Hiring Research Staff

Managing your Research Staff
Julie Horne, Lawson Health Research Institute
Elana Whelan, Western
January 24, 2013
Declaration: Julie Horne and Elana Whelan have no actual or potential
conflicts of interest in relation to this educational program .
To highlight points to consider when hiring
research staff;
To highlight the supervisor’s role and
responsibilities for research staff; and
To review the approval process and
requirements for conducting clinical studies in
the hospitals, prior to hiring staff.
Hiring Research Staff
Type of Research i.e. Clinical or Academic
Lawson/Hospital (LHSC or SJHC)
– Western
Terms of Employment
Temporary employment (one-year renewable
– Research job titles are determined by the relationship
– Compensation - based on funding or UWO Collective
What to consider when hiring
Research Staff
Length of funding
Responsibilities and duties
Hours of work
Union vs. Non Union
Job posting requirement
Salary pay scales
What to consider when hiring
Letter of appointment for immigration purposes
Determination of the Relationship
Pay rate guidelines
Maximum length of a Postdoc
Hiring Clinical Research Staff
Hiring process
Recruitment (Internal or external candidates)
– Non-union Research positions
– Employee Action Form
– Standards of Business Conduct/Conflict of Interest
– Employment Standards Act (ESA)
Supervisor Responsibilities for New
Research Staff
Review role and expectations
Ensure that outcomes are understood
Review hours of work, how breaks/lunches and
absences will be handled and tracked
Regular check-ins
Probationary period
Performance management
Termination/Severance Obligation and (ESA)
Staff Requirements
You have hired your research staff and
completed the necessary documentation. You
have heard that there are expectations for
research staff by the employer, the Ministry of
Health, and the Ministry of Labour.
What are the mandatory requirements that you
need to pay attention to?
What are some specialty training requirements
that may apply to your research staff?
Staff Requirements
Documentation and identification
Health requirements (if applicable)
Privacy & confidentiality – education,
Employee orientation - policies and
procedures; code of conduct
Reporting illness/injuries - Occupational Health
& Safety Services departments at each site
Required Staff Training
Mandatory Legislated Health & Safety:
 Fire Safety (hospital)
Clinical Research (with Patient Contact):
 N95 Fit Test
 Infection control
 Electronic Patient Record (EPR)
Western/Lawson Health & Safety
 Faculty/Supervisor Responsibilities Seminar
 General Laboratory Safety & Hazardous Waste
 Biosafety (if applicable)
 X-ray Safety (if applicable)
 Health & Safety Committee
Required Approvals
You are interested in starting a clinical trial at
LHSC or SJHC. You are anxious to start
consenting participants.
You know that you are able to start recruitment
once you receive your….
Approval Process
Signed clinical trial agreement with sponsor
Research Ethics Board (REB) approval
Lawson approval form (R number)
Health Canada approval
Important Contacts – Priceless!
HR Lawson – Julie Horne ext. 78953
HR Western (Schulich Staff) – Elana Whelan ext. 80388
LHSC HR – Alycia Hummel ext. 32566
SJHC HR – Patricia Melo ext. 64147