Toyota SWOT

Toyota SWOT
By: Jordan Johnson
 Toyota
is very big on energy efficient cars
 It is a leader in the green cars market
Sales Promotion Idea
 Giving
out the first month of gasoline free
and a chance to be invited to Theトヨタ
Moving Forward Event for every Toyota
Prius Hybrid purchased.
Advertising Idea
 Advertisements
at gas stations about
spending less at the pump and about the
トヨタ Moving Forward Event sweepstakes
if they purchase a Toyota Prius.
Public Relations Idea
 トヨタ
Moving Forward Event
Hold a sponsored event at Radio City Music
Have a race with celebrities in colored
Auction off the Prius‘s after the race and
donate the profits to Trees for Tomorrow
Personal Selling Idea
 Send
employees to do fun presentations
at businesses and high schools about the
benefits of owning and driving Priuses.
 At
theトヨタ Moving Forward Event have
employees available to facilitate test
drives to guests