Key area 4: Animal welfare and indicators of poor welfare

Animal welfare


1. Describe the factors that contribute to the wellbeing of domesticated animals.

2. Describe the main behavioural indicators of poor welfare

CFE Higher Biology

Sustainability and interdependence

Animal welfare

Providing livestock with good environmental conditions to live involves:

• Costs e.g.

• Benefits e.g.

• Ethics e.g.

CFE Higher Biology

Sustainability and interdependence

The “Animal welfare act 2006” enshrined the “Five Freedoms for animal welfare” into law.

Use the internet to find out what the

“five freedoms” are.

CFE Higher Biology

Sustainability and interdependence

Behavioural indicators of poor behaviour

Animals in poor conditions display the following types of behaviour:

• Stereotypy

• Misdirected behaviour

• Failure of sexual/parental behaviour

• Altered activity levels

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Sustainability and interdependence


Watch this video link:

Write a short note describing what constitutes stereotypy in pets/livestock.

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Misdirected behaviour

Normal behaviour is directed inappropriately e.g.

Animals may mutilate themselves by overgrooming, plucking or chewing itself.

Or, be misdirected towards the surroundings.

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Failure of sexual/parental behaviour

Poor conditions can be responsible for failure of animals to breed successfully.

It can also lead to offspring being rejected.

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Level of activity

Excessive sleeping or hyper-aggression can be a sign of poor living .conditions

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Sustainability and interdependence


The study of animal behaviour

1. Explain what is meant ethology.

2. Describe methods used during the study of animal behaviour

3. Describe how preference testing can be used in animal welfare studies.

CFE Higher Biology

Sustainability and interdependence


Is the study of animal behaviour.

It is done by producing an ethogram – a list of all the behaviours shown by the animal.

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Sustainability and interdependence

Watch this clip that shows examples of capuchin behaviour

Watch this 15 min clip on capuchin monkey behaviour.

Use the worksheet to record the behaviour of “popeye”.

CFE Higher Biology

Sustainability and interdependence

Preference behaviour and measuring motivation

Animal behaviour can also be studied to establish an animal’s preference for certain conditions (preference test) or to measure its motivation.

You can read more on these tests in the textbook or Scholar.

CFE Higher Biology

Sustainability and interdependence