Plot Diagram and Short Story Elements

Plot Diagram and Short Story Elements
“The Scarlet Ibis”
Plot Diagram
• A plot is the main story, broken
up into 5 main parts.
• A plot diagram shows you how
the story is organized and
highlights the 5 main parts.
Plot Diagram
• Exposition – what happens first
is discussed; this is where we get
information on the background,
setting, characters, etc.
• Example - Cinderella lives with her evil stepmother and
stepsisters and is treated poorly. There is going to be a
ball, where the prince will choose a bride. Cinderella’s
step-family will not allow her to attend
Plot Diagram
• Rising Action – What leads up
to the main problem/conflict
• Example - As the step-family prepares for the ball,
Cinderella wishes she may be able to attend. Her fairy
godmother comes to her aid and makes it possible for
her to attend the ball, but she must leave at midnight.
She dances with the prince and it’s a magical moment.
Plot Diagram
• Climax – The turning point of the
story when the problem/conflict is
at its worst; The characters find a
way to solve the problem.
• Example - It is midnight, and Cinderella must leave so
she flees from the palace and loses her glass slipper on
the steps. The prince is distraught at losing his love
and is determined to find her.
Plot Diagram
• Falling Action – The characters
begin/continue to solve the
• Example - The prince uses the slipper to find
Cinderella. He goes from house to house trying the
slipper on every female in the land, searching for the
slipper’s perfect fit. He tries the shoe on the
stepmother and stepsisters, but it doesn’t fit.
Plot Diagram
• Resolution (denouement)– how
things end (the story’s ending).
• Example – Cinderella tries the slipper and it fits.
Cinderella and the prince are reunited and married in
the castle.
• Turn your paper over!
• Using your whiteboard, how
many parts of the plot are there?
• Keep your paper over!
• Agree/Disagree: The rising action
is where the characters are
Short Story Elements (some)
• Setting– the place/time when the
story is being told.
• Sometimes this is not given and
the reader needs to use the clues
(context clues) to help figure the
setting out.
Short Story Elements (some)
• Imagery– the mental picture that
the author creates when certain
words/phrases are put together.
• This helps the reader understand
exactly what is going on.
Short Story Elements (some)
• Characters– there are several
types of characters; however, we
are going to focus on two.
Short Story Elements (some)
• Static Character– a character
that does not change in the story.
• They are the same person at the
end, as they were in the
Short Story Elements (some)
• Dynamic Character– a
character who changes by the
end of the story.
• He/She is one who learns
something important that makes
them mature and/or provide
insight into themselves or others.
• With a partner, create a list of two
things that would make a character
become Dynamic.
• With a partner, create a list of two
things that would make YOU become
a dynamic character.
**What do you notice about these two lists?**