Use of Solar Energy for Industrial Applications:

(President, MASMA)
• The total solar energy absorbed by Earth's atmosphere,
oceans and land masses is approximately
3,850,000 exajoules (EJ) per year. In 2002, this was more
energy in one hour than the world used in one year.
• Photosynthesis captures approximately 3,000 EJ per year
in biomass.
• The amount of solar energy reaching the surface of the
planet is so vast that in one year it is about twice as much
as will ever be obtained from all of the Earth's nonrenewable resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and mined
uranium combined.
 Industrial requirements can be categorised into two
broad streams:
 Thermal requirements: These include all the process
heating applications in industries like electroplating,
coating, dairy, pharmaceutical, paint-shops etc.
 Electrical requirements: These can include all lighting
loads in the common areas, street lighting, office
equipments etc.
 Solar Thermal systems are systems which convert Solar Energy
into Thermal Energy.
 Solar Concentrators are devices which concentrate the energy
falling over a large surface onto a smaller surface.
 This leads to higher temperatures which can be used for a
range of applications.
 Solar Thermal systems can be broadly classified as:
 The low temperature systems are systems which
operate from room temperature to 80-85 degree
These include systems for : Boiler feed pre-heating,
drying, heating of chemical baths, textiles etc.
The basic solar device used for these systems are the
water heating collectors, namely the Flat Plate
Collector and the Evacuated Tube Collector.
Drying systems utilise the Air-heating collectors.
Drying systems can also be used for Effluent
 These processes are carried out from 90/95 upto 200
degree centigrade.
These include:
A. Chemical industries.
B. Dairy applications.
C. Textile industries.
D. Pharmaceutical industries.
E. Food processing.
F. Cooling requirements (VAM based air-conditioning)
to name a few.
 These temperature requirements can be met with the
use of Solar Concentrators.
 Solar Concentrators are devices through which high
concentration of the Sun’s rays is achieved resulting in
high temperatures.
 Solar Concentrators are also categorised as medium
temperature concentrators and high temperature
 Medium Temperature concentrators are concentrators
that are best suited for applications in the medium
temperature range. e.g. Scheffler Concentrator.
 Scheffler Concentrator is an Unique Concentrator
which has a fixed focus and which tracks independent
of the receiver.
 Temperature range: Suitable for applications upto 160180 degree centigrade.
 Ideal Applications: All processes which have
requirements of temperature and pressure upto 180
degree centigrade and 10 kg/cm2.
 “Solar Kitchen” is a very popular application of the
Scheffler Concentrator.
 Industrial canteens consume a large quantity of LPG
for cooking.
 These can be converted to “Solar Kitchens” thus
reducing the LPG consumption upto 50%.
 These applications lie in the range of 200-450 degree
 The concentrators required for these applications are
the Parabolic Trough Collectors (PTC’s) and the ARUN
paraboloid dish.
 These Concentrators are capable of producing very
high temperatures and pressures and are best suited to
cater to this segment.
 Abundant and free source of energy.
 Completely non-polluting and clean source.
 Best suited for industrial applications amongst all
renewable energies.
Ever increasing costs of fuel.
Ever increasing pollution due to combustion of fossil
Solar energy equipment can be easily incorporated in
the existing process.
Existing heating system can be used as backup for
inclement weather conditions.
 Medium temperature applications:
20 million tonnes of oil/year saved = Rs. 80K
 High temperature applications:
35 million tonnes of oil/year saved = Rs. 140K
 80% accelerated depreciation in the first year.
 Capital Subsidy @ 30%.
 Green image for the organisation.
 Fuel savings provide an edge over competion.
 The approximate payback periods for the different
systems are as follows:
 Low temperature: 1.5-2 years.
 Medium temperature: 2.5-3.5 years.
 High temperature: 3.5-5 years.
 Proven indigenous technology.
 Answer to ever-increasing fuel bills.
 Pollution free, clean source of energy.
 Abundantly available.
 Easy to operate systems.
 Low on maintenance.
 Attractive payback.
Thank You!!!