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Age-related decline in color perception and difficulties
With daily activities-measurement, questionnaire,
Optical and computer-graphics simulation studies
Keiko Ishihara et al.
고려대학교 산업시스템정보공학과
장 인 창, 박 동 현
1. Introduction
Appearance of the Problem:
-고령화에 따른 색체지각 능력의 감소로 인한 문제 발생.
1) 노인들은 암 순응(dark adaptation)의 속도가 느려지고 그
수준이 감소.
2) 수정체가 두꺼워지며 황색이 되어 청색광의 투과를 감소시킨
다(sanders and McCormick, 1993).
3) 그러므로, 색깔을 고르거나 맞추는데 곤란을 겪으며, 색상환
(hue circle)의 다른 영역보다 청록색 및 적색 영역에서
오류가 많아진다(Verriest, Vandeyvere, Vanderdonck
and Boyce, 1981).
1. Introduction (cont’d)
General Background:
-Affected by Factors that…
휘도(luminance level), 대비(contrast), 노출시간(exposure
Time), 과녁이동(target movement), 연령(age), 훈련(training)
(Ultimate aim)
Transmittance less than 40% in elderly
suggest guideline for developing products for older adult.
(This study focused on…)
Graphics to simulate vision in the elderly.
2. Method
2.1 visual difficulties of the elderly
1> optical simulation by young subjects
-여학생(18세) 72명을 대상으로 노란색의 필터안경을 쓰고 일
상 생활에서 어떠한 문제점이 있는지를 연구하였다.
2> survey of elderly subjects
-사전 실험과 기존연구를 토대로 총 10개의 Questionnaire를
만들었다(p. 155).
-subjects: 각기 다른 지역에 사는 60세 이상 노인 1322(남:
584, 여:738)명
- four grade(never, sometimes, often, always)
Q1: Do you have trouble in reading small print?
Q2: Do you have trouble in seeing things because they appear hazy?
Q3: Does it take time to adjust to bright lights?
Q4: Does it take time to adjust to dim lighting?
Q5: Are you dazzled if lights shine into your eyes from the side?
Q6: Do you have trouble reading signs or identifying faces while walking?
Q7: Do you bump into people or things to your side?
Q8: Do you have difficulty telling whether the flame of a gas cooker is on or off?
Q9: Do you have trouble pouring the correct quantity of water or oil into a glass or pan?
Q10: Do you fail to notice a pedestrian traffic signal until it starts blinking?
2. Method(cont’d)
2.2 Experiment on misjudgment of colors by the elderly
-computer simulation was to simulate the color confusion
1> subjects: 남자 6명(80~86세), 일상생활에 도움 없이 건강.
2> Experimental design:
-34 stimuli (2 set of 17 combinations)를 제시
-조도: 440~460 Lx
-자극제시시간 1s, 눈과 자극간의 거리 60~80cm
-Without wearing glasses
-Respond as “same” or “different colors”
2. Method(cont’d)
2.2 Experiment on misjudgment of colors by the elderly
3> stimulus
-10 colored tags on a piece of gray paper as a stimulus
-8 distracters – 애매한 색상들의 사각형 tag로 구성됨
(Y - GY - G).
-2 targets – 원 tag
2. Method(cont’d)
2.3 computer-graphics simulating how the elderly see
- yellow filter실험보다 정확하고 유연성 있는 기법을 실시하기
위해 computer graphics를 이용한 simulation을 사용.
- apparatus: colorimeter
-L*(lightness), a*(green/red), b*(blue/yellow): CIE color model
- the simulation made a converted image: identical color
3. Result and discussion
3.1 Visual difficulties in daily activities of elderly
1> optical simulation by young subjects(Problems)
-appearance of the colors changed (red changed to pink)
-difficult to discriminate between certain combinations of
colors(blue and dark)
-liquid objects were difficult to see(gas flame, pour oil)
- depth perception failed
- electronic displays were difficult to read
3. Result and discussion(cont’d)
3.1 Visual difficulties in daily activities of elderly
2> survey of elderly subjects
Cluster/factor analysis (c.f. Rubin)
-Q1, Q2: focusing
-Q3~Q5: adaptation
-Q6: dynamic visual acuity
-Q7: distance
-Q8~Q10: yellowish vision
3. Result and discussion(cont’d)
3.1 Visual difficulties in daily activities of elderly
2> survey of elderly subjects
-answers: often-always
All questions are significant age effect
(Χ2test;p<.01, Q5;p<.05)
3.2 Experiment on misjudgment of colors by the elderly
- problematic color combinations
yellow/white, blue/green, dark blue/black, purple/dark red
3. Result and discussion(cont’d)
3.3 computer-graphics simulating how the elderly see
-computer-graphics simulation을 이용하여 yellowed
Vision을 가진 노인들이 구분할 수 없는 color를 미리 파악할 수
4. Conclusion
-노인들을 시각능력을 고려한 시각 디스플레이 설계의
guidelines(LCD, traffic sign, map etc.).
- guidelines를 통해 safety와 function을 향상.
- 노령자를 고려한 vision설계는 모든 사람에게 이로운 것
이다(Sanders, McCormick, 1993).