Week 6

Lesson Plans
M. Unser
English Grade 7
October 6-10, 2014
Monday Warm-Up
• Use your device or a dictionary to define
the following words:
– Recommenced
– Gooseberry
– Benediction
Monday, October 6, 2014
• Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call
7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions
7.4TSW read to determine the meaning of unfamiliar word:
7.5 TSW describe elements of fictional text: make, confirm, revise predictions; describe narrative
structure; use prior and background knowledge; use reading strategies to monitor comprehension;
making inferences and drawing conclusions based on the text.
• Smartboard Mini-Lesson: Types of Questions
• Inferencing Writing Activity
• A Long Way from Chicago
– Read and pages 61-66
– Use graphic organizer to record inferences your team
Inference Questions
pages 61-66
• Why did Mary Alice leave her jump
rope at home?
• Why doesn’t Grandma like Mrs.
• Why doesn’t Grandma want to
participate in the County Fair?
Tuesday Warm-Up
•Use your device or a dictionary to define
the following words:
– Biplane
– Legionnaire
– Temperance
Tuesday,October 7, 2014
• Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call
7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions
7.4 TSW read to determine meaning of unfamiliar words
7.5 TSW describe elements of fictional text: make, confirm, revise predictions; describe narrative
structure; use prior and background knowledge; use reading strategies to monitor comprehension;
making inferences and drawing conclusions based on the text
• Flocabulary Rap: Inferences
• Inference Practice Worksheet
• A Long Way from Chicago
– Read and discuss pages 66-70
– Make inferences as we discuss
Wednesday Warm-Up!
Find and correct 5 errors in the following
It was just a moment, but somehow we was sure.
in that split second when weed all looked up, I
thought Grandma had switching her pies card with
Rupert Pennypacker’s.
Wednesday October 8, 2014
• Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call
7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions
7.4 TSW read to determine meaning of unfamiliar words
7.5 TSW describe elements of fictional text: make, confirm, revise predictions;
describe narrative structure; use prior and background knowledge; use reading
strategies to monitor comprehension; making inferences and drawing
conclusions based on the text
• A Long Way from Chicago
– Read and discuss pages 70-78
– Make inferences
• Work on ISO or Independent Reading
Thursday Warm-Up
Name five character traits that you
can infer about Grandma Dowdel
based on her words and actions in
the story so far.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
• Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call
7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions
7.7 TSW write in a variety of forms with an emphasis on exposition,
narration, and persuasion; Establish a central idea and organization; compose a
topic sentence
• Writer’s Workshop
– Mini-Lesson: paragraph structure
– Pick topic from the heart OR History Project
– Sustained Writing Time
– Share
• Visit the library
– check out books
– Read!
Friday Warm-Up
Name five things that you remember
from Chapter 4: “The Day of
Friday, October 10, 2014
• Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call
7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions
7.4 TSW read to determine meaning of unfamiliar words
7.5 TSW read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts
• Review of Chapter 4
• Quiz on Chapter 4
• Silent Reading or ISOs