ACRMS Parent Information Forum

Welcome to ACRMS
Parent Information
December 1, 2011
How can I foster
my child’s success in
Math success for my child
• What can I do to help my child with
math homework?
• What can I do when my child does
not understand his/her math work?
• What can I do to help my child
succeed in math class?
Two important goals for
ALL students:
1. They learn to value mathematics.
2. They become confident in their
ability to do mathematics.
General Homework Tips
Provide a study place.
Provide materials. (pencils, etc.)
Be consistent with time.
Check agendas.
Help with organization skills.
Use a study buddy.
#1 Be positive!
If you have a negative attitude
about mathematics, chances are
your child will, too.
Acknowledge that
mathematics can be
challenging at times
and persistence and
hard work are the
keys to success.
and hard work!!
Struggling at
times in
mathematics is
normal and is
actually necessary
to understanding
The Pearl Problem
On a string of pearls, the
largest is in the center and
the smallest are on the ends.
Each of the small pearls on
the two ends costs $1 each;
each of the next larger
pearls costs $2 each; the
third from the end costs $3
each; and so on. On the basis
of this plan, how much would
a string of 9 pearls cost? 12?
25? N?
#2 Help your child realize
that mathematics is a
significant part of
everyday life.
• deciding whether one has enough money
to purchase a list of items at the store
• reading a map
• building a budget
• deciding on the shortest route to a
• determining the price of an item on sale
# 3 Learn about math
related careers
Research different
careers with your child.
Help your child understand
that the school courses
he/she takes now and the
grades he/she earns will
affect his/her future.
#4 Make mathematics
Play board games, solve
puzzles, and ponder brain
teasers with your child.
#5 Have High Expectations
#6 Respect the Way
your Child Learns
More specifically…
Homework can be frustrating for
both parents and students. Patience
is the key and can go a long way in
helping your child with his/her work.
Student Survey #1
How often do you want your parents to help you
with your math homework?
when needed
all the time
first five minutes
not ever
Student survey #2
Where do you do your homework?
My Bedroom
No Specific
Student survey #3
What is the usual amount of time spent on math
over 30 minutes
5-19 minutes
20-30 minutes
Student survey #4
What can your parents do to help you
with your math homework?
Check my work
Provide me a quiet place to work
Make sure my siblings leave me alone
Don’t bother me
Don’t get mad at me or yell at me
Give me hints
Tell me to put it in my binder
Give me a snack
In a nice quiet voice ask, “Would you like some help?”
Suggestions for homework
One goal for parents is to assist their
children in figuring out as much as
they can for themselves.
Ask questions that guide, without
telling them what to do.
Ask questions that can not be
answered with a “yes” or “no.”
Use some of these questions and refer
to the notebook that students
create and use in class.
Sample Questions to get
1. What do you need to know?
2. How can you get the information?
3. What terms do you understand or
not understand?
4. Have you solved similar problems
that would help? Let’s look at your
Questions while working…
1. Can you make a drawing (model) to
explain your thinking?
2. What do you need to do next?
3. Do you see any patterns that will
help you solve the problem?
4. How do you know your solution is
5. Are there any questions you want
to ask your teacher?
CMP2 Textbook online
1) go to
2) select LOGIN from the sites offered.
3) for “user name” enter ACReynoldsMiddle (this is case sensitive – exactly like the
bold print)
4) for “password” enter 20112012 (no spaces)
5) once you are logged in select “student edition” under the My Books tab on the left
side of your screen.
6) A blue screen will appear. Select “click here” to begin running the program.
7) This will bring up the cover page of the 6 grade book. To select 7 or 8 grade level
texts. Select your grade level from the tabs provided at the top of the screen.
8) This will pull up the front cover of the selected grade level textbook. From here,
select “contents” which is a tab on the left side of screen.
9) From here you may select any investigation or ACE questions within the textbook.
Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces is a Webbased, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system.
ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately
determine exactly what a student knows and doesn't know in a
For the first time in her life, my daughter LOVES math. She finished her
first ALEKS course in three or four days! I have asked her repeatedly why
she loves ALEKS so much, and the answer is that there is no real wrong
answer. While she may get an answer wrong, there is always an
opportunity to learn how to do it; there is no punishment or penalty, only
learning. She likes that as she goes through the program, it fills up her pie
chart; she finds it very satisfying. My daughter also likes that ALEKS is
able to determine why she missed the problem and provides appropriate
feedback, for example, if the decimal is in the wrong place it will tell her.
The best part, though, is that my daughter is finally going to start school
feeling prepared for math. She has always been an A or B student in
math, but never believed that she was "good" at it; now she believes that
she is!
Amy Mayer, Parent
Helpful math websites
That Quiz:
Web math:
Math World:
Connected Math Project:
• Connected Math glossary terms:
• Multiplication review:
The essence of mathematics is not to
make simple things complicated, but
to make complicated things simple.
- S. Gruder
Cindy Dearman – B.S.Ed. MAT, National Board Certified
Randal Hylemon – B.S. in Math, National Board Certified
Heather Rejzer – B.S.Ed., National Board Certified
Chris Thompson – B.S. in Political Science
Vicky Williams – B.S.Ed., National Board Certified