Assessing-Corporate - Environmental sustainability

Assessing corporate sustainability through ratings:
challenges and their causes.
Sarah Elena Windolph
Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM)
Leuphana Universität Lueneburg
Seventh International Environmental Management Leadership Symposium
Environmental Sustainability and the Role of the Environmental Manager
Rochester Institute of Technology, May 2nd & 3rd 2011
Structure of the paper.
■ Introduction
■ Background: relevance of corporate sustainability ratings in theory and practice
■ Challenges for CS ratings
■ Discussion: are the identified challenges rating-specific?
■ Conclusion: are CS ratings suitable to assess CS?
■ References
Sarah Elena Windolph
■ Corporate sustainability (CS) increasingly important, push and pull
■ Consequence: more reporting, more external assessment
■ But: assessment ambitious, no best practice
■ Confusing multitude of approaches (rankings, ratings, indexes, further studies, etc.)
■ Conclusion: external assessment not suitable?
■ Discussion using the example of ratings (important approach, market, serve for
other approaches)
■ Research question: what challenges do CS ratings face and what are their causes?
Are they rating-specific?
Sarah Elena Windolph
Background: Relevance of ratings in theory and practice. 1/2
Relevance of external CS assessment (‘screening’)
■ Companies’ sustainability claims cannot be verified: information asymmetries,
possible “market for lemons” (Akerlof, 1970; Rischkowsky & Döring, 2008)
■ Economics of Information (Stigler, 1961; Shapiro, 1982; Stiglitz, 2000) and Principal-Agent
Theory (Jensen & Meckling, 1976; Hill & Jones, 1992) deal with possible solutions
■ Possibility 1: signaling (Spence, 1973), e.g. reports
 cs socially desired, risk of opportunistic behavior, signaling possibly insufficient
■ Possibility 2: screening (Stiglitz, 1975); third party organizations gather information
 more promising
■ Paper focuses on ratings as practice-relevant screening approach
Sarah Elena Windolph
Background: Relevance of ratings in theory and practice. 2/2
Development of the CS rating market
■ Most ratings developed within the last ten years
■ Several rating organizations (conventional and sustainability-focused analysts)
■ New market, no regulation
■ Confusing variety of approaches
■ Criticised in research and practice (methodology, criteria, etc.)
Sarah Elena Windolph
Challenges for CS ratings.
■ Standardization: diversity of approaches and results, no evaluation of approaches,
no comparability (Beloe et al., 2004; Graafland et al., 2004; Chatterji et al., 2009)
■ Transparency: rarely full disclosure of criteria, threshold values, measures, etc.
(Graafland et al., 2004; Fowler & Hope, 2007; Chatterji et al., 2009; Delmas & Blass, 2010)
■ Bias: emphasis on economic, environmental, or social dimension; investors’ needs
and large companies (Beloe et al., 2004; Fowler & Hope, 2007; Chatterji & Toffel, 2010)
■ Weighting tradeoffs: aim at single score, possible overcompensation of
unsatisfactory partial results (Graafland et al., 2004; Delmas & Blass, 2010)
■ Credibility of information: companies can influence rating results, missing verification
of information (Healy & Palepu, 2001; Beloe et al., 2004; Fowler & Hope, 2007)
■ Indepedendence: relation between rating organizations and companies (Healy &
Palepu, 2001; Beloe et al., 2004; AI CSRR, 2008/2009)
Sarah Elena Windolph
Discussion: Are the identified challenges rating-specific? 1/3
■ Standardization
complexity of CS (Elkington, 1997; Stahlmann & Clausen, 2000;
Schaltegger & Burritt, 2005; Wiedmann et al., 2009)
■ Credibility of information
lack of data availability (Lyon and Maxwell, 2006; Chatterji &
Levine, 2006)
 Challenges not rating-specific, general challenges for CS assessment
Sarah Elena Windolph
Discussion: Are the identified challenges rating-specific? 2/3
■ Bias
varying stakeholder interests; contradicts the integrative and
evaluative character of CS (Schaltegger & Burritt, 2005)
■ Weighting tradeoffs
demand for simple and comprehensible results; contradicts
the process character of CS (Epstein, 2008; Schaltegger & Burritt,
2005; Ron, 1998)
 Challenges partly rating-specific, result from needs of investors as ratings’ main users
(economic bias, demand for comparable and simple results)
Sarah Elena Windolph
Discussion: Are the identified challenges rating-specific? 3/3
■ Transparency
competitive market for ratings (Beloe et al., 2004; Jahn et al.,
2005; Globescan, 2010)
■ Independency/objectivity
diversity of rating organizations’ business (Graafland et al.,
2004; Epstein, 2008; Globescan, 2010; Sadowski et al., 2010)
 Challenges partly rating-specific, organizations with further relations to assessed
companies are particularly affected (typical for financial service providers), similar for
audits, certificates
Sarah Elena Windolph
Conclusion: Are CS ratings suitable to assess CS?
■ CS ratings show several weaknesses, but none rating-specific:
– Some: general challenges when assessing CS (standardization, credibility)
– Some: result from demand of the practice (bias, weighting tradeoffs)
– Some: result from variety of business (relations) of rating organizations
(transparency, independence), also apply to other assessment approaches
 Ratings already practice-relevant, promising, ongoing process
■ Possible developments to increase reliability:
– increase transparency: disclose methods, measures, surveys
– increase independence: at least disclose, at best avoid conflicting business
– reduce biases/weighting tradeoffs: design ratings for more stakeholders
– general challenges: depend on contribution of various disciplines and actors
Sarah Elena Windolph
Food for thought: Implications for Sustainability Managers
■ Engage with ratings?
■ Systematically collect information needed for ratings?
■ Ratings as a way to foster corporate sustainability?
■ Ratings as a way to communicate environmental or sustainability efforts?
■ Influence ratings‘ development?
■ …
Sarah Elena Windolph
Thank you!
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Sarah Elena Windolph
Sarah Elena Windolph
Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM)
Leuphana University Lüneburg
Scharnhorststr. 1
D-21335 Lüneburg
Tel. +49 4131 677 2521
Fax +49 4131 677 2186
Sarah Elena Windolph