

Case Study: Vietnam

How was a small country like Vietnam able to win a war against the USA?

Essay Question

This section includes:

• Background

• 1957 to 1965 – Struggle in Vietnam between the

South Vietnamese army and the communist-trained rebels (Viet Cong)

• 1965 to 1969 – North Vietnamese-USA struggle

• The war from the Vietnamese and USA perspective

• The war as a world issue

• 1969 to 1975 – USA withdrawal from Vietnam

• Conclusion: How the war is remembered today


(Refer to CAPS, p26)

Where in the World is Vietnam?

Vietnam USA


• In the 19 th century France colonised a large part of SE

Asia including modern day


• 1941: Japan invaded and occupied SE Asia.

• 1941: Two communists /

Vietnamese nationalists (Ho

Chi Minh and Nguyen Vo Giap) set up Viet Minh (League for the Independence of Vietnam)

• Viet Minh funded by the US.

Post-War Settlement 1945-1954

• 1945: Japan was defeated in

WWII, withdrew from SE Asia

• September 1945 Ho Chi Minh announced Vietnam was an independent and democratic republic.

• The French attempted to reestablish their empire and took back control of the south

• Vietminh continued to fight for full independence and a united Vietnam

• 1954 French surrendered

The Geneva Agreement

In May 1954, Britain, France, China, the

Soviet Union, the USA and Vietnam met in

Geneva to decide the future of Vietnam

1954-1965 struggle between South Vietnamese army and communist trained rebels (NFL / Viet Cong)

• 1955 Diem (supported by

USA) officially elected president of South

Vietnam in rigged elections

• Diem was a dictator. He was a Catholic and persecuted the Buddhist majority. Land was taken from peasants and given to

Diem’s supporters

• Diem refused to allow elections to re-unite North and South Vietnam.

Opposition to Diem’s Government

• 1959: Vietminh supporters in South Vietnam formed the National Liberation

Front (NFL) Diem and USA called them ‘Viet Cong’

(Vietnamese Communists)

• 1963: an elderly monk named Thich Quang Duc, set himself ablaze in protest against Diem’s corrupt regime .

• 1963: a CIA funded coup in

South Vietnam which overthrew and killed Diem.

Malcolm Brown who took this photograph

Why did America become involved in a war in Vietnam?

American Presidents during the period of US involvement in Vietnam:

Dwight D Eisenhower (Rep): 1953- 1961

John F. Kennedy (Dem): 1961-1963

Lyndon B Johnson (Dem): 1963-1969

Richard Nixon (Rep): 1969- 1974

The ‘Domino Effect’

(Strategic importance of Vietnam)

In 1949 the Chinese Communist Party, led by Mao Zedong won their civil war and established a communist government. USA feared that other countries in the region would fall to communism unless the USA actively prevented it.

Gulf of Tonkin Incident (Trigger)

• On 2 August 1964 the US destroyer Maddox was fired at by North Vietnamese patrol boats in the Gulf of Tonkin. The Maddox was gathering intelligence information. Two days later there was a second alleged attack.

Evidence has since shown that this did not happen. US President Johnson used these attacks to persuade Congress to support greater US involvement in Vietnam.

• 1965 – by end of year 200,000 US combat soldiers had been sent to Vietnam.

1965 - 1969: North Vietnamese-USA struggle

USA’s Tactics

• 7 Feb 1965: USA launched

‘Operation Rolling Thunder’:

- Widespread aerial bombing using cluster bombs and

Chemical weapons (‘Agent

Orange’ and Napalm used)

• Search and Destroy (used airmobility to move troops)

• 16 March 1968: My Lai massacre

• Defence of South Vietnamese government against North

Vietnamese expansion.

North Vietnamese Tactics

• Winning South Vietnam hearts and minds

• Guerrilla tactics

• Booby traps and mines

• Suicide squad fought their way into US embassy

• 31 January 1968 Vietcong launched an attack on over

100 towns and cities in the south during New Year (or

Tet) holiday – (Turning point:

US public realised that US was

NOT winning the war!)

1969 to 1975 – USA withdrawal from Vietnam

“From 1964-1972, the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the history of the world made a maximum military effort, with everything short of atomic bombs, to defeat a nationalist revolutionary movement in a tiny peasant country – and failed”.

(H. Zinn, A People’s History of the USA, (New York, 1980, p460)


A Soviet cartoon mocking the large number of US casualties in Vietnam. c. 1968

Deforestation caused by USA spraying

Agent Orange (TCDD Dioxin)

The Vietnamese Red Cross estimates that up to three million Vietnamese have suffered health effects from dioxin exposure, of whom

150,000 are children with birth defects

Ten year old Phan Thi Kim Phuc running naked down a street having torn off her burning clothes after an American Napalm attack.

The Massacre at

My Lai -

16 March 1968

Women and children shot dead by American soldiers lie

We made them squat down. I poured about four clips into the group. in the road at the village of My Lai, 1968


While we kept on firing .


An extract from the evidence of Paul Meadlo who was a US soldier at My Lai.)

Conscripted Soldiers: ‘Cherries’

• Of the 3 million

Americans involved in

Vietnam war – about two-thirds were conscripts (‘cherries’)

• Average age of conscript = 19 years

• 12 month – ‘tour of duty’

• Anti-conscription campaign in USA

A student burns his draft card during an anti-war demonstration. Over 200,000 young men dodged the draft.

Kent State Massacre (4 May 1970)

National Guardsmen opened fire on student protestors in Ohio, killing four. This picture shows one of the dead students,

Jeffrey Miller.

Casualties of War

Category Year Range

North Vietnamese civilian deaths from bombing

North Vietnamese soldiers killed

Viet Cong deaths

Viet Cong and North

Vietnamese soldiers deaths combined

South Vietnamese civilian deaths from gunfire / bombing

South Vietnamese soldiers killed

US military deaths








Low estimates






Medium estimates








High estimates






Source: Rudolph Rummel, Statistics of Vietnamese Democide: Estimates, Calculations and Sources, 1997.

Why did the USA lose the Vietnam War?

• US Army’s military tactics - ineffective and unpopular

• Growth of the anti-war movement in USA.

• Media coverage of the war – 1 st TV war

• Unpopularity of South Vietnamese Government

• North Vietnamese soldiers’ Guerrilla warfare tactics

• North Vietnam and NLA were fighting a war of liberation to free their country from foreign intervention.

• Support for North Vietnamese from China and USSR

How has the Vietnam War been remembered?

• Memorials in USA and Vietnam

• Film (Hollywood has presented different views of war in different periods)

• Music

• Personal accounts / Auto-biographies

• Academic histories

• Tourist sites

Impact of Vietnam War

• For Vietnam – Horrific: 5 Million Vietnamese peasants displaced, Large numbers killed, or maimed. Huge areas of forest destroyed by

American chemicals – long term implications for agriculture.

• For America - A major psychological as well as military defeat. Probably sped up the ‘Domino effect’ ie lots of other countries in Asia ‘went red’

(ie became communist) A propaganda disaster

(US troops involved in human rights violations, massacres, use of chemical weapons)

Audio-Visual Resources

BBC – News coverage of Vietnam War







Anti- Vietnam war songs





