Rob_Tooley Watershed Plan

Robinson Creek and Tooley Creek
Watershed Management Plan
Presented By:
Jason Cole, M.Sc., P.Geo
Rob Frizzell, M.Sc., P.Geo
Municipality of Clarington Council
Monday January 23, 2012
What is a watershed plan?
 A management document that lays the framework for protecting
and enhancing the natural environment, while guiding
development within the watershed
 Recommendations are based on scientific studies and community
 Durham Region and Clarington Official Plans include policies that
recognize the importance of watershed planning
 As part of the OP Review Clarington has undertaken this study
• Will form the basis for the Courtice Employment Lands Secondary Plan
Robinson Creek
Tooley Creek
Lake Ontario
Characterize the Watershed
Establish Existing Conditions
• Groundwater Quantity/Quality
• Surface Water Quantity/Quality
• Aquatic Species and Habitat
• Terrestrial Natural Heritage
• Land-use (Current and Future)
• How the Watershed Functions
• Opportunities for Improvement
Set Targets and Evaluate
Management Alternatives
Develop a Watershed
Management Plan
Set Natural Environment Targets
Natural Heritage System
Based on Existing Conditions
• Based on existing natural environment
• Enhancement scenarios based on
CLOCA model
Water Budget
• Based on methods used for Source
Water Protection Studies
and the Preferred Management
Specific Recommendations to
Guide Development and
Preserve the Natural
• Based on current and future land-use
Management Alternatives
• Environmental Constraints
Existing Conditions
Land-use dominated by urban residential
and agriculture, with limited remaining
natural environment features
Headwaters located north of Bloor Street
Creek primarily supported by surface water
Natural environment features concentrated
along riparian corridors and in wetland area
north of Bloor St.
Existing Conditions
Land-use dominated by urban residential
and agriculture, with limited remaining
natural environment features
Headwaters located north of Hwy 2 in Maple
Grove Wetland PSW
Creek south of Hwy 2 primarily supported by
surface water runoff
Natural environment features concentrated
along riparian corridors and in Maple Grove
Natural Heritage System
 Based on existing natural environment features and
targeted enhancements
 Includes Environmental Protection for a Natural
Heritage System
Water Budget
 Defined High Volume Recharge Areas (HVRA)
 Maintain pre-development infiltration rates postdevelopment in HVRAs
Impervious Surfaces
 Enhanced stormwater control measures
 Minimize runoff using new and existing technologies
 Management Recommendations are made based on Existing Conditions and
the Environmental Constraints.
 Set Management Goals
 Set Objectives to meet the Goals
 Identify Management Actions to achieve the Goals and Objectives
Regulation and Policy
Education and Stewardship
Land Dedication and Acquisition
GOAL – To Maintain and Enhance the Health, Quality, and Functionality of the
Objective – Protect and Enhance the Natural Heritage System
Regulation and Policy
Define and Protect a Natural Heritage System within the Official Plan
Minimize the Impact of Development on Natural Heritage System
• An Environmental Impact Study (EIS) will be required for
development approval.
Negotiate Net Gains
Education and Stewardship – Support programs that increase
natural cover, forest cover, and riparian vegetation
Land Dedication and Acquisition – Focus on NHS Lands
Monitoring – To determine if objective is having desired effect
 Watershed Management Plan was
approved by CLOCA Board on
Tuesday January 17, 2012.
 Watershed Management Plan is
provided to Municipality of Clarington
Council to be referred to Staff for
consideration during the OP Review
 The Watershed Management Plan will
be used as the basis for development
of Secondary Plans
Presented by: Jason Cole and Rob Frizzell
300 Town Centre Blvd
Markham, ON
L3R 5Z6