
The Kite Runner
Summary of Assef’s Character
 He is the villain of the story, a Pashtun
boy who bullies Amir and Hassan and
tries to humiliate Ali.
 He has a sociopathic nature even as a
boy and admires Hitler for what he had
done in eliminating the Jews. He wants
to emulate this evil German by
destroying all the Hazaras.
Developed character
 He never forgets a slight from
anyone and plots revenge. He
becomes a Talib when the
Taliban takes over
Afghanistan and uses his
power to kill innocent
Afghans, especially Hazaras.
 He kills Hassan when he won’t
give up his home and he tries
to kill Amir. It is only Sohrab’s
slingshot that finally defeats
this evil man.
 Assef is the antagonist of the book.
 He takes Sohrab from the orphanage in Kabul.
 Not only is Assef a villain, but he also symbolizes all
 Assef abuses his position of power in order to
demonstrate the political muscle of the men in
 Even as an adult, Assef uses a pair of brass knuckles
to demonstrate both his power and cruelty.
These quotations from the book show Assef’s
horrible nature and conveys how evil he is.
“I’m letting you keep the kite, Hazara. I’ll let you keep it
so it will always remind you of what I’m about to do.”
– this is before the incident, Assef speaks to Hassan as
if he is doing him a favour in letting him keep the kite.
“there’s nothing sinful about teaching a lesson to a
disrespectful donkey”