The Serial Comma Invitation to Edit

The Serial Comma
Did You Make the List?
 Commas can separate items or actions
written in a series.
 Lists consist of three or more items or
 Two items or actions are a pair, not a list,
and do not require commas.
 A comma separating the last item in a
series may be omitted if and or or stand in
and separate the last item. It’s an issue of
 When we look at actions in a series,
we have another opportunity to look
at agreement, tense, and parallelism.
 Parallelism is about making things
 If I write a list of actions, each verb
should be in the same tense.
 He read a book, wrote an essay, and
cleaned the garage.
 This polishing point makes a list
balanced and clear.
 Working on parallelism can force us to
rework our sentences, which is
usually a good thing.
Serial Commas
 Serial commas help combine
sentences and expand ideas by using
sensory detail – specific nouns or
vivid verbs.
 His room smelled of cooked grease,
Lysol, and age.
 - Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged
Bird Sings.
Invitation to Imitate
 _______smells of _______, _______,
(list of at least three things)
and __________.
Use this graphic to imitate the
underlying pattern. We can use a
structure to shape our own ideas.
More Invitations to Notice and
 Her cleats, shin pads, and sweats were in
her backpack, slung over her shoulder and
heavy with homework.
 I walked back to my room wet and dried
myself with a pair of jeans. I put on long
underwear, pants, a long-sleeved shirt,
shoes, and my parka. I stood in front of
the heater.
 Then I heard a scrape, a thud, and a yelp.
Invitation to Combine
 I have hair the color of carrots in an
apricot glaze.
 My skin is fair and clear where it isn’t
 My eyes are like summer storms.
 Combine these three sentences using
Original Combined Sentence
 I have hair the color of carrots in an
apricot glaze, skin fair and clear
where it isn’t freckled, and eyes like
summer storms.
 - Polly Horvath, Everything on a Waffle
Uncovering How Writers
Communicate With Readers
 His room smelled of cooked grease,
Lysol, and age.
 His room smelled.
 His room smelled of cooked grease,
lysol, and age.
 His room smell of cooked grease,
Lysol, and age.
 His room smelled off cooked grease,
Lysol, and age.