Dyslexia, ADHD and SE

Dyslexia, ADHD and SelfEsteem
Sally Agobiani – Plymouth University
ADSHE Conference 2013
‘Putting Principles into Practice – 1:1 Tuition and
Herman Hesse Steppenwolf
‘No self…is a unity. Rather it is an extremely diverse world, a
miniature firmament, a chaos of different forms, different states and
stages of development, different legacies and potentialities.’
Workshop Path
1. Research
• Coexistence – ADHD &
• Self-esteem and college
2. What is self-esteem?
3. Improving self-esteem
ADHD Screening
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Clinical
Workbook (2nd ed) by R. A. Barkley and K.R. Murphy
Current Symptoms Scale: Self-Report Form
1.Symptom Count Compared to DSM-IV Criteria
2.Symptom Count Relative to Adult Norms
3.Summary Scores Compared to Adult Norms
Self-Esteem Screening
The Self Image Profile for Adults (SIP-AD) by R.J. Butler
and S.L. Gasson
Self-report scale for self-image and self-esteem.
0 – 6 Likert scale
Multi-Dimensional Structure of Self
1. Outlook
2. Consideration of others
3. Social
4. Physical
5. Competence
6. Moral
High score : high self-image
High score : low self-esteem
University Adjustment
SACQ Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire by
R.W. Baker and B. Siryk
67 item self-report questionnaire measuring
college/university adjustment
Why a lower SE?
‘The dominant paradigm is still one of
‘in-person’ weakness rather than one
which shows quite clearly that it is the
specific values which are attached to
particular concepts and standards of
literacy and numeracy which largely
shape the way in which dyslexia is
perceived and experienced.’
(Herrington & Hunter-Carsh, 2001, p. 114)
Healthy Self-Esteem
‘ a quiet pleasure in being one’s self’
(Rogers, 1961, p.87)
‘But does anything take more courage – is
anything more challenging and sometimes
frightening – than to live by our own mind,
judgement, and values? Is not self-esteem a
summons to the hero within us?’
(Branden, 1994)
‘Being comfortable with yourself means that you are not
forever thinking about and worrying about yourself, always
prey to difficult and unpleasant emotions. Being
comfortable with other people means that you are not
afraid of others but can enjoy their company. There’s no
longer a barrier between you and other people. No longer
burdened with the sense of your own inadequacies, you
cease to see the world as a cold, evil, disappointing place
and instead become aware of the world’s infinite
(Rowe, 2006, p. 2)
‘..the disposition to experience oneself as competent to
cope with the basic challenges of life and as worthy of
happiness’ (Branden, 1994, p. )
Poor v. Healthy
Blindness to reality
Fear of the new and
Inappropriate conformity
or inappropriate
Over compliant or over
controlling behaviour
Fear of others
Ability to manage change
Willingness to admit and
correct mistakes
• Benevolence
• Cooperativeness
Since the feeling of worth has been learned, it can be
unlearned, and something new can be learned in its place.
The possibility for this learning lasts from birth to death, so
it is never too late.
(Satir 1991, p. 27)
The role of the tutor can be seen to be manifold as it
‘involves a mix of teaching, counselling [and] advocacy’
(Hunter-Carsch & Herrington, 2001, p. 173)…. However,
she goes further in referring to the student’s ‘Global Self
Concept’ where non-academic factors, such as social,
emotional, physical and special skills are also regarded as
being essential considerations when the progress and
retention of learners with dyslexia is concerned. (Severs,
2008, p. 1)
(ADSHE 2009, p. 7)
1. Know what self-esteem is
2. Improve our own self-esteem
3. Integrate activities into our sessions
Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
Expectations of
what is appropriate
and possible
Realities confirm
and strengthen
original beliefs
A person’s image of the future may be a better predictor of
future attainment than his past performance
E.P. Torrance (1925 – 2003)
If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound
ourselves T.A. Edison (1847 – 1931) But would we?
We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are
Anais Nin (1902 – 1977)
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we
see is a perspective, not the truth
Marcus Aurelius (121 – 180 A.D.)
The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem
The practice of…
1.Living consciously
5.Living purposefully
6.Personal integrity
1. Living Consciously
The practice of being aware of what you are doing while
doing it, i.e. the practice of mindfulness.
Implicit in this is self responsibility
•Awareness of position relative to goals
•Adjustments after feedback
•Persevering in understanding/acquiring a skill in spite of
difficulties. Conscious decision to discontinue
•Willingness to see and correct mistakes
•Seeking to expand awareness - a commitment to learning
2. Self-acceptance
The practice of owning your thoughts, emotions and
behaviour; of being kind to yourself with respect to them;
and of being “for” yourself
•Knowing strengths; recognizing areas may want to improve
•Accepting mistakes are natural and learning from them
•Knowing you are doing the best you can with the
knowledge and skills currently available
•Accepting our bodies, our emotions, our thoughts, our
actions as our own and not alien
The worst
is not to
be comfortable
with yourself
Mark Twain
3. Self-responsibility
I am responsible for
• the achievement of my goals
• my choices and actions
• the level of consciousness I bring to my
• my behaviour with other people
• how I prioritise my time
• my personal happiness
• choosing the values by which I live
• raising my self-esteem
No one is coming - no one is coming to save me,
no one is coming to make life right for me,
no one is coming to solve my problems.
If I don't do something, nothing is going to get better
4. Self-assertiveness
The practice of treating your needs and interests with
respect and of expressing them in appropriate ways.
 the willingness to stand up for myself
 to be who I am openly
 to treat myself with respect in all encounters
X inappropriate aggressiveness
X pushing to the front of the line
Xupholding my own rights while being blind or indifferent to
everyone else’s.
My life does not belong to others and I am not
here on earth to live up to someone else’s
5. Living Purposefully
• Taking responsibility for formulating goals and purposes
• Being concerned to identify the actions necessary to
achieve your goals
• Monitoring behaviour to check that it is in alignment
with your goals
• Paying attention to the outcomes of your actions, to
know whether they are leading where you want to go
6. Personal Integrity
• The integration of convictions and
• If we behave in ways we consider to be
inappropriate, we lose respect for
• Involves questions – am I honest, reliable,
trustworthy, fair?
• Matching of words/thoughts and behaviour
Pride: Vice or Virtue?
Self-esteem contemplates what needs to be
done and says, ‘I can’.
Pride contemplates what has been
accomplished and says, ‘I did’.
What are the 3 things you are most proud of?
Self-Esteem and Study Skills
Raising SE follows the same principle as
physical exercise.
How can I support and encourage the six
pillars and not undermine them?
The practice of…
1.Living consciously
5.Living purposefully
6.Personal integrity
ADSHE, 2009. Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Specialist Support for Students with SpLDs in Higher Education
BAKER, R.W. & SIRYK, B. 1999. SACQ Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire Manual LA: Western
Psychological Services
BARKLEY, R.A. & MURPHY K.R. 1998 A Clinical Workbook: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. 2nd edn. New
York: The Guilford Press
BRANDEN, N. 1994. The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem New York: Bantam
BUTLER, R.J. & GASSON, S.L. 2004. The Self Image Profile for Adults SIP- AD Manual London: Pearson
HERRINGTON, M. & HUNTER-CARSCH M. (2001) A Social Interactive Model of Specific Learning Difficulties e.g.
Dyslexia. In: Hunter-Carsch, M. (ed) Dyslexia: A Psychosocial Perspective. London:Whurr
ROGERS, C. 1961 On Becoming a Person: A Therapist’s View of Psychology London: Constable
ROWE, D. 2006. Dorothy Rowe’s Guide to Life London: Harper Perennial
SATIR, V. 1991 Peoplemaking London: Souvenir Press