Personal Information Culture

 What is The Russian School Library Association?
 How is Personal Information Culture understood in Russia?
How does it differ from Information Literacy?
 How is Civic Literacy understood in Russia?
 Why do we need a community of scholars and practitioners?
 How does The Russian School Library Association implement the
notions of civil society and collaborate with the Parliament of
Russia and public bodies and organizations to protect the
interests of school librarians and initiate changes in the
professional community and society?
 What barriers do we have?
 What prospects do we see?
Established in 2004
RSLA is a voluntary, self-managed, non-profit
organization which unites Russia’s school libraries
and 40,000 school librarians who collaborate together
with 1 million teachers and 12 million students
RSLA’s main lines of activity :
 Library policy and legislation for school libraries
 Social protection and training of school librarians
 Protection of school library users
 International, scientific, cultural and practical
education; publishing, printing and advertising.
RSLA’s information portal:,
it publishes Shkolnaya Biblioteka (School
Library), Sem'ja i shkola (Family and School), and
Chitajka (Let’s Read) journals.
Information literacy is a term widely used in the Englishspeaking countries; its accurate definition is given in the IFLA
and UNESCO documents.
Personal Information Culture is a term similar but not
identical to Information Literacy. It is used in some nonEnglish-speaking countries like Russia, France, Hungary, etc.
Civic literacy is a polysemic term and may have different
meanings in various countries.
Personal information Culture is a component of
general culture of a human being; it is the sum total
of information outlook and the system of knowledge
and skills that ensure independent goal-oriented
activity along with the optimum satisfaction of
information requirements by using both traditional
and new information technologies.
It is the most important factor of successful
professional activity and personal social protection
in the information society.
Personal Culture
Personal Information
Информационная грамотность
- Information
- Motivation
Schools: “Informatics and Fundamentals of ICT” as a compulsory
School libraries:
 Exhibitions
 Reference and publication reviews
 Contests and quizzes
 Discussions
 Excursions
 Library lessons
 The Course “Fundamentals of Personal Information Culture”
1. IFLA-2012 Satellite Conference
“Information for Civic Literacy” organized
by Information Literacy Section and the
IFLA Africa Section through its Special
Interest Group “Access to Information
Network – Africa” (8-10 August 2012,
2. Round Table “Information and Civic
Literacy of Society” of IFLA Forum,
International Conference, the Crimea2013 (Sudak, Ukraine, 8-16 June, 2013)
1. Citizen is a country’s resident who enjoys all the rights
provided by the laws of this country and fulfills all the
duties that are established by the laws of this country; a
citizen of a country.
2. Citizen is a person who serves his home country and its
people; a person who cares about public well-being and is
a conscientious member of the society and is ready to
subordinate one’s own interests to the public good.
 The term “Legal literacy”
 Training Course
“Fundamentals of the Soviet
State and Law”
 The term “Civic literacy”
 Training Courses “The
Legal Basics” and “The
The Post-Soviet Russia: a gap between a new democratic legislation
and law obedience of population. The development of legal consciousness
and legal culture has become a priority of the governmental policy.
Fundamentals of the Governmental Policy of the Russian Federation in
the Field of Developing Legal Literacy and Citizens’ legal consciousness
(approved by the RF President 04 May 2011) serves as a basis of civic
education development.
 A compulsory course for elementary school students (7-10 years old) “Environment
(man, nature, and society)”
 A compulsory course for secondary school students (11-16 years old) “Social
 An optional course “Citizenship”
Traditional events:
 Book exhibitions (traditional/electronic)
 Reference and literature reviews
 Contests, discussions, excursions
Interactive methods:
 Discussions, brainstorming, presentations
 Business and role games
 Technologies of social projecting, etc.
 Involving the children and teenagers into collective work holding the library events
(shows, literature parties and other civic events)
Terms derived from the word “Literacy”
 Civic literacy
 Legal literacy
 Political literacy
 Judicial literacy
 Legal and socio-political literacy
 Legal functional literacy
 Social and civic literacy
 Electoral literacy
 Civic and legal literacy
 Environmental and legal literacy
Higher-level concepts and terms
 Civic education
 Civil legal education
 Civil legal clarification
 Civic pedagogy
 Legal pedagogy
 Civil society
 Education in the field of human rights
 Legal training
Terms derived from the word “Culture”
 Civic culture
 Legal culture
 Political culture
 Judicial culture
 Human rights culture
 Moral culture
 Electoral culture
Associated concepts and terms
 Citizen
 Human rights
 Legal protection (unprotected)
 Legal information
 Judicial information
 Sources of legal information
 Legal consciousness
 Legal competence
 Political competence
 Law (knowledge of the constitution and the fundamental laws,
awareness of the civic duty and responsibilities of a citizen)
 Policy (knowledge of the democratic foundations of civil society,
knowledge of individual rights and freedoms)
 Patriotism (love for and readiness to defend one’s own
homeland, conscientious involvement in its history,
responsibility for the country’s destiny)
 Moral values (obedience to the values ​of public good,
humanity, justice, truth, conscience, honor, dignity, tolerance,
respect for human rights, charity, etc.).
Moral values
Media and information literacy (MIL) is a
basic human right in a digital world and
promotes social inclusion of all nations.
Media and information literacy enhances
the capacity of people to enjoy their
fundamental human rights, in particular as
expressed in Article 19 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, which states
that ‘Everyone has the right to freedom of
opinion and expression; this right includes
interference and to seek, receive and
impart information and ideas through any
media and regardless of frontiers.’
 Define and articulate
information needs
 Locate and access information
 Assess information
 Organize information
 Make ethical use of information
 Communicate information
 Use ICT skills for information
 Understand the conditions under
which media can fulfill their functions
 Evaluate critically the media content in
the light of media functions
 Review the skills (including ICT skills)
needed to produce user-generated
 Understand the role and functions of media
in democratic societies
 Engage with media for self-expression
and democratic participation
 A multi-component structure of the concepts of civic literacy
and personal information culture requires carrying a variety
of studies in such disciplines as law, politics, ethics,
information society, Internet, information technology, etc.
 Many different theoretical approaches and points of view
exist on the Information for Civic Literacy concept.
 Lack of pedagogical solutions for training students and lack
of textbooks, manuals, integrating knowledge and skills on
civic and information literacy.
RSLA contacts:
 Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University
 Universities of Culture and Arts in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar,
Kemerovo, Academies of Culture and Arts in Chelyabinsk and Samara.
 Institute of Applied Informatics of Russian Academy of Sciences
 "Kurchatov Institute" National Research Centre, Department of Nano-,
Bio-, Info- and Cognitive Technologies.
RSLA lines of activity:
 Engages scientists to work out a strategy for the development of school
libraries and training school librarians in Russia
 Invites scientists from Russian universities to work at the annual forums
of school librarians of Russia
 Implements joint publishing projects for school libraries
1. Manifesto of School Libraries in the Russian Federation
2. Code of Ethics of School Librarians of the Russian Federation
3. The Concept of Library Development in Educational
Institutions of the Russian Federation for the Period up to
4. Educational and methodological materials for training and
professional development of school librarians and teacherlibrarians as representatives of a new profession in school
 qualifications of the teacher-librarian
 teacher-librarian training curricula at the universities of
culture and arts
 test materials for certification of school librarians applying
for the teacher-librarian position
1. Science to Russia’s School Libraries Section. Meeting
with the researchers.
2. Lectures, workshops, consultations, trainings, round
tables on and discussions of the most important
problems of school libraries.
3. School Library as a Cognitive Resource for Education
Development: A Project.
Goal: Creation of a new model of Russia’s school library
Motto: A smart library for every Russia’s school!
Project participants: Experts in the field of
technologies, teachers, researchers in the
field of
Project leader: T.V. Chernigovskaya, Dr. of Philological
Sciences, Dr. of Biological Sciences, Prof. of St. Petersburg
State University, coordinator of cognitive technologies
research at "Kurchatov Institute" National Research Centre,
Member of the Presidential Council for Science and
 2007 – School Library as a Center of Personal Information Culture
 2009 – Training course “Fundamentals of Personal Information Culture at School
Library: The Conceptual Framework and Practice of Teaching”
 2010 – Basic Didactics of Personal Information Culture at School Library
 2011 – Developing Personal Information Culture at School Library as Part of the
Teacher-Librarian’s Professional Activity: From Popularization and Spontaneity to
Systematic and Objective Teaching
 2012 – Methodological Basis of Teaching Information Culture at School
 The Russian Federation Government
 The Russian Federation Parliament (State Duma)
 The Plenipotentiary Representatives of the RF President
in the Federal Districts
 Public associations
 Children and youth movements
 Managers of civic and patriotic education programs for
children and youth
“…Today, I would also like to dwell upon school
librarians. They do a very important, useful, and
necessary job. They ... should help students to
navigate in the vast world of information to broaden
educational horizons. Unfortunately, their salaries are
at least three times less than that of school teachers.
Unlike school teachers, they don’t have the right to
social benefits. I would like to inform you that we have
decided to introduce a new position called “teacherlibrarian”. ... It will be an important step in raising the
profile of school libraries…”
Statement of the RF Prime Minister
V.V. Putin at the 6th Congress of the All-Russian
Pedagogical Assembly (May 31, 2011)
 2009 – The parliamentary hearings “Legislative Support of Libraries in
Educational Institutions in the Field of Intellectual and Moral Education of
Children.” Discussion of the “Concept of Library Development in the
Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation up to 2015.”
 2010 – The Federal Law “On Protection of Children from Information
Which May Harm their Health and Development.”
The parliamentary hearings “Children’s Movement in Russia and
Prospects of its Development (2012)”
 The National Strategy of Action for Children in
2012-2017. Approved by the Presidential Decree
No. 761 of June 01, 2012.
 Legislative acts on implementing the civic rights of
children’s organizations to unite and develop.
 Normative legal acts of the Russian Federation on
the children's rights to unite and measures aimed to
support the children's movement.
 Information on the children's movement in the
Federal Districts of the Russian Federation, the
enabling mechanisms for children's associations,
and the best practices.
 Organizational: Lacking governmental programs for the
development of personal information culture and civic
literacy in Russia.
 Research: The problem of bringing together information
specialists and librarians, lawyers, and educators for
studying the potential and mechanisms of the information
and civic literacy integration.
 Pedagogical: – The problem of finding the best ways of
teaching information and civic literacy; school librarians lack
the knowledge and skills that are required to teach
information and civic education.
Venue: Moscow, Russia
Theme: School library as a
cognitive resource for the
development of education.
Motto: School library in the
knowledge society: Application of
cognitive technologies and
development of a creative
Post Address:
Russia, 109012, Moscow, 1st Kozhevnichesky Pereulok, 6,
building 1, room 105А
Phone, fax: 8 (495) 280-18-51