had very definite
aims and objectives and a sense of purpose about
what he believed was best for Russia. His
leadership was never challenged.
Red Army
• Trotsky became Commissar for War in the Bolshevik
government. A brilliant organiser and improviser,
Trotsky created the Red Army from the Red Guards (the
Bolshevik workers militias) and from the remnants of
the old Tsarist army. Trotsky imposed a very tough
system of discipline and control over the Red Army.
Officers found guilty of cowardice or treachery were
executed. However, men who showed initiative and
courage were promoted rapidly.
• At times of crisis, Trotsky readily assumed personal
command of areas under threat, inspiring and
encouraging the troops to greater efforts, and to
eventual victory.
• Under Lenin's leadership, the Bolsheviks displayed total ruthlessness in
making sure that they did not face rebellion and revolt in the areas they
• The Constituent Assembly. This had been organised by the Provisional
Government, to draw up a constitution for Russia. In the election, the
majority of delegates came from another revolutionary party, the Social
Revolutionaries. Fearing opposition to their plans, when the Constituent
Assembly attempted to meet, the Bolsheviks simply had it closed down.
• Other Parties. Once the Civil War had started, the Bolsheviks banned the
other political parties and arrested their leaders.
• Newspapers. The Bolsheviks closed down newspapers which opposed
• The CHEKA. Finally, the CHEKA was created - the Bolshevik Secret Police.
The CHEKA hunted down and arrested anyone who was suspected of
opposing the Bolsheviks.
• n the case of the Bolsheviks in the Civil War, the quotation above is
particularly applicable.
• In 1918, at the start of the Civil War, the Bolsheviks controlled the key
central area of Russia - between Petrograd and Moscow. This gave them a
number of key advantages.
• Most of Russia's railways were in this area. This made communication
between the various battlefronts much easier. Trotsky was able to move
troops and supplies rapidly to areas under attack. As Commissar for War,
he was able to visit the battlefronts in an armoured train, and to take
personal command.
• The large population of the major cities in this central area was a key
resource for the Bolsheviks. The cities provided fresh recruitment for the
Red Army.
• Furthermore, much of Russia's industry and raw materials was located in
this area. This made it possible for the Bolsheviks to keep their troops
supplied and equipped with weapons, ammunition and supplies.
• The Bolsheviks organised a highly effective propaganda
campaign in the areas they controlled. Through
speeches, newspapers, and leaflets, the people were
continually told that they were now in charge of
Russia, through the Soviets - life would be better, the
wealth would be distributed more fairly. In addition,
they were told that the White Armies and their leaders
would destroy all the achievements of the Revolution,
break up the Soviets and bring back the old system. In
this way, support for the Bolsheviks was organised and
built up successfully.
Reason 3: Terror
The Cheka was set up to eradicate any opposition to the Reds.
There was no need for proof of guilt for punishment to be
There was persecution of individual people who opposed the
Reds as well as whole groups of people, which helped to reduce
opposition due to fear, or simply eradicate opposition.
The Cheka group carried out severe repression.
Some of the first victims of the Cheka were leaders of other
political parties.
140 000 were executed by 1922 when Lenin was happy that all
opposition had been suppressed.
Reason 4: Disunity among whites
• The Whites were an uncoordinated series of groups
whose morale was low.
• The Whites were a collection of socialists, liberals,
moderates etc who all wanted different things and
often fought amongst themselves due to their political
differences. All of the Whites shared a hatred of
Communism but other than this they lacked a common
• No White leader of any measure emerged to unite and
lead the White forces whereas the Reds had Trotsky
and Lenin.
Reason 5: Red Unity
• Unified political leadership
• Unity of land controlled
• Co-ordinated military action
Reason 6: Superior Red Resources
Once the Reds had established defence of their lines they were able to repel and exhaust the
attacks by the Whites until they scattered or surrendered.
By having all of their land together it was easier for the Reds to defend.
With the major industrial centres in their land (Moscow and Petrograd) the Reds had access to
factories to supply weapons etc and swiftly due to their control of the railways.
Control of the Railways meant they could transport troops supplies quickly and efficiently and in
large numbers to the critical areas of defence or attack.
The decisive battles between the Reds and Whites were near railheads.
The Reds were in control of a concentrated area of western Russia, which they could successfully
defend due to the maintenance of their communication and supply lines.
Having the two major cities of Moscow and Petrograd in their possession meant that the Reds had
the hold of the industrial centres of Russia as well as the administrative centres.
Having the two major cities gave the Reds munitions and supplies that the Whites were unable to
therefore obtain.
Reason 7: Foreign Intervention
• The Bolsheviks were able to claim that the foreign
“invaders” were imperialists who were trying to
overthrow the revolution and invade Russia.
• The Reds were able to stand as Champions of the
Russian nation from foreign invasion.
• The help received by the Whites from foreign powers
was not as great as was hoped for.
• The Foreign Powers did not provide many men due to
the First World War just finishing and their help was
restricted to money and arms.
Reason 8: Propaganda
Whites were unable to take advantage of the
brutality of the Reds to win support as they often
carried out similar atrocities.
• The Whites were unable to present themselves as a
better alternative to the Reds due to their brutality.
• The Reds kept pointing out that all of the land that
the peasants had seized in the 1917 Revolution would
be lost if the Whites won. This fear prevented the
peasants from supporting the Whites.
Reason 9: Leadership of Lenin
Introduction of War Communism
By forcing the peasants to sell their grain to the
Reds for a fixed price the Reds were able to
ensure that their troops were well supplied with
and well fed.
• The Whites troops were not as well supplied
and fed as the Reds troops.
• Skilled delegation and ruthlessness
Russian Civil War summary questions
1. What did the red army do to take control of their people?
2. žWhat are the main factors that made the Bolsheviks win the war?
ž. How did this civil war prove that by having control of ‘the people’
helps win a war?
ž . What is the difference between the Red Army and the White
5. žWhat do you think about the Red Terror?
6. What would have happened if the White Army had won?