QVIZ , research impact other result

Query and context based
visualization of time-spatial
cultural dynamics
Fredrik Palm
HUMlab, Umeå University,
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
ESR (26,5 of 30)
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
Summary of QVIZ
General objective:
Enhance access to Archival/Cultural
Heritage resources by subscribers
such as students, researchers, local
historians and professional archival
users. Rather than answering full
text multilingual queries,
multilingualism will be addressed at
the knowledge level. Linking
querying and visualization in a
community knowledge building
process will motivate European
citizens to form communities that
enhance access to and usage of
QVIZ has delivered enhanced and
contextualized access using visualization
of time, space and community activities.
QVIZ has involved two national archives
using an integrated resource model based
on ISDA(G) and the Administrative unit
QVIZ has enabled wider usage of archival
resources through the integration of a
collaborative knowledge building process.
The QVIZ approach has also created a
need for sophisticated knowledge services
within the archival sector.
Improved access to European
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
QVIZ – delivered as model for
accessing European archives
• Access to 75,646 archival volumes.
• Between 16 and 18 million digital images.
• 73,030 administrative units linked by 218,518
• The administrative ontology covers the whole
of Europe – provides access point to archives
across Europe.
• Multilateral user to user collaboration.
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
Examples of innovations
• Visualization of archival resource context using names,
relations, time and location of administrative units.
• The context of archival resources does not need to
follow today’s borders.
• Integrating user activities and knowledge building
• Dynamic and responsive user interfaces.
• Unified resource model adopting ISDA(G) enables
cross-border access to administrative units (present and
• ”Where and When” overcomes the initial barrier when
searching and using archival resources.
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
Southeast Sweden by 1710 i.e
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
Effects of QVIZ-projects
Other proposals (not always successful)
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
SEAD project
• SEAD, 2008-2013,
• ½ position over several
years at HUMLab
• PI is Phil Buckand,
• Swedish Research
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
Umeå city history
• Local project at
• PI is Rolf Hugoson
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
SHIPS- Swedish historical statistics
• PI is Sören Berglund
at Demographic
database, Umeå
• 2009-2011, 80%
postion over 3 years
• Swedish research
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
• FP7 DGTREN 2010-2011
• Collaboration with Kings college London
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
Language atlas 2011-2013
PI is Lars-Erik Edlund, professor in Nordic Languages, Umea University
Founded by KGAA, Sweden.
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
Rockart 2011-2013
(Rockart.humlab.umu.se PI is HUMlab, Umea University
, Founded by Västernorrlands “länstyrelse” and National heritage board)
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
• Tallinn City
• Reykjavik
• HUMlab
• Co-funded by
Vinnova, e-services
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
Networks ESF
• www.nedimah.eu
• Chair of working
group ”Information
visualization” in
digtial humanties
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
Collaboration and potential projects
Media places, Stanford &
HUMlab (spatial history)
Cambridge University, competence
exchange with FP7 ERC-grant (20122013?)
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
Buckland P, Eriksson E, Linderholm J, Viklund K, Engelmark R, Palm F, et al.
Integrating human dimensions of arctic palaeoenvironmental science : SEAD - the
strategic environmental archaeology database. Journal of Archaeological Science.
Edlund L, Palm F. Diabas – nordisk ordgeografisk databas. 2012.
Palm F. Crossing the Archival Borders. In: IST-Africa 2008 Conference
Proceedings. Ireland: IIMC International Information Management Corporation,
2008; 2008.
Palm F. Abstracting Query Building for Multi-entity Faceted Browsing. In:
FQAS '09 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Flexible Query
Answering System. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin; 2009. p. 53-63. LNAI: Lecture
Notes In Artificial Intelligence.
Ek S R, Ek M, Palm F. Hjalmar Bergman, korrespondenser 1900-1930. Umeå;
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
Proposal history
FP6 - Plica 2005 (20,5p of 30
FP6 - QVIZ 2005 (26,5p of 30)
FP7 - AMUSID 2007 (11p of 15)
FP7 - TELLMUS 2008 (12p of 15 4,4.5,3.5))
FP7 - ACTR 2008/2009? (10.5)
FP7 - KNOQIN 2009 (7.5)
FP7 - CELL 2009? (11)
FP7 - SENSECITY 2012 (not submitted FP7
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics
Umeå universitet
QVIZ, Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics