
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Small Business Opportunities:
Obtaining Federal Laboratory know-how and technology
Marketing Opportunities
Technology Transfer
Broad Agency Announcement/Contracts/Grants
Business Transactions/Legal Office
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Points of Contact
Dr Rita C. Manak, Head, Office of Technology Transfer
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (Code 1004)
Building 54, Room 226
4555 Overlook Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20375-5320
(202) 767-3083/1328 (voice)
(202) 404-7920 (data facsimile) (e-mail)
Mr. Cameron P. Childs, Office of Technology Transfer: (202) 767-0947
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Points of Contact
Ms. Susan C. Wilson, Head,
Department for Small Business
Business Operations Directorate
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (Code 3005)
Building 222, Room 115
4555 Overlook Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20375-5320
(202) 767-0666 (voice)
(202) 767-0494(data facsimile) (e-mail)
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Points of Contact
Dr. K. Todd Holland, Head, Seafloor Sciences Branch (228) 688-5320/5563 (voice)
Mr. Kevin B. Shaw, Head, Geospatial Sciences & Technology Branch (228) 688-4420/4421 (voice)
Dr. John Sample, Head, GEOINT Section, Geospatial Sciences/Tech Branch (228) 688-4995
Dr. Gregg A. Jacobs, Head, Ocean Dynamics and Predictions Branch (228) 688-4720/4474 (voice)
Mr. Robert A. Arnone, Head, Ocean Sciences Branch (228) 688-5268/4733 (voice)
Dr. Richard W. Gould, Jr., Head, Ocean Optics Section (Ocean Sci Branch) (228) 688-5587
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Office of Technology Transfer
Patent Licenses
Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA)
Sharing of Federal Technology
Developing the Commercial Market of the Small Business through Federal Laboratory
Technology & Know-How
CONTACT: Dr Rita Manak (202) 767-3083
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Office of Counsel
Accelerated approvals for small business proposals
“Work for Others” Agreement: Business/academia buy services of nation’s leading experts
Areas include: Unmanned and self-navigating vessels; deep ocean surveys of methane clathrates; physics-based
predictions of mesoscale ocean/atmospheric processes (e.g., effects upon synchronous/parametric roll of ship;
petroleum; fisheries)
Contact: (228) 688-4826 (Associate Counsel: Armand Beede, Esquire); (228) 688-5759 (Kathleen Chapman,
Esquire (Intellectual Property))