Mental Toughness

Peter Clough & Doug Strycharczyk
Hull University & AQR
“A personality trait which determines in
large part how people deal with challenge,
stressors and pressure .... irrespective of
prevailing circumstances”
It’s universal – it’s applicable in many walks of life.
Is it important? Yes!
 Performance – explains up to 25% of the variation in attainment
 Behaviour – more engaged, more positive, more “can do”
 Wellbeing – more contentment, better stress management , less bullying
Transition – Aspirations - Retention – Employability
The mentally tough person does find it easier to succeed.
However it is self awareness which is the key here.
It has origins in the world of the academic and the practitioner.
Resilience -
Health psychology - Commitment, control – a passive concept
Hardiness -
Commitment, control + challenge – becoming proactive
Dienstbier - Physiological toughening = psychological toughening
Sports Psychology - MT can help lesser athletes beat more able athletes Often mentioned but poorly defined
Finally Dr Peter Clough @ The University of Hull
Defined MT in useful detail & added a fourth dimension –
The Four C’s
Mental Toughness has 4 components:
 Challenge
 Control
 Commitment
 Confidence
Which combine to provide an overall measure of
Mental Toughness
Think of these as aspects of mindset.
The Four C’s
When using the MTQ48 measure scores are reported on a 1 –
10 Sten Scale. MT is normally distributed.
Stens 1,2 & 3 – “Low” scores – 16% of population
Stens 8,9 & 10 – “High” Scores– 16% of population
Stens 4 – 7 – Typical or normal scores – 68% of population
Mental Sensitivity is the opposite of Mental Toughness.
“stick-ability”. Describes to what
extent you will “make promises”
and the extent to which you will
keep those promises.
Those promises can be made to
others or to themselves.
When asked to do something to a target by a
certain time & date do you instinctively think:
 I’ll go for that and I’ll do what it takes or
 I’ll never manage that – I’ll look stupid
when I fail.
How do those
“Low” in
Will avoid setting goals and targets –failure
will expose them as “failures”
Exams, tests, assignments are threatening
Goals & targets are intimidating to them
Give up easily and find a reason for it
Will try to ignore goals and targets
Distract attention from the goal – “ I would
have done it but I did this other thing/ was
asked to do something else, etc”
Often respond to the last person to ask
them to do something
How do those
“High” in
Will translate goals and targets into
“pictures of success” & plan for attainment.
Exams, tests, assignments are welcomed
Set targets for themselves - pbs
Work hard and go for it.
Excited by measures, goals and targets
Are there
for those
“High” in
Can overcommit!
Can fail to see that others aren't
motivated in the same way.
May “manage by numbers”
May miss doing things that are equally
important or more pressing.
One reason why poorly planned
performance often fails
Are there
“upsides” for
those who
aren't “high” in
“Can do”. Describes to what
extent you believe you shape
what happen to you and manage
your emotions when doing it.
There are two components :
 Life-Control
 Emotional Control
When asked to do something , is your default
 I can do it …. without needing to check if it
is possible
 I’ll stay in control of my emotions
Life Control
How do those
“Low” in life
They are fatalists – things happen to them
Do one thing at a time – panic when
Blame others and circumstances for
Tend to focus on why things cant be done
Cup half empty
Life Control
How do those
“High” in life
Believe they make difference
Happily multi-task
Good at planning & organisation
Will try to ignore goals and targets
Cup is half-full. Everything is possible.
Work hard to clear blockages
Problems exist – they are there to be
Life Control
Are there
“upsides” for
those who
aren’t “High” in
“Life Control”?
Emotional Control
How do those
“Low” in
Reveal their emotional state to others
Deal poorly with criticism or negative
Feel things happen to them
Get down when things go wrong
Can lose it when provoked or annoyed.
Emotional Control
How do those
“High” in
Manage their emotional response to
Difficult to provoke or annoy
Deal well with difficult people
Mask anxiety – maintain poise
Deal well with bullying behaviour
Emotional Control
Are there
“upsides” for
those who
aren’t “High”
in “Emotional
Resilience is often defined as a function of Control &
Resilience represents the ability to deal with an adverse
situation and still complete some or all of what you had set out
to do.
Mental Toughness broadens this concept by adding two more
components – Challenge and Confidence. This introduces a
more pro-active element.
“drive”. Describes to what extent
you challenges, change, adversity
& variety as opportunities or as
When asked to do something significant or
challenging is your immediate response to say:
 That’s great – I look forward to whatever
emerges or
 Oh no! I like things the way they are – I'm
frightened by what might happen.
How do those
“Low” in
Hate change and variety of any sort.
Don’t like shocks & surprises
Hate new places; people; subjects, bosses,
Respond poorly to competitive types
Risk averse
Avoid effort and anything which attracts
How do those
“High” in
Like challenge
Easily bored – will seek change - may
provoke change
Like problem solving
Work hard & smart
Risk orientated
Readily volunteer
Are there
“upsides” for
those who
aren’t “High”
in challenge?
“Self Belief”. Describes to what
extent you believe you have the
ability to deal with what will face
you and the inner strength to
stand your ground when needed.
There are two components :
 Confidence in Abilities
 Interpersonal Confidence
When doing something and you face a
problem, is your default response:
 I have the capability to plough on?
 I’ll deal with those who get in my way?
Confidence in Abilities
How do those
who have
confidence in
Will be reluctant to express a view in
discussion or debate
Low self belief. Not confident that they
know subject matter even they you do.
Inner belief missing – need others to build
Unsure whether they have grasped a
subject or not – feel they are still missing
Confidence in Abilities
How do those
who have
confidence in
Don't need others to tell them they can do
it or to encourage them.
Happily to engage in discussion even if it
takes them into the unknown
Can believe they are right .. Even when
they are wrong
Little or no need for external validation.
Confidence in Abilities
Are there
“upsides” for
those who
aren’t “High”
in confidence
in abilities?
Interpersonal Confidence
How do those
“Low” in
Back down quickly when challenged
Will allow others to dominate debates –
even when they are more knowledgeable
and more expert
Will have difficulty dealing with assertive
Wont ask questions in group settings
Will accept criticism even when its not
Interpersonal Confidence
How do those
“High” in
Will argue their corner – especially if they
believe they are right
Will gets their own way – even when
others may have a better case
Wont allow others to orally dominate
Will have a “go” and enter a conversation.
Will often provide a full response to
Interpersonal Confidence
Are there
“upsides” for
those who
aren’t “High” in
The Four C’s – a summary
 Control
 Commitment
 Challenge
 Confidence
- I really believe I can do it
- I can keep my emotions in check when doing it
- I promise to do it and will set goals
- I will do what it takes to keep those promises
- I can see the opportunity
- I am motivated to do it
- I believe I have the ability to do it
- I can argue my corner if I need to
Together these give rise to Mental Toughness
THE MODEL – its fit with current thinking
Introduces the ideas of
 Fixed Mindset
 Flexible Mindset
Introduces the ideas of
 Learned Helplessness
 Learned Optimism
& Happiness
THE MODEL – its fit with current thinking
Introduces the ideas of
 Talent Myth
 Purposeful practice
Introduces the ideas of
 Hardiness
THE MODEL –current thinking
One observation is that all models have, as a core concept,
the requirement to work hard as well as work smart.
There is a recognition that the West might have a technological
advantage but the third world is catching up quickly but is doing
this with a better work ethic.
“Success is 99% perspiration and 1%
inspiration” Benjamin Franklin
THE MODEL – its application in Education
One observation is that all models have, as a core concept,
the requirement to work hard as well as work smart.
There is a recognition that the West might have a technological
advantage but the third world is catching up quickly but is doing
this with a better work ethic.
“Success is 99% perspiration and 1%
inspiration” Benjamin Franklin
This applies to educators, coaches as well as students
THE MODEL – case studies
 Halewood College , UK – links to performance, bullying,
career aspirations and gender discrimination!
 Flegg High School, UK – dealing with disruptive students
 Oldham Schools, UK – supporting students from socially
and economically deprived backgrounds
 Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE – Emiratisation &
 Hult International Business School – optimising learning
and employability
 Scottish Colleges & Hull University – student retention
and employability
The next level of validation of the MTQ48
 University of Western Ontario – examining mono-zygotic and Dizygotic twins – establishing a genetic component
 University of Basle – examining adolescent behaviour – dealing with
anxiety, sleep. Etc
 University of Lincoln – relationship with Emotional Intelligence
 Universities of Parma & Modena & Reggio – Brain Scan
studies providing a biological explanation
& on-going studies in the Gulf, US, Australia and , of course, Hull.
Side view
Rear view
How do you measure Mental Toughness
and what can you do about it?
Measuring Mental Toughness
MTQ48 Questionnaire
3 versions:
1. Occupational (all ages)
2. Young persons (age 11- 17)
3. on its way –early years (age 3- 5) and junior school (age 7 – 10)
 Normative, valid and reliable measure
 On-line format (can print off questionnaires)
 Easy to use
 On-line facility also helps to manage data
 Short inexpensive licensed user training (2 days)
Mental Toughness Development
The Mental Toughness model is a fairly complete process
Understanding – the model provides a structure around which to assess
an important requirement for performance and wellbeing.
Diagnosis – the measure enables diagnosis, assessment and
measurement at a useful level – the 4Cs
What are my issues? What are their implications? What will I seek to
develop/improve? Where is it best to start?
Interventions – ability to direct interventions better and to select
appropriate interventions –works with any intervention strategies.
Evaluation – the ability to measure change and to relate it to action.
Mental Toughness Development
Interventions fall into 6 broad areas:
1 Positive thinking – affirmations, think three positives, turning negatives into positives, etc
2 Visualisation – guided imaging, using your head to practice, etc
3 Anxiety Control – relaxation techniques,
breathing, etc
4 Attentional Control – focus, dealing with interruptions
5 Goal setting – SMART, balancing goals, how to deal with big goals, etc
6 The test itself + feedback – people respond to the feedback
Plus Biofeedback – monitoring self,
guiding selection and adoption of tools and techniques
These all help to develop the capability to deal with stress, pressure and
challenge and, where appropriate, to cope with these.
Mental Toughness Development
- Positive Thinking
The underlying principle
- we are what we think.
think three positives,
turning negatives into positives,
self talk
thought stopping
looking at role models
what will I do tomorrow?
attitude ladder
Mental Toughness Development
- Visualisation
The underlying principle
- We can imagine success or we
can imagine failure and we
can learn from that.
guided imagery
pink elephant
change your environment
target practice
penalty shoot out
Mental Toughness Development
- Anxiety Control
The underlying principle
Psychological responses such as fear
& worry have a physiological
consequence Controlling those
physiological response can help us to
manage the mental responses.
control distraction
controlled breathing
muscular relaxation
ear tap
smiling and laughing
self hypnosis
Mental Toughness Development
- Goal Setting
The underlying principle
Give meaning and direction as
well as fuel and energy to
achieve objectives & approach
new challenges.
smart goals
balancing goals
setting milestones
Mental Toughness Development
- Attentional Control
The underlying principle
Focus, sustained attention and
concentration, enables us to work
better and for longer
Interruptions and distractions
undermine that capability
minimising interruptions
stork stand
shut out distractions
Mental Toughness Development
- the issues
 Do we actually make individuals tougher or do we equip
sensitive people with the tools and techniques that the
tougher use? Does it matter?
 Is it the tool; the coach or the recipient?
 What do we do about the mentally sensitive – they can
perform well. The MT perform more easily and do get a
better deal. The MS can learn MT behaviours.
 Self awareness is the key – which is why this this is so well
suited to coaching and mentoring
Mental Toughness Development
Kogan Page
Any Questions?
 Perform better in exams ands tests
 Produce better coursework
 Achieve more – cover more subjects
 Work harder
 Competitive
Studies show that up to 25% of the variation in an
individuals performance on tests can be explained
by their mental toughness
 More positive – “can do”
 More likely to respond positively to change
 More likely to engage – will volunteer for
 More likely to accept responsibility
 Better disciplined - attendance
 Deal better with stress and pressure
 Sleep better!
 Less likely to develop mental health issues
 Can relax even after the most challenging time
 Report much less bullying behaviour
 Less likely to consciously adopt bullying
Aspirations & Employability
 More ambitious
 Set higher standards
 More confident
 Adopt a competitive approach
 Deal better with redundancy
 More likely to get a job
Deal better with
New schools, colleges and universities
New courses
New tutors
New experinces
Moving to the workplace
Completion on Time and on Target
 More stick-ability – will complete programmes
 Better at project management
 Take setbacks and change in their stride.
- Demonstrating the link
between the psychological and the physiological
You can close your
eyes or keep them
open. Listen
carefully to the
description you
are about to hear.
- Demonstrating the link
between the psychological and the physiological
Have you started to
Most people do.
This shows the link
between the mind
and the body
seeing success