Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy (CBPT)

Theory and Practice with Children and
Summer, 2012
Cognitive-behavioral play therapy
incorporates cognitive and behavioral
interventions within a play therapy paradigm
(Knell, 1997).
Focus is more on psychopathology rather
than personality development. “Factors that
contribute to development gone awry” (Knell,
3 Major Premises of Cognitive Therapy
◦ Thoughts influence the individual’s emotions and
behaviors in response to events
◦ Perceptions and interpretations of events are
shaped by the individual’s beliefs and assumptions
◦ Errors in logic or cognitive distortions are prevalent
in individuals who experience psychological
difficulties (Beck, 1976).
In adults distortions are considered
irrational. In children they are considered
maladaptive. By nature children are
illogical, egocentric, and concrete.
Psychopathology is a result of one’s
perceptions of events-not the
circumstances themselves-that determine
how a person understands events.
*If we know the meaning that a person
attaches to particular situations, we can
predict his or her emotional reactions.
Intricate reciprocal interaction among
cognitions, emotions, behaviors, and
The play therapist seeks to reduce symptoms,
modify attitudes, beliefs, and expectations.
CBPT places a strong emphasis on the child’s
involvement in treatment and on a framework
for the child’s participation by addressing
issues of control, mastery, and responsibility
for one’s own behavior change.
It is brief
Time limited
Problem oriented
Depends on a sound therapeutic relationship
which incorporates the therapy as educational
“Quieting down of the hyperactive
organization” (Rachman, 1968).
Give children the opportunity to experience
and to test reality of verbal or pictorial
cognitions that are causally connected to
their affect.
Modification or shift of the child’s ideational
Identifying Irrational Beliefs
◦ Therapist utilizes play to uncover these
Changing Irrational Beliefs (Bibliotherapy)
◦ Therapist utilizes play to replace irrational belief
Positive Self Statements
◦ Therapist verbalizes the benefits of changing
maladaptive belief (“It will get easier”)
Exposure and Response Prevention
◦ Therapist uses systematic desensitization
◦ Therapist models scenario without disaster
Positive Reinforcement (Contingency
◦ Therapist praises with verbal and tangible
Shaping Socially Appropriate Expression of
◦ Therapist gives words to feelings
Preoperational Thought
Illogical - Attend to only one aspect at a time
Concrete - Judgment Influenced by perceptions
Less Reflective in Thought
Object vs. Label
Symbolic Thought/Language Emerging
No logical reasoning
Representation of Object in its Absence
Match between developmental level of child
and complexity of the intervention
Capitalize on child’s strengths
Decrease emphasis on complex linguistic
cognitive tasks
Help child develop match between behaviors
and feelings
Learn to express maladaptive behaviors in
more adaptive ways
Encourage language development regarding
Anxiety in Preschoolers
◦ Butterflies in my Stomach
◦ Worry Bee
ADHD in Young School Age Children
◦ Color your World (Activity)
◦ Beat the Clock (Activity)
◦ Painting/Drawing
◦ Theme Song (Activity)
 Play my Theme Song
 What do we talk about now?
 What is your Theme Song?
 How will you handle it if you don’t like the song?
Activities for Cognition
◦ I like my neighbor who…..
◦ Puppets
◦ Sandplay
Activities for Behavior
◦ Candy Temptation (activity)
◦ Feeling Board (Flip Chart)
◦ Puppets
Activities for Cognition
◦ Feeling Word Game (Activity)
◦ Puppets
◦ Garbage Bag Technique
Activities for Behavior
Pick Up Sticks
Slow Motion Game**
Candy Temptation
Blowing Bubbles **
Beat the Clock **
Activities for Cognition
◦ A lot on my Plate (Activity)
◦ Anger Shield(Activity)
◦ Theme Song
Activities for Behavior
◦ Clay vessel
◦ Stress Beaker (Activity)
◦ Journaling
Activities for Termination
Construction Paper Rings
Pictures of self and therapist
Activities for termination
Time Capsule
Activities for Termination
Hero (Activity)
Letter from Therapist
Candle Lighting Ceremony
Clay figure