
Reminder: Paper Basics
• MLA Format
• upper left-hand corner of the first page,
list your name
your instructor's name
the course
and the date.
• Italicize the title
• Header right hand side (last name and pg #)
• 12pt font
• Double spaced
• 1 Inch Margins
• Works Cited at the end
Works Cited
• Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. City of
Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.
Thursday, November 21st
• Bell Work
• 1. When did Arthur Miller write The
• 2. Why do you think that might have
played a role in his writing of the play?
• 3. What is a culture of fear? How does
that relate to the answers for questions 1
and 2?
• red, pinko -- noun somewhat oldfashioned informal + disapproving : a
Communist or someone who supports
• HUAC – House Un-American Activities
Committee was an investigating
committee of the United States House of
Representatives. It investigated the threat
of subversion (overthrowing the
government) by groups in the United
States and recommended legislation to the
• communist or Communist n
• Meaning:
• a person who believes in communism or is
a member of a political party that supports
• —communist or Communist adjective
Wednesday, November 20th
• Bell Work:
– 1. What did you like better, the movie or the
book? Explain
– 2. What is HATMAT?
– 3. When is the essay due?
Tuesday, November 19th
• Bell Work
1. Name 2 ways the book and the movie
are the same? Explain
• 2. Name 2 ways the book and movie are
different. Explain.
Bridge Map
• You and your partner need to create 2
separate bridge maps that relate to Act 3
or 4 from the Crucible.
Class Work
• On a piece of computer paper
• Create a Multi-Flow Map that shows the
causes and effects of Elizabeth’s arrest.
Exit Ticket
• Each group member needs to give 1 way
the book differed from the movie.
Thursday, November 14th
• Bell Work
– 1. Create a Brace Map that shows the main
households in Salem (Hint Look in your notes)
• Putnam
• Parris
• Corey
• Proctor
• Nurse
Each person needs a short description
Each person needs a short explanation of what
happened to them by the end of the play.
Wednesday, November 13th
• Bell Work
– Define and create a statement that represents
– Ethos
– Pathos
– Logos
Tuesday, November 12th
• Name the speaker
• 1. “There is blood on my head! Can you
not see the blood on my head!!”
• 2. “I am not your judge, I cannot be. Do as
you will, do as you will!”
• 3. “Tonight, when I opened my door to
leave my house—a dagger clattered to the
• 4. Anyone know what is special about
today’s date?
Monday, November 11th
• Bell Work:
• Describe what happens to the following
• John Proctor
• Elizabeth Proctor
• Parris
• Giles Corey
• Goody Nurse
Friday, November 8th
• Bell Work:
– 1. Why is John Proctor’s execution more
unsettling to the people of Salem, then the
other 12 who were executed before him?
– What is excommunication? Why do you think
only 30 people showed up to Proctor’s and
why is important?
– If you were Proctor, what would you have
• Title: ______________________________
• The general argument made by author X in
her/his work, _______________, is that
_______________. More specifically, X argues
that _______________. She/he writes, “
_______________.” In this passage, X is
suggesting that _______________. In
conclusion, X’s belief is that _______________.
• In my view, X is wrong/right, because
_______________. More specifically, I believe
that _______________. For example,
___________. Although X might object that
__________, I maintain that
_______________. Therefore, I conclude that
Thursday, November 7th
• Bell Work:
– 1. What did we learn about Abigail in Act 4?
– 2. What took place in Andover and why is that
important in Salem?
– 3. What is Parris afraid of? What do we learn
was left as a warning to Parris in his door?
– 4. Why is the sunrise important?
Roles for the last day
1. Herrick – Proctor
2. Tituba – Elizabeth – Sarah Good
3. Hopkins – Hathone – Hale
4. Danforth
5. Parris – Cheever – Rebecca (2 lines
Roles for the last day
1. Proctor - Herrick (1 line relax)
2. Elizabeth - Parris
3. Danforth
4. Hale - Rebecca - Hathorne,
Exit Ticket
• Why did Proctor first confess?
• Why did he then change his mind?
Flow Map
• You and your elbow partner are going to
work together to create a Flow Map for Act
Monday, November 4th
• Yes, we still have the test.
• Study for 5. I will be answering questions if
you have any.
Wednesday, November 6th
• Bell Work: for each
– Define in YOUR OWN words.
– Create a sentence.
– Rile
– Stench
– Gaunt
– Righteous
– Prodigious
Reading assignments
1. Herrick - Elizabeth
2. Tituba- Hathorne -Cheever
3. Sarah Good - Parris
4. Hale
5. Hopkins - Danforth
Exit Ticket
• You and your elbow partner both answer
on the same Sticky Note. (Different Words)
• Use 1 of the vocab words to explain
something that happened in today’s
AC - imperceptible
Friday, November 1st
1. What well-known persons have been
2. How do the newer cars show
sophistication compared to older
3. What might baffle a three-year-old?
What might baffle a fifty-year-old?
4. Explain how a lawyer might undermine
the authority of the court?
Test Monday
• Test will mainly cover Acts 2-3
• Also vocabulary from this week will be on
the test.
A.o.W. #6
• Directions
• 1. On a separate sheet of paper, show evidence
of a close reading (talk to text/annotate) with
comments and questions.
• 2. Create a “33” on the back of the paper where
you took your notes.
– 3 things you learned or disagreed with
– 3 things you had questions about or didn’t understand
• 3. Write a reflection piece, what are your
thoughts about the arrest of parents if their
children miss too much school.