LearnSmart introduction

Bright futures begin with
a smarter way to learn.
LearnSmart monitors students' learning styles
as it teaches and adapts instantly based on
their performance.
This brief review has been designed to help you become familiar with LearnSmart
and how to best use it in your course. It will also assist you with the registration
process and direct you where to go for help.
LearnSmart is a web-based, adaptive study platform that determines what you know and
what you are ready to learn next.
Your work in LearnSmart will make up 78% of your overall grade in this course.
Over the course of this term, you will be required to work in LearnSmart to strengthen and
demonstrate your mastery of the chapter’s objectives.
Knowledge Probing
Knowledge Probing
Once you have selected a chapter
to study which is shown in your
assignment list with the
LearnSmart will begin probing
your knowledge of the chapter’s
objectives. Before answering a
topic question. LearnSmart will
ask you to self-assess your
confidence. This will help you
learn more efficiently.
It is crucial that you make an
honest attempt on this and all
probes so LearnSmart can
accurately update what you know
and what needs work.
Knowledge Probing
Your progress for each chapter can
be seen from your LearnSmart
Learning Calendar by rolling your
mouse over the chapter.
In addition, there are numerous
debriefing reports available. These
analyze your performance so you
can be more effective with your
Knowledge Probing
Keys To Success
This is a study tool and not a standard assessment product. It tracks your learning over
You should complete all passive learning activities before you work on LearnSmart –
reading the chapter, watching animations and videos available in Connect, etc.
Before answering each question, click on the most appropriate confidence level as this
will ensure you receive the most efficient learning experience for you .
Use the time-outs to return to relevant sections of the text to read up on topics you
are struggling to learn.
Return to completed assignments to rework material and refresh your memory before
quizzes and tests. You should not be alarmed if you have forgotten some things – it’s
natural when learning a new subject!
Click on the Challenge Answer button if you feel the content is incorrect.
Technical Support