360 by 360 Competion - 360by360 Competition

2nd e d i t i o n
Presentation Template
Startup Name
• Company name, logo, claim/payoff
• One-sentence summary of your business
• Company Website and Contacts
2-3 sentences that define your innovative startup
• What problem are you solving for customers /unmet need?
• What is your unique selling proposition and what is the
• Market size: How many potential customers are there? How
much potential revenue is possible?
• Why will you succeed?
• Some success metrics so far (proof of concept, existing
customers, investors, market research, etc.)
• Investment needed
The Team
• Co-Founders and management team profiles
– Roles
– Key competences and relevant background
• Advisors profiles
– Roles
– Key competences and relevant background
The Problem/Unmet Need
• Description of the problem that your customer has
• Is there an unmet need by existing product/services?
• Be clear on its relevance and bring measurable evidence if
possible (data, pictures)
Your Innovative Solution (i.e. The Product/Service)
• Describe your product/service
• Explain why it offers a solution to the customer’s pain/unmet
• Describe clearly where the innovation is
• What is the Unique Selling Proposition?
• Be exhaustive but coincise, use pictures if possible
The Market
• What is the market that your product addresses?
• Identify specific target segments, don’t be generic!
• What is the value of the target market in terms of annual
revenues (Total Available Market)
• Current trends in the specific segment and favorable
Competitive Advantages
• What are the competitive advantages of your product
Technology leap and breakthrough innovation?
Higher quality and greater value for the customer?
Cost reduction?
Other advantages?
• Is this competitive advantage defendable and durable?
• Why will customers care? Why will customers choose your
product or service, instead of your competitor’s?
Competitive Landscape
• What alternatives exist? i.e. How do customers solve the
problem today, without your product or service?
• Identify main competitors and describe shortly their position
in the market
• How does your product compare to the competitive ones?
• Provide a clear analysis of your competitive position
identifying key dimensions and showing where your product
is strong and weak (trying to be objective) – a comparative
chart is helpful!
• Be well documented on competition, honest and exhaustive
Business Model
Who do I sell to?
How do I make money?
Revenue streams and pricing model
One-time or recurring payment? Estimate Customer
Go-to-Market Strategy
Who are my target customers?
How can I reach my target market?
Marketing efforts and channels
Key Partnerships
Sales Team Structure
Distribution dynamics
Geographical focus
Financial Projections
• Forecast a simple but coherent P&L for 3-5 years estimating
key components on Revenues and Costs and Margins
• Identify Key Business Metrics and be sure to appropriately
estimate them
• When will your business reach break-even?
• Don’t exagerate on YoY Revenues growth and do not
underestimate costs
• Be realistic on assumptions but also ambitious!
• Don’t forget about CashFlow
• Don’t get lost in overly complicated financial models!
What you have done so far
• Describe the progress done so far – Main milestones
– Beta product / Industrial prototype
– Tests run and proof of concept
– Any external validation from customers?
• Bring evidence of results through metrics
• Money invested in the company do far
– Bootstrapping, Family & Friends, Business Angels?
Investment need and use of proceeds
• How much money do you need to get the product in the
market or reach break-even?
• How will you use that money?