American Pageant

American Pageant
Chapter 10
“Launching the New Ship of State”
I. Growing Pains
A) Growing Population
-4 million in 1790
-doubling every 25 years
-90% rural
-growing cities
-5% lived east of Appalachia
II. Washington for President
A) 1789-Washington unanimously elected
B) Based on character-not politics
C) Temporary capital-NYC
D) 3 Cabinet members
-Sec. of State—Thomas Jefferson
-Sec. of Treasury-Alexander Hamilton
-Sec. of War-Henry Knox
III. The Bill of Rights
A) States adopted Constitution-Bill of Rights
would be added
B) James Madison-led it through Congress
C) Include individual liberties, rights in judicial
system and protection of states’ rights
D) Judiciary Act of 1789-created Supreme Court,
federal and circuit courts, and office of
attorney general
III. Hamilton Receives the Corpse of
Public Credit
A) Alexander Hamilton
-British West Indies (from)
-Loved country (not countrymen)
-Put hands in affairs of other depts.
-Attract state financiers-trickle down effect
B) Objectives
-improve national credit
-Funding at par-federal gov’t would pay debts at face
-assumption-Congress would pay for debts of the
(war for independence)
-MA- ecstatic (large debt)
-VA-not happy (obliged-gained DC)
IV. Customs Duties and Excise Taxes
A) Raise $ to pay for $75 million debt
B) Tariff-8% on imported goods (Hamilton-Ind.
Rev will come!)
C) Excise Tax-7 cents on a gallon of whiskey
V. Hamilton Battles Jefferson for a
A) Hamilton-proposed a national bank
-gov’t would be major stockholder
-federal surpluses-deposited
-funds would stimulate business
-print paper money
B) Jefferson-NO!!
-no authority in Constitution (state’s rights)
-Congress cannot charter banks
C) Hamilton-YES!
-necessary and proper to overpower states
D) Bank of the United States
-1791-chartered for 20 years
-Philadelphia-$10 capital-1/5 by fed. Gov.
-many purchased stock
VI. Mutinous Moonshiners in
A) Whiskey Rebellion
-pioneers-excise tax against frivolous
-whiskey poles- “liberty and no excise”
-tarred and feathered revenue officers
B) Gov’t Reaction
-13,000 troops went in
-put down rebellion
-showed strength of federal gov’t
VII. Emergence of Political Parties
A) Hamilton (Federalists)
-financial success and gov’t power
-infringed on states’ rights
B) Jefferson and Madison (Democrat-Republicans)
-against central issues of Hamilton
C) Debut-no parties (national unity)-no long term
parties envisioned
VIII. The Impact of the French
A) 1789-French rose up against Monarchyproclaimed a republic! (Second Phase of
American Revolution?)
B) Federalists-fearing change-strong gov’t
C) Jeffersonians- “blood drinking cannibals” in
the Reign of Terror—knock against federalists
D) Major European War-What to do?
IX. Washington's Neutrality
A) Jeffersonians-align with France-alliance of 1778
B) Federalists-remain neutral
C) Neutrality Proclamation of 1793
-proclaimed neutrality-led to isolationist
-Washington-feeble army, disunited country,
weak economy…do not need war
D) Genêt-French representative-thought US was
fully supporting France-tried to get military actionwas replaced
X. Embroilments with Britain
A) Britain-running posts on American soil in frontier (against
treaty of 1783)
-selling guns to Miami tribes for fur
-hoping to use natives to hold back Americans
B) Little Turtle-killed hundreds of soldiers
C) 1794-Battle of Fallen Timbers-General Wayne crushed
Miami tribes-British refused to shelter them
D) Treaty of Greenville-tribes gave up land, received $20,000
and $9k a year, right to hunt on lands
E) British-struck 300 ships in West Indies-used impressment,
-Jeffersonian-declare war (bad economic move)
XI. Jay’s Treaty and Washington’s
A) John Jay-sent to GB to settle disputes
-Hamilton warned GB of bargaining
B) Jay’s Treaty
-GB-leave posts, stop supplying Indians
with guns, and pay for ships
-USA-pay for merchant ships during war
and pay for war debt still owed
C) Pinckney’s Treaty-Spain-granted Americans navigation
of Mississippi, warehouse rights in New Orleans and large
disputed territory
D) Washington’s Farewell Address
-warned of “permanent alliances”
E) Washington’s legacy
-2 term precedent
-fiscal stability
-stay clear of foreign wars
-stay clear of political parties
XII. John Adams Becomes President
A) 1796 Election
John Adams-VP of Washington
Thomas Jefferson-Democrat-Republicans
Federalist-”fire eating salamanders”-TJ
B) John Adams-71 to 68 vote
TJ-Vice President (repelled by 12th amend)
C) Adams
-stern principles, stubborn devotion
-no appeal; learned
-hated by Hamilton (resigned in 1795)
-quarrel with France
XIII. Unofficial Fighting with France
A) France-mad at Jay Treaty (against alliance)
-attacked merchant ships in West Indies
B) Adams-Sent John Marshall and 2 other diplomats to France
-Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-charge $250,000 for a
meeting with “X, Y, and Z”
C) XYZ Affair
-refused to pay
-national heroes
D) Navy Department expanded and Marines reestablished
-attacked French ships
XIV. Adams Puts Patriotism Above
A) Talleyrand-does not need a new enemyaccept diplomat gracefully
B) Adams-will send (outraged Hamilton)
C) Napoleon rose to power
D) Convention of 1800
-alliance was over
-America pay its damage of merchant ships
XV. The Federalist Witch Hunt
A) Anti-French frenzy-pass laws!
B) Alien Laws-targeted undesirable immigrants
-deport foreigners in peace; deport or
imprison in war
-raised citizenship from 5 to 14 years
C) Sedition Act
-illegal to impede gov’t or defame officials
-shut Jeffersonian mouths and presses
-Congressional elections of 98-99, Federalist
XVI. The Virginia (Madison) and
Kentucky (Jefferson) Resolutions
A) Virginia and Kentucky resolutions
-stated Federal gov’t overstepped
-most states did not fall into line
-more or less campaign documents
-South would use them for secession
XVII. Federalist versus DemocraticRepublicans
A) Federalists
-those who own, should govern
-strong central gov’t with power
-support private enterprise, not interfere
-tariffs to protect industry
-restrictions on speech and press
-expand for commercial use
-Pro Britain
-Alexander Hamilton
B) Democratic-Republicans
-rule by masses
-weak central gov’t
-pro states’ rights
-state banks
-support all people including poor
-pro France
-Thomas Jefferson