Item 4 - ERA Monitoring « 1.51MB

Why does ERA Need to
ERA follow-up - link to the European
ERAC, Brussels, 25 January 2013
Fabienne Gautier, acting HoU
ERA Policy, DG Research & Innovation
Research and
• ERA Council Conclusions of 11.12.2012 as
crucial basis for follow-up on the ERA
Communication by Member States
Building up the ERA monitoring mechanism and
delivering the ERA progress report
Further guidance for 2013's National Reform
Milestones in 2013
Research and
ERA Council Conclusions
11.12.2012 (1)
• To achieve the ERA, the Council INVITES Member States:
• to identify the ERA national reforms and actions,
according to their national specificities
• to present these ERA national reforms and
subsequent implementation in their National Reform
Programmes, starting from the 2013 European
• to cooperate with national research stakeholder
organisations in implementing the ERA actions
Research and
ERA Council Conclusions
11.12.2012 (2)
• Achieving the ERA will also require:
 Monitoring of ERA progress in close connection with
the European Semester
 Top-level steering by the Council
• The Commission is invited to develop a robust ERA
Monitoring Mechanism
• ERAC is invited to provide strategic advice to the Council
Research and
The ERA monitoring mechanism
• Objectives :
 Identify progress in achieving ERA
 Help the political steering process
 Identify areas where further progress is needed
• How will it work ?
 An annual reporting cycle will be set up from 2013 onwards:
The Commission will issue an annual ERA progress report in
September, in close interaction with ERAC
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The European Semester
• 17 June 2010: adoption of Europe 2020 Strategy for jobs,
sustainable and inclusive growth
 Link with the ERA Communication:
• EU headline indicator: "improving conditions for R&D, in
particular with the aim of raising combined public and
private investment levels in this sector to 3% of GDP"
Research and
Europe 2020 integrated guidelines
• Europe 2020 strategy is underpinned by a set of Europe
2020 integrated guidelines :
• 13 July 2010: guidelines for the economic policies as
Council Recommendation including "Optimising support for
R&D, strengthening the knowledge triangle and unleashing
the potential of the digital economy"
• 21 October 2010: guidelines for the employment
policies of the Member States
Research and
Guideline 4 for Economic Policies link with ERA
• "reforms should foster excellence"
• "helping to facilitate […] merit-based competition"
 More effective national research systems
• "national funding schemes adapted and simplified"
• "orienting them towards higher growth while addressing major
social challenges
• "ensure the development of world class infrastructures [..]
infrastructures made accessible…
 Optimal transnational co-operation and competition
Research and
Guideline 4 for Economic Policies link with ERA
"attractive careers and the mobility of researchers […] promoted"
"improve governance of research institutions"
 An open labour market for researchers
"improve governance of research institutions"
 Gender quality and gender mainstreaming
"reinforce cooperation between public, private and third sector players […]
ensure development of infrastructures and networks that ensure
knowledge diffusion"
"promote the development and use of modern accessible online services,
including by further developing e-identity"
 Circulation, access to and transfer of scientific knowledge
including Digital ERA
Research and
2013 Commission Guidance for NRP
"In relation to the Europe 2020 headline target to
improve the conditions for R&D, Member States are
invited to outline their actions to complete the
(Commission guidelines on the content and format of the
National Reform Programmes as sent to MS on 14 January
2013, p. 4)
Research and
2013 Commission Guidance for NRP (2)
• The NRP´s have rolling character: State of implementation
to be indicated (enacted or planned)
• Chapter 4. Progress towards national Europe 2020
targets - Short overview of main priorities/reforms (Annex)
• Chapter 5. […] the use of structural funds – To indicate
which relevant EU funding programmes (ERDF/ESF/CF,
Horizon 2020,..) are relevant for the ERA reforms
• Annex 3 reporting table which could be used to report on
ERA measures
Research and
ERA already in 2012 NRP's
• Most NRP´s focus on business environment for research
and innovation, in that context also knowledge transfer
• Research infrastructures mentioned frequently
• Efficiency of research funding covered -scope varies
substantially (institutional vs calls)
• Low attention to cross-border cooperation, openness of
labour markets for researchers, gender issues and Open
Research and
Milestones 2013
• 18-19 February 2013: Competitiveness Council - policy
debate on European Semester based on progress report
encompassing Annual Growth Survey 2013
14-15 March: European Council – assessment of progress
2012 CSRs - guidance to MS 2013 NRPs
21 March 2013: ERAC Mutual Learning Exercise
15 April 2013: MS submit NRP´s including ERA measures
April-September: analysis by Commission of ERA
progress based also on input ERAC and ERA groups
September 2013: first ERA Progress report
October/November 2013: ERAC opinion on ERA Progress
report (debate in Council – pos. Conclusions)
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Thank you for your attention!
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