Fondes Amandes

Environmental NGO Promoting
Sustainable Community Forestry Initiatives
Founded in 1982
During the colonial period, In Trinidad and Tobago,
and many other small island developing states ,land
degradation was an issue of great concern. The St.
Ann’s watershed was also of great importance to the
capital city due to its high crop production in cocoa
and coffee, and rivers which to date is a vital source of
water for WASA reservoir . Due to the historical
importance, directions were given to protect the St
Ann’s watershed since 1901.
FACRP was founded in 1982 by the late
Tacuma Jaramogi and his wife Akilah
Jaramogi to halt the degradation in the St.
Ann’s Watershed due to forest fires
This was achieved
 Mobilizing family
& friends
 FAO training
 Forest Fire
 Annual dry/fire
season GAYAP
 Tree Planting
 To Create a Healthy Agro-Forestry Environment
Providing Sustainable Livelihoods, Embracing
Expressions of Multicultural Traditions with the
Participation of a Vibrant Community
Mission Statement
 FACRP is Committed to Community Development
and Upliftment through Environmental
Enhancing Activities.
The main focus of the FACRP from 1982 to 2000
 Preventing forest fires
 Cutting fire traces
 Fire patrol
 Fighting forest fires
 Changing pattern of cleaning and agro-forestry
 Tree planting
 Reducing hillside runoff
 Drainage
 Forest Fire Prevention
 Fire Fighting
 Organic Gardening and Permaculture
 Tree Planting
 Music and Culture
 Craft and Cottage Industry
 Community Outreach
 Gayap
 Eco-Culture Camp
A Forest Fire Prevention
DVD was produced with
the input from Fire
Services, Forestry
Division, ODPM, EMA
and other Agencies and
Caravan took places in
schools , communities
and with a few National
Reforestation Groups in
the Northern Range
“In the River on the Bank”
Adult Training Workshop: Field and Class Sessions
1000 organic seedlings were planted, participants learned to build
check dams, learnt about watershed management , how to measure
rainfall and learned to use the A-frame out in the field.
“In the River on the Bank”
Children Eco-Culture Vacation Camp
 Animal Husbandry
 Organic Farming and Permaculture
Using Indigenous and Natural materials to
create an ecological friendly product as a viable
economic activity
Multi-Sectoral Approach to Conservation
involving institutions and organizations
such as;
Corporations & Private Sector
 Government
 Private Sector
 Providing Environmental Services (Sustainability)
 Eco Tours
 Workshops
 Training Programmes
 Items for sale
 Consultancy Services
 National Forest Fire Prevention Action Plan
 Focus on prevention
 Disaster awareness caravan
 Trained personnel in forest and bush fire suppression
 Patrol Unit
 Early detection and prosecution (forest fire law/charges)
 FACRP National Education Centre
 The FACRP has a fully operational organic nursery that
facilitates the annual reforestation efforts
The FACRP plants approximately 4000 trees each rainy
The FACRP has been fire free since 1997
The FACRP currently reaches over 1,500 students each year
through our environmental packages and events
Our Annual Gayap is growing bigger each year this year 2012 over 400 students participated in day 1 events
The Fondes Amandes community has been transformed
from a fire climax zone to a green and lush conserved area
with high bird could and other wildlife species
Area was once burned annual due to
ires cause by slash and burn cleaning,
cleaning/burning rubbish, camp fires
n the rivers and river from
neighbouring communities
Green Forestry area planted
with a collection of fruit,
indigenous, traditional, shrubs
and medicinal trees/plants
FACRP has received numerous awards over the years for our
efforts in Environmental Conservation and Community
outreach such as;
• The Champion of the Environment award 2008
• President’s Awards: “The Humming bird Gold Medal
• Tidy T&T 2002 -2003
• EMA’s Green Leaf awards Environmental Conservation
[2001,2003, 2007]
• BPTT leaders Award 2001
Director/Manager: Akilah Jaramogi
Administrator: Skye Hernandez
Tel: 1-868-689-7794
Office: 1-868-750-1716
Email: and
Mail: Fondes Amandes Hills, St. Ann’s, POS, Trinidad, W.I.
Facebook: Fondes Amandes Community Reforestation
Project (FACRP)