Hepatitis C Guide for Care and Support(Abstract): G. Butt

Hepatitis Services, BCCDC
Gail Butt,
Associate Clinical Director
Liza McGuinness
Research Manager
Development and Implementation of Health Literacy
Resources to Improve Hepatitis C Care and Support
Gail Butt, Liza McGuinness, Hepatitis Services
A national project to develop health
literacy materials to assist people
with hepatitis C to:
1) Developed, evaluated and
disseminated French & English
self-learning booklets
4) Developed audio resources
and other accessory learning
materials for those with special
learning needs
discuss their needs,
navigate health and social
improve their self-care
2) Developed, evaluated and
disseminated self-learning
booklets with Aboriginal people
5) In development: Resources
translated and adapted for use
by Inuit audiences
Participatory Action Research
approach to incorporate the
expertise of those infected with
hepatitis C and their health and
social care providers.
Participants act as:
Advisory committee members
Content reviewers
Event organizers
Distributors of resources
3) Developed a national partner
network of people affected by
hepatitis C and their service
As of Feb 2011:
490 people had assisted
2455 handbooks distributed
42 launch events
Increased capacity to support
people with hepatitis C
Increased engagement and
education of those affected and
their service providers
The materials are used by people
with other chronic illnesses
Funded by Hepatitis C Prevention, Support and Research Program, Public Health Agency of Canada
This project succeeded because of the participation and dedication of many:
CAHN and Competency Committee Members, in particular:
Cheryl Dale, Carol Dupasquier, JoAnn Ford, Geri Hirsch, Ciro Panessa, Kathy
Poldre, Syliva Skrypnyk, Colina Yim, and Samantha Earl
Special thanks to Paul Plaisir for the French translation assistance
Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada
All Nations Hope AIDS Network
ASK Wellness (BC)
Aboriginal Healthy Living: BC Ministry of Health Services,
AIDS Society of Kamloops
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network
Hep C Council of BC
Hepatitis C Secretariat (ON)
Interior Indian Friendship Centre
Métis Nation BC
Red Road HIV/AIDS Strategy
The Squamish Nation
South Riverdale Community Health Centre (ON)
Funded by the Hepatitis C Prevention, Support and Research Program, Public Health Agency of
What’s Next?
• Issues with non-attendance, deferral or
delay of hepatitis C care
• Is this a problem in your practice?
– large, medium, low
Non-Attendance for Hepatitis Care
Research Project
• Data from 4 BC hepatitis demo projects
– 20-28% of those referred annually didn’t attend
• No studies of reasons for non-attendance
Purpose: Understand the personal & health-system
factors affecting attendance for hepatitis C services
develop engagement strategies/programs based on the
recommendations of non-attendees and providers
Non-Attendance: Proposal
Year 1- obtain and analyze data:
interviews, focus groups,
administrative datasets
Year 2- develop and disseminate
Can you help with recruitment ?
Future : The effectiveness of Life
Coaching for Hepatitis C
• Life coaching:
– a collaborative process between a coach and a
– to increase motivation to maximize personal
change and potential (Whitmore, 2007)
– focus is on client values and priorities
– in the context of living with the illness
• Life coaches do not have to be health care
Exploring Life Coaching for
Hepatitis C
• Step 1: Knowledge synthesis grant
regarding the outcomes of life coaching on
illness management, adherence to treatment
and health care utilization -
• Step 2: Intervention trial grant application
Thank you!