Common Characteristics of Fastest

Some Common
Characteristics of FastestGrowing Churches
Dr. Tom Cheyney
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
While serving for the North American
Mission Board, Tom Cheyney has
attended worship services at five of the
seven fastest-growing churches in the
Nation. One church was Southern Baptist;
the other four are not identified with any
particular denomination. Here are some
common characteristics that Dr. Cheyney
observed during his visits.
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
A Positive First Impression.
Each of these five churches makes a good first
impression. Their best parking is reserved for
visitors. Clearly marked signs point people to
their desired destinations. Greeters are posted
at every major entrance. The facilities are clean
and attractive.
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
Visual Orientation.
Three of the five churches used overhead
projectors for song lyrics, Scripture readings,
pictures that complement the music, and
sermon texts.
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
Artsy flow and focus.
At one church a woman performed a liturgical
dance based on Psalm 150:4, which says,
“Praise him with ….dance.”
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
Colorful Banners and Mosaic’s.
Three of the five churches displayed colorful
banners or mosaics in the worship centers,
and most of them used occasional drama
and/or dance in their services.
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
Celebrate Atmosphere.
All of the churches had a spirit of celebration
and expectancy. People obviously were happy
to be at church and expected good things to
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
Engaging Preaching.
The pastors did not speak about abstract
theology, but their messages were biblically
based and relevant to daily living.
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
Illustrations and Storytelling abound.
All used illustrations and stories in
abundance. They spoke in conversational
styles and interjected humor at several points
throughout their sermons.
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
Contemporary Music.
Perhaps the most common denominator in
these churches is the extensive use of praise
and worship choruses.
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
Not Bound to the Clock.
None of the services finished in an hour. The
shortest service was 1 hour and 10 minutes.
The longest was 2 hours. Nobody seemed to
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
Lay Involvement.
Laypeople read Scripture, gave testimonies,
performed drama, gave announcements, and
performed musically.
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
Women were visible in worship.
Women helped receive the offering, distribute
the program’s, and lead public prayer.
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
Multiple Services.
Four of the churches offered multiple worship
services. The four offered at least two services
on Sunday morning, and one of them offered
three services. One church offered a 6 p.m.
Saturday service with a Bible Study hour
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
Other Factors.
Each church had at least one support of
recovery groups. Several of the churches had
programs for various addictions. Others had
support groups for single parents, women with
small children, and people struggling with
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
Strong Children and Youth Programs.
All five churches have strong children and
youth programs. Most have strong weekdayeducation programs.
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
Creative entry points.
Special services, concerts, and lectures serve
as entry points for unchurched people. People
wear everything from jeans and T-shirts to
three-piece suits.
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
Some Final Thoughts.
Please understand that I am not advocating
any particular style of worship or church
programming here.
I was not comfortable with everything I saw.
Some of the churches have a charismatic
flavor with which most Southern Baptists are
not comfortable. I at times felt too much of an
entertaining, cheerleading atmosphere.
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
However, I believe we can and must learn from
these kinds of churches. They are attracting
thousands of people all around the country.
With 85 percent of U.S. churches either
stagnant or in decline, we would do well to ask
the question “Why are these churches
reaching people?”
Common Characteristics of
Fastest-Growing Churches
Much of what I saw could be implemented in
many Southern Baptist churches. Some of it
could not. Each church must choose for itself
what is appropriate for its particular setting.
This presentation was written simply to foster
thought and discussion among worship
leaders and other concerned people.
Thank You: Tom Cheyney