Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation

Martin Luther and the
Protestant Reformation
Mr. Booth’s World History
1300 – 1500 CE
Q of D: Analyzing 3 Causes of the
Protestant Reformation
Directions: Write the following questions and answer them.
You may use p. 488 for help. (3-4 minutes)
- By 1500, many forces weakened the
Catholic Church.
1. How did the Renaissance weaken the
2.How did German rulers want to challenge
the political power of the church?
3.What practices of the Catholic Church in
the 1500’s might have upset churchgoers?
1. Secular during Ren. (Here and the Now
instead of religion)
2. Germans resented distant control; new
ideas were weakening the Church
3. Popes pursued worldly affairs; some
priests drank and gambled
1. Catholic Church Hierarchy
– People were
– I.M.A.D!
2. Martin Luther’s Protestant
• Luther’s Ideas were
• F.U.N.
Protestant Reformation:
The Beginning
- Protestant = someone who protested
the Catholic Church
- Reformation = When people demand
- The Protestant Reformation began
because the Catholic Church made
Protestants say
I =Indulgences
• A monk/friar named
Johann Tetzel was raising
• Why?
• To rebuild St. Peter’s
Cathedral in Rome.
• To raise money he sold
Indulgences: Certificates
of Pardon to absolve sin
• Who would this anger?
M = Merchants
-Merchants want usury
Usury = lending money & charging
-Church says usury is wrong… Hypocrisy?
Q: Who would this anger?
A = Absolute Power and
Wealth of Church
• Why was the Catholic Church so powerful in
1. For many the church represented the chance
to go to heaven and one day go to heaven.
2. Pope had power over the king because of the
threat of excommunication.
D = Domination of the
Church by Italians
(Germans/English are mad)
• People of Germany and England resented
paying taxes to Rome because they did
nothing for them.
• “Rome was way down there, and we’re way
up here.”
• What can you conclude about I.M.A.D.?
Martin Luther
Martin Luther: His 3 Ideas were
1. Faith only saves people - not good works
-Catholic church = salvation by following church
-Q: Who will not like this idea of Luther’s? Why?
2. Ultimate authority for Christians = Bible
-Q: Who will this anger? Who did Catholics think was the
-Catholic Church says Pope is Ultimate Authority
3. Nobody is more important in God’s eyes
-All people with faith are equal. Therefore, people did not need
priest to interpret the Bible for them.
How did Luther’s Ideas Spread?
• Luther’s ideas spread quickly
with the help of the printing
press (Guternberg)
• Millions of people sided with
Luther against the Roman
Catholic Church.
The Peasants’ Revolt/Edict of Worms
• In 1524, German peasants were excited about
Luther’s 95 theses. Then, something happened!
• Peasant Revolt Across Germany:
– Raided monasteries, pillaging, and burning.
• The prince’s armies crushed the revolt
– 100,000 people may have been killed
• Edict of Worms: Luther outlawed as a heretic and
excommunicated. “No one should shelter and feed
– Prince Frederick the Wise of Saxony does
• Heretic: Different views then the church
• Legacy of Edict of Worms: No one listens and the
denomination of Lutheranism begins.
1. Eastern Orthodox (East-West Schism)
2. Roman Catholic
3. Protestant- (Reformation/16th century)
Henry VIII
• King of England in 1509
(devout Catholic)
• Wife - Catherine of Aragon
Daughter - Mary
– but no woman ever
successfully claimed the
English throne.
• He wants a son!
– so he asked the Pope to annul
or cancel his marriage, Pope
says no
Henry VIII’s Six Wives
King Henry VIII
Dad of the Anglican Chruch
D- Divorce. Henry wants
one, pope says no
A – Anglican Church, Henry
in charge, no Pope
D- Did away with Catholic
Church’s land and wealth of
John Calvin
• From France
• Broke from Catholic
Church and started his
• Published Institutes of
the Christian Religion
Calvin’s Ideas
P- Predestination- You don’t get there by
good works, you get there because God
chooses you
O- Our moral lives reveal if we’re chosen by
W – Work ethic than honors God
Protestantism Today
• 400 Million Protestants Worldwide
• In the U.S., Religious adherents are:
– 21% are Catholic
– 23% Protestant
– 14% Non-Christian
– 28% Independent Christian
– 14% Non-denominational