Architect - Landscape Architect Architect trained at Faculdade de

Architect - Landscape Architect
Architect trained at Faculdade de Arquitectura Lisboa, Escuela Tecnica Superior de
Arquitectura de Madrid and Politecnico di Milano. PhD in Landscape Design at Escola
Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona and at Escuela Tecnica Superior de
Arquitectura de Madrid. Professor of Landscape Design at Politecnico di Milano (20032013). Director of the Master in Landscape Design and Public Art Master supported by
Politecnico di Milano and NABA - Nuova Accademia Belle Arti di Milano(2007-2013).
Currently Director Bergamo’s International Center Studies on the Landscape (Lombardy
Region-Municipality of Bergamo-GAMeC Galleria Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Bergamo-Accademia Carrara Belle Arti Bergamo) and its Summer School, as a Visiting
Professor Master UNESCO World Natural Heritage Management Trento.Founder of T12lab (via dei Transiti 12 Milano), a multidisciplinary space on research-action about
environment, landscape and ecology. Honorary member of Liveinslums ngo, scientific
supervisor of landscape and urban agriculture cooperation projects in megalopolis.
President and Founder of Verdi Acque association, which works on the theme of
waterscapes and its communities.