Social sources of prejudice (cont.)


Prejudice: Disliking Others

Chapter Nine

The nature and power of prejudice

What is prejudice?

A negative prejudgement of a group and its individual members


• Beliefs about personal attributes of a given group

– Discrimination

• Racism

• Sexism

The nature and power of prejudice


How pervasive is prejudice?

Racial prejudice

• Overt prejudice has change in a short period of time

• Intimate social realms

• Subtle forms of prejudice

• Overcoming prejudice

The nature and power of prejudice


Gender prejudice

Stereotypes accepted by both sexes

Exaggeration of truths: Martin, 1987

Gender attitudes:

• “women are wonderful effect”

• Respect vs. affection

• Subtle sexism

– The “personal/group discrimination discrepancy”

Social sources of prejudice

Social inequalities

Unequal status breeds prejudice

Social sources of prejudice


Social inequalities


Religion and prejudice

• “Religious” people are assoc’d w/ more prejudice

• “Religious” people are assoc’d w/ less prejudice

– Discrimination’s impact: The self-fulfilling prophecy

• The

“stereotype threat”

• Positive and negative stereotypes

Social sources of prejudice

Social identity - the “we” in self-concept

Social Identity Theory (Turner & Tajfel)

• We categorize - for utility

• We identify - “ingroup”

• We compare - “outgroup”

Ingroup bias

Social sources of prejudice


Conformity to ingroup expectations

The private/public discrepancy

Institutional supports

– “Face-ism”

Films and television

Emotional sources of prejudice

Frustration and aggression:

The scapegoat theory

The realistic group conflict theory

Personality Dynamics

Need for status and belonging

The authoritarian personality

Cognitive sources of prejudice


Perceived similarities and differences

Distinctive stimuli

Distinctive people

Vivid cases

Distinctive events

Cognitive sources of prejudice

Attribution: Is it a just world?

Group-serving bias

The just-world phenomenon

Cognitive consequences of stereotypes

Are stereotypes self-perpetuating?

Do stereotypes bias judgments of individuals?

8 of 12

9 of 12

10 of 12

Ian Ayres, 1991 average price quoted on $11,000 car

• Black male:


Black female:


• White male:


White female:

