Living Together summary presentation


Living Together: European Citizenship against Racism and Xenophobia

Dissemination of the results of the project

16 June 2010

This project is supported by the European Commission DG Justice,

Freedom and Security, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship

Programme (2007-2013)

Living Together Partners

Project Co-ordinator

◦ OBERAXE, the Spanish Monitoring Centre on Racism and


Participating countries

◦ Spain

◦ Portugal

◦ Finland

◦ The Netherlands

◦ Sweden

◦ Ireland

Statutory bodies, universities, NGOs

Living Together Aim

Promote European discourse of tolerance

harmony and respect recognition of difference free from racism and xenophobia

See UNESCO Declaration of Principles on Tolerance

Living Together Objectives



• Analyse and identify prejudices, stereotypes, fears

• How are racist attitudes generated and legitimised?



• Compile best practice

• Identify strategies to fight racism and xenophobia



• Identify common principles and actions to address racism and xenophobia - Decalogue

• Audience – various social agents / experts


• Develop transnational monitoring mechanism

Living Together Methodology

Developed by Complutense University of

Madrid and Rotterdam University

Focus groups

Best practice reports

National expert forums

Living Together Methodology

Focus groups

Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain

3 focus groups per country


• Upper middle social status


• Young middlemiddle social status - 18-25 yrs


• Lower middle social status

Drawback – funding constraints dictated the number of focus groups

Living Together Methodology

Focus groups

Moderation style - conversational

3 phrases to stimulate discussion

◦ Skin colour is of great importance for living together

◦ Both immigrants and ethnic minorities get more (from the country they live in) than they give

◦ Both immigrants and ethnic minorities should maintain their identity and culture of origin

Highlights – Focus Groups

Key influences

Sociodemographic profiles social desirability bias positions on immigrants and ethnic minorities

Experience of living together

Feelings of competition jobs and public benefits

Highlights – Focus Groups

Pros and cons of immigration

Reflective arguments to neutralise cultural criticism

Class racism

General tolerance

Social context of economic crisis

Good and bad experiences impact attitudes

Social context of economic crisis

Feelings of competition and discrimination

Experiences of difficulties living together

Highlights – Focus Groups

Skin colour

• Matters in society (Sweden, Finland, Netherlands)

• More about socio-economic status (Portugal, Spain)

• Stereotyping – associate skin colour with cultural and religious values. Media plays a role in this context.

Get more than they give

• Give: economic, cultural and demographic contributions acknowledged

• Get: public subsidies, unemployment benefit, housing, jobs

Should keep identity and culture

• Greater cultural tolerance shown by young people and adults with higher education especially in

Sweden and Finland.

Highlights – Focus Groups

• Negative


• Positive

Discourses e.g. invasion, damage labour, cultural imposition, anti-social behaviour, reverse discrimination e.g. immigration necessary, human rights, discrimination, cultural wealth contribution

• Negative

Arguments e.g. control immigration, abusive & unskilled, immigration, lazy e.g. Necessary immigration, equal rights, citizens, over-qualified, stereotyped

• Positive arguments

Highlights – Focus Groups

Country comparisons

Class racism more prevalent in Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands

More admissions of racism in Spain and

Portugal based on experiences and perceptions

Social desirability bias more prevalent across all focus groups in Sweden – less visible racism

Discourse of resentment present across all focus groups in Spain – possibly linked to collective memory pre-welfare state

Living Together Methodology

Choosing best practice


Demonstrable effects / tangible impacts


Creative / innovative




Potential for replication

Must meet at least criteria 1 and 4 above

Based on UNESCO’s International Migration Best Practice Project

Living Together Methodology

Choosing best practice – other criteria

Geographical Entity big city town rural public


NGO other

Area education social service housing employment sport etc

Timescale completed by 2008

Project Type improving intercultural tolerance and dialogue

Highlights – Best Practice

Area – education, sport, legal, employment, public administration etc.

Type – awareness raising, tackling racism, cultural mediation, youth, arts, living together, interculturalism and religion etc.

Website –

Living Together Methodology

Purpose of expert forums - to provide a basis for the preparation of the Decalogue – i.e.

Identify common principles and actions to address racism and xenophobia

National expert forums responded to findings from focus groups

In the absence of focus groups Ireland’s national expert forum addressed the theme ‘tackling racism and the impact of racist stereotypes’.

Living Together Methodology

National expert forums to include:

1 - capital city

2 - university / research centre

2 - NGOs

1 - national / regional public administration

1 - business sector

1 - media

1 - trade union

1 - opposition political party

Highlights – Expert Forums


• More recent change in negative public debate noted


• Discourse of ‘individual tolerance’ explained by political correctness in

Swedish society

• Expert forum reflected on examples of racism and discrimination in

Sweden in practice


• Focus on monitoring, media and best practice as tools to address racism


• Reflection on positive and negative arguments

• Context provided by economic crisis noted


• Chinese identified as best integrated and

Roma the most discriminated

Outcome - Decalogue

1. Identify principles on which best practices should be based

3. Document and monitor racism and xenophobia

5. Foster the mass media role in promoting respect for cultures and in recognising diversity

2. Name and recognise all forms of racism and xenophobia as problems

4. Identify effective legal remedies, policy actions, educational programmes and best practice

Outcome - Decalogue

6. Recognise immigrants’ economic, social and cultural contribution

8. Promote principles of respect and dialogue, perceiving cultural diversity as enriching

10. Perceive migration as a universal phenomenon and the reflective argument

7. Design public services taking into consideration the needs of society

9. Move from stereotypes to



Outcome – Develop Network

Warning system to monitor racism and xenophobia

Information will be communicated and managed by OBERAXE (Spain) via website

Aim – highlight racism and share information

Member organisations can provide information

– must identify themsevles

OBERAXE will verify information

Members can be public, private, NGO, media organisations who join the network

Further information ......

Website – her/

Comments and Feedback?

In general?

In relation to the Decalogue?

In relation to the network to monitor racism and xenophobia?
