Thesis - Chatt




• 3 main body paragraphs

• 2 – 3 points/proofs/comments per paragraph

• save your strongest argument for the last paragraph

Sample Essay Question and


Essay Question: Is Duddy Kravitz more of a victim or a villain in The Apprenticeship of

Duddy Kravitz?

Thesis: Thus, Duddy Kravitz is more of a villain in The Apprenticeship of Duddy

Kravitz insofar as he negatively affects others physically, emotionally, and financially.


• 1 st sentence, begins with a transition word

(e.g. Firstly)

• Introduces focus, limits scope, and relates to thesis

• Shouldn't be too broad or too specific

• e.g.

Firstly , Richler villainizes Duddy by showing the physical harm he inflicts on others.


- an idea that supports your topic sentence

- again, use transition words to help your writing flow and move from one idea to the next

- remember: you need at least 2 points per paragraph

POINT (cont'd)

- IMPORTANT: Make sure that you are not confusing a point with an example ! A point is a little argument or idea that is supported by a specific example and quotation.

e.g. To begin , Duddy's antics cause a loss of life in the text. For example, he is responsible for Jenny MacPherson's death .


- a quotation —an excerpt from the text (dialogue, stage direction, descriptive passage) that helps prove your point and, by extension, your thesis

-must be incorporated smoothly

—lead-in to your quotation by briefly indicating who is speaking to whom, when, and where

-you must include the correct page number (for novels) or (Act.scene.line) reference (for plays) at the end of your quotation

PROOF (continued)

To begin , Duddy's antics cause a loss of life in the text. For example, he is responsible for

Jenny MacPherson's death . When Mr.

MacPherson returns to school following

Jenny's death, he accuses Duddy of killing his wife. At first, he indirectly blames

Duddy by asking him, “It was you who phoned, wasn't it?” (38). He then asserts

Duddy's culpability by repeating, “You killed my wife, Kravitz....You killed my wife” (38).



At least 2 sentences per point

Sentence(s) #1(+): links back to your point— explains how your evidence proves the point that you are trying to make

COMMENTS (continued)

Sentence(s) #2(+): links back to your topic sentence and thesis

—explains how your evidence proves the argument that you are trying to make


shows ... ...

illustrates ...… reveals ...

Target SPECIFIC DETAILS in the quotation!

Don't be afraid of re-quoting important words in your explanation

COMMENTS (continued)

• These quotations show that Duddy is responsible for Jenny MacPherson's death. Mr. MacPherson is certain of Duddy's guilt, as evidenced by the way he assigns blame to him three times. His repetition of “my wife” twice helps to reinforce his sense of loss and, by extension, the nefarious character of the individual responsible for her death. It is clear that Duddy is a villain as he is responsible for the physical harm that ultimately costs the invalid Jenny her life.


- Transition: In conclusion, Thus, Therefore

- Sums up your paragraph's main idea— basically, your topic sentence reworded (Use a thesaurus! Don't cut and paste!) e.g. In conclusion , Richler portrays Duddy as villain by showing how he is responsible for physically harming other people.
