Job Satisfaction

Attitudes and Emotions
Attitudes are judgments
Emotions are experiences
We feel emotions
We think about attitudes
We experience most emotions
Many attitudes last a long time
Model of Attitudes and Behavior
Job Satisfaction – What is it?
A person’s evaluation of his/her job
and work context. A collection of
attitudes about specific facets of the
85% of American’s report they have
been satisfied with their jobs for the
last 10 years.
Measures of Job Satisfaction
General or Global Job Satisfaction
How satisfied are you with your current
Facet Satisfaction:
Satisfaction with Pay, Benefits,
Supervision, Co-workers, The Job
Itself, Promotional Opportunities,
Job Satisfaction
Employee job satisfaction is both a
function of the person and the job
Person – characteristics like education,
work experience, age, expectations,
negative or positive disposition can affect
job satisfaction
Job Environment – management style or
leadership, autonomy, work tasks, social
support, the design of the job etc.
Theories of Job Satisfaction
Fulfillment theory – receiving more
of something on the job is better
Discrepancy theory – the perceived
gap between what one wants from
the job and what one perceives it is
Equity theory – perceived equity in
the employee’s outcome/input ratio
compared to others
Theories of Job Sat. Con’t
Intrinsic/Extrinsic – intrinsic sources
originate within the employee and
have psychological value (i.e.,
challenging work, recognition, sense
of accomplishment etc.) Extrinsic
sources originate outside of the
employee (i.e., working conditions,
relationships with co-workers,
supervisors etc.)
Job Satisfaction and Behavior
dissatisfaction increases
turnover, absenteeism, theft
Weak to moderate association
with job performance
Why isn’t this stronger?
Satisfaction - Performance
General attitudes (job sat.) don’t
predict specific performance
behaviors very well. Dissatisfied
employees can still put out effort
and work productively while
complaining, looking for another job
or waiting for something to be fixed.
Satisfaction - Performance
Job Performance leads to Job
satisfaction but only when
performance is linked to valued
rewards. Higher performers receive
more rewards, consequently they
are more satisfied.
Many organizations don’t reward
good performance
Satisfaction - Performance
Job satisfaction might influence
motivation but this isn’t real
predictive of actual performance.
The job sat. --->performance
relationship is strongest when
employees have control at work and
more freedom.
Organizational Commitment
Affective commitment
Emotional attachment to,
identification with, and
involvement in an organization
Continuance commitment
Belief that staying with the
organization serves your
personal interests – too costly to
Commitment is Related to
Customer Satisfaction
Competitive Advantage
Work Motivation
Organizational Citizenship
Possible Negative Consequences of
Continuance Commitment
Low-cost loans, stock options,
deferred bonuses may tie
employees to the company
Continuance commitment is not
necessarily loyalty
Building Organizational
Maintain fairness, values, and
Provide some job security
Support organizational
comprehension - communicate
Involve employees in decisions
Build trust