Developmental Milestones

Developmental Milestones
Toddlers: 1 to 3 yrs.
Physical Development (Toddlers)
Physical growth slows a bit
18 mos.- walks without help; builds tower
with 3 blocks; begins to run & climb; turns
pages of a book; slides down stairs
2 yrs.- runs but can’t stop; throws & kicks
balls clumsily
Physical Development (Toddlers)
3 yrs.- alternates feet going upstairs ( not
down); cuts with scissors; strings large
beads; may catch ball with straight arms;
jumps; rides a tricycle
2 to 3 yrs.- sphincter muscles
mature to allow for toilet training
Intellectual Development
2 to 6 yrs.- Pre-operational stage
Representation (words stand for objects and
Begins to organize information into
Incidental (accidental), Trial & error, Imitative, &
Directed learning
Memory, attention span, & focus improve
2 to 3 yrs.- Mental problem-solving; puts things
together & takes them apart
Language Development
Learns to talk to express needs, thoughts, &
Groups of words
3 yrs.- Simple sentences
Emotional Development
Many attitudes about self come from
people who care for them
May do opposite of what others want
Frustration – “outbursts”; tantrums
May develop “I can do it” attitude with
Social Development (Toddlers)
Parallel play (alongside other children, not
with them)
2 yrs.- struggle between independence &
need for others
Likes routines – “sameness”
May be stubborn, demanding,
domineering at times
Discipline – be consistent
Moral Development (Toddlers)
Begins to understand what is “right” &
(They test behaviors & watch results)