Understanding food habits, 7.5 hp

Umeå universitet
Institutionen för kostvetenskap
Samlad bedömning för:
Understanding food habits: a
sociological perspective, 7,5 hp
Antal registrerade på kursen:
Datum för möte (programsamordnare,
lärarrepresentanter och studentföreträdare):
Start och slutdatum:
Antal svar på skriftlig kursutvärdering:
Datum för samlad bedömning:
Detta har fungerat (särskilt) bra
Den skriftliga utvärderingen visar att studenterna är nöjda med kursens innehåll och upplägg. Det
som särskilt framgår är att en övervägande del ansåg att kursens fem examinationer bidrog till att
uppnå de förväntade studieresultaten effektivt eller mycket effektivt. Även inblandade lärare är
överlag nöjda.
Detta har fungerat mindre bra eller brustit
En tredjedel av studenterna ansåg inte att de inspelade föreläsningarna på Cambro bidrog till att
stödja lärandet mot de förväntade studieresultaten. Det fanns också ett fåtal studenter som ansåg
att kurslitteraturen inte bidrog till att stödja lärandet mot de förväntade studieresultaten. Det
framkom också önskemål om mer interaktion med lärarna på Cambro.
Förändringar som är nödvändiga att genomföra inför nästa kurstillfälle
Kursen genomfördes för första gången ht 2013. Utifrån lärarlagets utvärdering kommer vissa
revideringar att göras av kursens förväntade studieresultat. Det kommer också att göras
förändringar i den obligatoriska kurslitteraturen. Vidare kommer instruktioner till studenterna att
tydliggöras både i studieguiden och på Cambro när det gäller examinationer och läraraktivitet på
Förändringar som ev kan bli aktuella att genomföra på längre sikt
På längre sikt kommer de inspelade föreläsningarna som finns i Cambro att uppdateras och
Bilaga: Sammanställning momentutvärderingar
Course evaluation Understanding food habits
H13 Understanding food habits: a sociological perspective
Results of survey
Startade: January 17, 2014
Avslutad: February 10, 2014
Svarsfrekvens: 41% ( 16 / 39 )
Elektroniskt utvärderingssystem
Course evaluation Understanding food habits
Thank you for filling out the course evaluation before February 1.
Your contribution will help us to further develop the course.
The answers will be handled anonymously and can´t be traced to you.
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1. What are the most important things you have
learned during the course?
• different tools to use as different glasses when you analyze a
• To analyze and understand eatinghabits from a sociological
perspective. To see how society creates and influences food
choices. To see how my own food choices are influcence by
the modern food discourses.
• Det viktigaste är att ha fått reflektera över hur mycket det är
som faktiskt påverkar våra matval och hur många omedvetna
val vi gör.
• I've learned a lot regarding my own food habits, and that thay
may not been the most healthiest mentally. Now i also more
than before understand the problems when it comes to
changing ones food habits.
• 6
• 2 hours
• On average, I have probably devoted 3-10 hours per week on
this course depending on if we had assignments due in the
next few weeks or not.
• 3 hours
• Hur olika sociala faktorer såsom kön, kultur, etnicitet,
socioekonomisk status etc påverkar en individs matbeteende
och matval och att detta är viktigt att ha kunskap om för att
kunna åstadkomma förändringar i en persons matvanor.
• Totat 150 timmar eller fördelat på fem veckor 30 tim/vecka
alt. 7,5 tim/vecka i 20 veckor.
• How many different aspects that influence food habits
• About 15.
• How we create our identity through food choices.
• I have learned dat food and eating exists out of multiple steps
and that we are influenced my many things. But I did not
really learn anything I didn't knew yet.
• I think that this course has been really important to me
because I have actually realized how much our food choices
depend upon our surroundings and the environment we were
raised in (i.e. cultural norms, etc.). This seems like it would
be pretty obvious, but this course has really helped me to
think of things in this way and also to realize the huge
differences between cultures, even within the same country. I
also thought it was useful to learn about the different
socialization theories and factors, as I have never really had
an in-depth course on this before.
• Different sociological perspectives to food habits
• Att vi dagligen fattar så många beslut om mat och att det är
så många faktorer o.d. som påverkar våra beslut.
• the sociological perspectives of our food choices
• I have learnt more about "food sociology" and discovered
that I want to take more courses like this!
• 8-10
3. To what extent do you think Examination 1 - Food
choice I - helped you to achieve the expected learning
demonstrate a reflective (open-minded) attitude
towards food habits
15 svar, medelvärde = 3.87
Not effective
13 % (2)
7 % (1)
33 % (5)
Very effective
40 % (6)
Inga kommentarer
4. To what extent do you think Examination 2 Reflections on reading material - helped you to
achieve the expected learning outcome?
demonstrate a reflective (open-minded) attitude
towards food habits
15 svar, medelvärde = 3.87
Not effective
2. On average, how many hours per week have you
devoted to your studies? Only count the hours
devoted to this course if you have been taking other
courses at the same time.
7 % (1)
Very effective
0 % (0)
20 % (3)
13 % (2)
27 % (4)
40 % (6)
• 10
• 5
• 10
• ca 10 h
• 2
• 10
• 2,5-5 timmar/vecka i genomsnitt.
• 10 hours
Inga kommentarer
5. To what extent do you think Examination 3 - Food
choice II - helped you to achieve the expected
learning outcomes?
demonstrate an understanding of the social
structures, cultural norms and social factors that
influence food habitsexplain how socialisation shapes
our food preferencesidentify social structures,
cultural norms and social factors that influence food
habits in real life contextsapply sociological terms on
current discourses surrounding food
habitsdemonstrate a reflective (open-minded)
attitude towards food habits
15 svar, medelvärde = 4.20
Not effective
Not effective
0 % (0)
7 % (1)
7 % (1)
27 % (4)
Very effective
60 % (9)
0 % (0)
Inga kommentarer
7 % (1)
13 % (2)
33 % (5)
Very effective
47 % (7)
8. What do you think about the course literature?
The course literature helped me achieve the expected
learning outcomes
15 svar, medelvärde = 3.80
• A very good exam! I had fun doing it.
Strongly disagree 0 % (0)
6. To what extent do you think Examination 4 - Food
discourses - helped you to achieve the expected
learning outcomes?
13 % (2)
27 % (4)
27 % (4)
Strongly agree
describe the moralistic discourse around food habits
in different contexts and for different peopleapply
sociological terms on current discourses surrounding
food habitsdemonstrate a reflective (open-minded)
attitude towards food habitsweigh competing
discourses surrounding food habits against each
15 svar, medelvärde = 3.80
Not effective
0 % (0)
33 % (5)
• Luptons bok var en bra grund, men ganska svårläst för att
förstå större sammanhang i vissa avseenden. Hade uppskattat
en mer aktuell bok då den är från -96. Artiklarna var mycket
relevanta och positivt att man fick guidening i studieplanen
om vilken litteratur som gällde vilken uppgift.
9. What do you think about the lectures in Cambro?
The lectures helped me achieve the expected learning
15 svar, medelvärde = 3.20
13 % (2)
13 % (2)
Very effective
Strongly disagree
53 % (8)
20 % (3)
• And this one was good as well!
7. To what extent do you think Examination 5 Exploring a food related dilemma- helped you to
achieve the expected learning outcomes?
apply a theoretical perspective to solve a food-related
dilemma within a professional or family
framework.reflect on the consequences of
socialisation theories for their professional or
personal development.
15 svar, medelvärde = 4.40
7 % (1)
27 % (4)
27 % (4)
20 % (3)
Strongly agree
20 % (3)
• I didn't follow them, I just read the litterature.
10. If you were responsible for this course next year –
is there anything that you would like to change?
• I would arrange more group discussions where the students
are able to discuss different questions during the course.
• no.
• I would try to explain harder what "discourses" is, since it's a
word i don't even know in swedish. I had to read other
students' essays in order to understand what you meant by it.
• Fler mindre övningar. Få snabbare respons på uppgifter.
• Kanske lite mer hjälp för att förstå de olika meta-teorierna i
ett mat-perspektiv genom att hänvisa till litteraturen tydligare
alt. lägga till ytterligare kurslitteratur.
• I think the information about the examinations were a bit
unclear, I had problems grasping what was expected, and
never got a higher grade even though I thought I got
everything that was asked for in the instructions.
• I wouldn't send emails in Swedish, because it is an
international course
• I think there could be more lecture content. I listened to each
lecture and they were a good starting place, but then I
typically had to look up more information to be able to really
understand the topic before I would be able to understand
everything in the reading material. This could be because I
have never really taken a course in sociology.
• More videos, explaining more about the subject and what's
expected of us. And probably that the course should be in
• Se 12.
• Add more student to student interaction
• No. Best course ever!
11. What advice would you give to students who
apply for this course in the future?
• don´t get spooked of the heavy words. Take the time to
understand the meaning of them
• Take an active role, and analyze your own habits. Do not
moralize over other peoples choices.
• I would also have liked more feedback on the examinations
and what would have been necessary for a higher grade.
• My main complaint about this course is that it is in English
while the teachers barely can speak well english themselves.
I honestly think that if the course would have been in
Swedish it would have been much better... On the videos it
seemed like the teachers would use complicated words just
to sound more academic and some of them spoke such bad
English I could barely understand what they were saying. I
do think there should be more and longer videos, but maybe
on a language that they are fluent at. I believe they are all
really good at the subject and know very much about
sociological perspectives on food habits. Why not have it in
• Det gick inte att lägga till kommentarer till 1-9 ovan så jag
gör det här.
4. Det var mycket intressant att få ta del av andras
reflektioner och lärarens alla kommentarer.
5. Det var alltför lågt ljud på Cecilia Olssons föreläsningar
och ljudet gick inte att få högre.
8. Det framgick inte av kursplanen i vilket sammanhang kap.
2 i Lupton skulle läsas.
9. Definition av discourses och de olika teorierna gjordes och
hänvisning fanns till Lupton och Sobal. Även till James P
Gee när det gällde discourses. Jag skulle ha behövt läsa med
om dessa definitioner och behövt flera hänvisningar. Jag har
ju naturligtvis själv sökt information men ytterligare
hänvisningar, helst med sidor, hade varit bra. Begreppen är
ju grundläggande.
• read all articles !
• Very enlightening in personal and professional level
• Börja med uppgifterna i tid då de kräver en del analys.
• Ask for clearer instructions if you don't totally understand.
• It is very interesting, so study it at a time, when you have the
time to really 'dig in'.
• Listen to the lectures and read the material, and really try on
the different assignments in order to get everything out of the
class that you can!
• Read the book.
• Mycket intressant kurs - gå den.
• Read a basic sociology book
• To really try to understand whats the litterature says. I
reacted on some of the students texts in the Food discoursesexam, it was like some didn't quite "get it" somehow.
12. Other comments on the course?
• I lkie it was in english, I've picked up a few things on the
13. What is your main subject? (not part of the
course evaluation, just our interest to see who chose
to take the course)
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12 svar, medelvärde = 1.33
• hard but good.
Food and nutrition
• Mycket intressant och bra kurs som har gett mig nytt
perspektiv på matbeteende och matvanor som hjälper mig i
arbetet som dietist. Kommer absolut rekommendera kursen
till mina kollegor.
67 % (8)
0 % (0)
14. What is your professionalbackground?
(dietician, home economic teacher, other?) (not part
of the course evaluation, just our interest to see who
chose to take the course)
• dietician
• Psychology major, working with HR-questions.
• dietitian
• Student/personal trainer
• Dietist.
• Dietician and waitress
• Statistics, public health and sociology
• Health student
• I am still a student. Studying to get my Masters in
international health, but I have previously worked as a
teacher (one year).
• Registered Dietician
• Numera pensionär och studerar olika kurser vid olika
universitet. Tidigare arbetat med ekonomi och juridik.
• Animal production
• Chef and becoming a dietician when taking the course.
15. If not Sweden, what is your country of origin?
(not part of the course evaluation, just for our
interest to see who chose to take the course)
• Faroe Islands
• Netherlands
• United States
• Brazil, but I've been living in Sweden for many years.
• Greece
• Sweden.