dhyan - Singla & Associates

What Is
Understanding “Dhyan”
Jal + Yan= Jalyan, Vayu + Yan = Vayuyan
Dhi + Yan = Dhyan
Dhi= Budhhi ie Mind : YAN which can drive over Mind.One who has balance over mind
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Brain 3 Dimensional
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Medical Science of Meditation
Sense of knowledge : Hathyog ,
Ex : one can stop viration of nerves.
Balances the body. Raj Yog, Sanskaar are stored
Para Chetana
Medulla oblongata
Nirvan Gyan Yog
Param Chetna
When all active : Sahastra chakra is active.
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Chemistry of Psychology and Meditation
Blood chemistry of happy and sad man differs
Chemistry after dhyan is like happiness
Brain has Singulate gyrus it is inactive normally but after meditation it get active.
Part of Brain which is activated while Meditation
Limbic brain : we wont have control , digestive system
Cortical brain : good qualities of man
Beastial Brain : our bad qualities exist
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Dhyan is a process of making Human
Dhyan Start as : Imagination
When Mind is added then it is : Thought
When Pran/Life is added ie something doing Good then it is : Sankalp/Pledge
When Feelings are added in it then one becomes HUMAN
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What is God
God is SET of Good Qualities
What is HUMAN?
Human is Divine Soul who is lost in his ignorance
Once can obtain the divinity by Meditating on God ie Good Qualities
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Difficulties During Dhyan
Its Boring
Solution : Find out Benefits of Dhyan
Medical Benefits
Spiritual Benefits
Its Tough
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Health benefits of Meditation
Good for Patient of Heart/BP/Menstrual/Psychology/Cancer
Lowers Oxygen Consumption
Increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
Increases exercise tolerance in heart patients. Leads to a deeper level of relaxation.
Good for people with high blood pressure as it brings the B.P. to normal.
Reduces anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood lactate.
Decreases muscle tension (any pain due to tension) and headaches.
Builds self-confidence.
It increases serotonin production which influences mood and behavior. Low levels of
serotonin are associated with depression, obesity, insomnia and headaches.
Helps in chronic diseases like allergies , arthritis etc.
Reduces Pre- menstrual Syndrome.
Helps in post-operative healing. Enhances the immune system.
Research has revealed that meditation increases activity of 'natural-killer cells', which
kill bacteria and cancer cells.
Also reduces activity of viruses and emotional distress.
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Types of Meditation
Meditating on :
Natural Objects : Rising Sun, Full Moon, Sky, Stars, water, Fire
Sound : Bhajan / Kirtan / Music , Nad Yog , Mantra
Thoughts : Gayatri Geeta, Gayatri Smruti, Qualities of God
Body : Chakras
Body & Thoughts : Vipasana
Steady Gaze : Tratak
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Thank You
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