
The Good Giving Guide
Diocese of Bristol
Diocese of Bristol | The Good Giving Guide
To think about the Christian responsibility to give
To review the Biblical material on the subject
To challenge you to give generously
Diocese of Bristol | The Good Giving Guide
Some basic assumptions
Christian giving is a primary Christian
responsibility 2 Cor. 8:7
The giving of my time is also an important but
distinct Christian responsibility
The guiding principle is sacrificial giving Luke
Sacrificial giving will unlock things in me
spiritually that nothing else will unlock Malachi
Diocese of Bristol | The Good Giving Guide
The Gift of Giving – R.T. Kendall
“In other words, tithing does something for you
spiritually. You will only ask, ‘why did I not start
tithing sooner?’ It does something for you that
cannot be explained in terms of material return.
It sets you on a course to be more than you have
been – more of what God wants you to be.”
Diocese of Bristol | The Good Giving Guide
The two basic appeals
The call to sacrificial giving is made on two
fundamental foundations
 God’s creation
 God’s redemption
Diocese of Bristol | The Good Giving Guide
God’s creation
The creation as generous gift
Tithing as a response to God’s generous gift
“All things come from you O Lord and of your
own do we give you.” 1 Chronicles 29:14
Diocese of Bristol | The Good Giving Guide
God’s redemption
Christian ethics (behaviour) are the ethics of
In response to the love of God shown to us in the
gift of His Son, Jesus who died to redeem the
world. We are BOUGHT AT A PRICE
Freely you have received, freely give Matt. 10:8
Diocese of Bristol | The Good Giving Guide
Guidelines for good giving
Tax efficiently where possible
Freely – We are called to GIVE not INVEST
Diocese of Bristol | The Good Giving Guide
Most commonly asked questions
Gross or net?
To the local Church or where I like?
What if I can’t afford it?
What if my husband/wife is not a Christian?
What do I teach my children?
What about students?
Diocese of Bristol | The Good Giving Guide
Review your attitudes to giving
 Review your level of giving
 Seek advice on ways of giving
 Respond to God’s generosity in creation
and redemption by giving generously
Diocese of Bristol | The Good Giving Guide