Municipal Airports Data Collection Study

Provincial Update
Airport Management Council of Ontario
Brantford, Oct 2-4, 2011
Transportation Policy Branch`
• Ontario Air Advisory Panel
Ontario Air Advisory Panel
• Formed in 2007, the Air Advisory Panel is intended to provide
information and advice on the development of an air transportation
policy for the province of Ontario.
– It is structured to represent a broad cross-section of interests,
including airport/aviation associations, municipal associations
and provincial government representatives.
– The Air Advisory Panel has had five meetings to date, in August
2007, March 2008, February 23, 2009, October 21, 2010 and
most recently on May 31, 2011.
Ontario Air Advisory Panel Members
Aviation Community and Municipal Stakeholders
Airport Management Council of Ontario (AMCO)
Terry Bos, President
Bryan Avery, Executive Director
Community Airports Group Ontario (CAGO)
Pierre Lajoie, Chair
Dale Arndt, Vice-Chair
Canadian Owners and Pilots Association (COPA)
Paul Hayes, Southern Ontario Director
Duncan S. MacIntyre, Director
Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA)
Councillor Andrew Hallikas, Town of Fort Frances
Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM)
His Worship Alan Spacek, President/Mayor of the City of Kapuskasing
Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)
Monika Turner, Director of Policy
Ontario Air Advisory Panel Members
Government Representatives
Transport Canada
Debra Taylor, Regional Director General, Ontario
Justin Terry, Regional Economic Officer, Ontario
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Robert Nishman, Manager, Policy and Operational Assessment
Ministry of Natural Resources
Mark Parsons, Manager, Policy and Business Management
Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
Joseph Veloce, Manager, Services and Aerospace
Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry
Terry Bryson, Northern Transportation Advisor
Ministry of Tourism
Darryl Soshycki, Policy and Strategy Development
Ontario Air Advisory Panel Issues
Communities can no longer shoulder the cost of maintaining aging airports.
Financial support for capital rehabilitation and municipal airport operations.
Reduction of the federal regulatory burden facing small airports
The need for a stronger provincial advocacy role on behalf of municipal
Lack of a provincial air transportation policy document to guide the
provincial role and responsibilities.
Raising awareness about municipal airports – recognizing that airports are
part of key municipal infrastructure.
Development of linkages with economic development agencies and tourism
to jointly promote the community and the airport.
Air Advisory Panel Studies
Two studies have been undertaken at the request of stakeholders, the
Airfield Pavement Study and the Municipal Airport Data Collection Study:
– The data collected from both studies will be used in the development of
a business case to demonstrate the importance of municipal airports to
government decision makers and to further support the need for capital
investment in Ontario’s Municipal Airports.
2008 Airfield Pavement Study:
– Study of 46 municipal airports, $57,000 joint funding through several
Ontario Ministries (MTO, MEDT, MTC, MNDMF).
– Study identified capital needs of $18M for northern airport pavements
and $26M for southern airport pavements.
2011 Municipal Airport Data Collection Study
– Study funded by MTO for $21,000.
– Panel members agreed to work with the Ministry in the collection of
operating, financial and traffic information from municipal airports, etc,
Survey Participation
Municipal Airports Data Collection Study
84 Municipal airports in Ontario:
– 38 in North (45%); 46 in South (55%)
57 respondents = 68% response rate
– 26 in North
– 31 in South
Overall response rate 20% higher
– 5 more airports took part in the north with 11 more airports taking part in
the south
Thank you