Culture Conversations - Student Life Staff Site

Leading Culture Conversations
The culture data offers a unique opportunity in
organizations to discuss ‘how’ people work (or
don’t work) together and identify some of the
barriers to high performance. The following pages
offer some questions that can help facilitate those
conversations and surface some of the existing
beliefs and assumptions that have resulted in the
current culture.
As you review your Mission results you might consider using
the following questions to help facilitate the conversations:
 Vision: Do you understand why we are in business?
Does our vision excite/motivate you? If so why? If not,
why not? Does the vision create ‘context’ for the work
that you do? What would help make the vision ‘real’ for
 Strategic Direction: Do you know what the key areas
of priority are for us as a group/organization for the next
2 – 3 years? Do you believe that our strategies will have
the desired impact? Do our strategies help guide your
decisions? What do you need to increase your
understanding of the key organizational strategies?
 Goals & Objectives: Are you clear about the shortterm goals that you are trying to achieve? Is progress
towards those goals being measured? Do you feel some
‘ownership’ of the goals? What else do you need to
achieve the goals in your area?
As you review your Consistency results you might consider
using the following questions to help facilitate the
 Core Values: Are you clear about what our core values are
and what they mean? What would you say is ‘valued’ most in
this organization? What is ‘valued’ least? Are you able to
apply the values in your day-to-day activities? What could we
do to make the values more ‘real’?
 Agreement: Would you say that we are all in agreement
regarding our key work objectives? How effectively would you
say that we resolve issues/problems that arise? What could we
do better to resolve issues in a way that generates more winwin solutions?
 Coordination & Integration: Do you understand how your
work impacts others? Do you believe that your colleagues
across the organization have common goals? Are you kept
informed about work in other areas that impacts you? Do you
keep other’s informed about the work that you do that might
impact them? What could be done to increase the level of
coordination and integration in our organization?
As you review your Involvement results you might consider
using the following questions to help facilitate the
 Empowerment: What does empowerment mean? What does
it look like to you? What do you find empowering in your work?
What prevents you from feeling empowered? Can we come to
agreement about what empowerment looks like in our
 Teamwork: Do you feel like you are part of a team? Is our
team working as effectively as it can? What if anything, gets in
the way of teamwork? What should we be doing that we are
not currently doing to improve our team’s effectiveness?
 Capability Development: How are we doing with training?
Are there specific skills that you think we lack as an
organization/group? Are we building the skills and capabilities
that we will need to be successful in the future? Do you believe
that your skills are valued and being developed? Do you have a
development plan that you believe is helping you to learn and
grow in your job?
As you review your Adaptability results you might consider
using the following questions to help facilitate the
 Creating Change: How receptive are we to new ideas and
suggestions? Do we ever hear ourselves (or others) say
‘That’s not the way we do it around here?’ How well are
changes communicated? When do changes meet the most
resistance? How could we become more proactive about
driving change?
 Customer Focus: What do we currently do to get feedback
from our customers (internal & external)? What happens to the
feedback we get? Would you say that we all have a good
understanding of our customer’s needs? What can we do to
better serve our customer(s)?
 Organizational Learning: What does risk taking at work
mean to you? Can we get better at what we do without trying
new things? What happens when mistakes are made around
here? Do we try to learn from mistakes or is our first reaction
to blame someone? What can we do to encourage more