Social Psychology, 6/e

Chapter 8
Social Influence and
Chapter Outline
Attitude Change via Persuasion
 Compliance with Threats and Promises
 Obedience to Authority
 Resisting Influence and Persuasion
Social Influence
Social influence occurs when one person
engages in some behavior (persuading,
threatening, promising, or issuing orders) that
causes another person to behave differently
from how he or she would otherwise behave.
Attitude Change
Attitude change is a fairly common result of
social influence.
 The influencing source may produce a
change in the target’s beliefs and attitudes
about some issue, person, or situation.
Forms of Social Influence
Influence attempts can be either open or
covertly manipulative.
– In open influence, the attempt is readily
apparent to the target.
– In manipulative influence, the attempt is
hidden from the target.
Forms of Open Influence
The use of persuasive communication to
change the target’s attitudes or beliefs.
2. The use of threats or promises to gain
3. The use of orders based on legitimate
authority to gain compliance.
Attitude Change Via Persuasion
Persuasion may be defined as changing the
beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors of a target
through the use of information or argument.
 Persuasion is widespread in social interaction
and assumes many different forms.
Reactions to Persuasive
Ignore it.
Dismiss the communicator.
Listen to the message but suspend judgment
on the issue.
Misperceive or misconstrue the content of the
Attempt counterpersuasion.
Elaboration Likelihood Model
Holds that there are two basic routes through
which a message may alter a target’s existing
– central route
– peripheral route
Central Routes
Persuasion via the central route occurs when:
– a target actively scrutinizes the arguments
contained in a persuasive message
– interprets and evaluates them (taking into
account what he or she already knows)
– and integrates them into a coherent
Peripheral Routes
Occurs when the target pays attention
primarily to extraneous cues linked to the
 The target does not carefully think about the
message but appraises peripheral cues and
uses them as a basis for accepting or
rejecting the message.
Fundamental components of the
communication-persuasion paradigm:
– Source
– Message
– Target
– Response
The identity of the source provides the target
with information above and beyond the
content of the message itself.
 Because some sources are more credible
than others, the target may pay attention to
the source’s identity when assessing whether
to believe the message.
Credibility of the Source
Communicator credibility denotes the extent
to which the communicator is perceived as
 Factors that influence the extent to which a
source is credible include:
– Expertise
– Trustworthiness
– Attractiveness
– Likeability.
Social Impact Theory
The impact of an influence attempt is a function of :
– strength (social status or power)
– immediacy (physical or psychological distance)
– number of influencing sources.
A target will be more influenced when the sources are
strong, when the sources are physically close, and
when the sources are numerous.
A discrepant message advocates a position
that is different from what the target believes.
 Emotional appeals try to arouse basic drives
and stimulate a need where none was
 The most common emotional appeals
involve fear.
Attitude Change: Communicator
Credibility and Message Discrepancy
Mass media refers to channels of
communication that enable a source to reach
a large audience.
 A media campaign is a systematic attempt by
a source to use the mass media to change
attitudes and beliefs of a target audience.
Involvement with the issue affects the way the
target processes a message.
 A need for cognition, or how much an
individual enjoys puzzling through problems
and thinking about issues, plays an important
role in persuasion attempts.
 Distraction, or anything that prevents the
target from giving full attention to the
argument, will affect the persuasion attempt.
The Effects of Personal
Involvement on Persuasion
Compliance with Threats and
Compliance is behavioral conformity by the
target to the source’s requests or demands.
 Threats and promises are two types of social
power that can be used to induce
Threats and Promises
A threat is a communication from one person
to another that takes the general form, “If you
don’t do X, then I will do Y.”
 A promise involves a reward controlled by the
source. A person using a promise says, “If
you do X , then I will do Y.”
Social Power and Compliance
Promise of reward - rewarding desired
2. Coercion through threat - negative outcome
used to assure compliance.
3. Referent power - desire to be like others that
we admire compels behavior.
Social Power and Compliance
Legitimate power - accepted authority.
5. Information - providing information about
desired behavior.
6. Expertise - expert compels behavior.
Subjective Expected Value
A threat’s subjective expected value (SEV) is
a measure of the pressure that the target
feels from the threat.
Compliance with Threats
Bilateral Threat and Negotiation
Negotiation is communication between
opposing sides in a conflict wherein the
parties make offers and counteroffers and a
solution occurs only when the parties reach
an agreement.
 A bilateral threat situation is one where both
participants issue threats and inflict damage
on one another.
Deterrence and Conflict Spiral
Mutual deterrence is a kind of armed standoff.
 Conflict spiral is a form of escalation in which
the participants insist on compliance to their
demands, even though they realize the other
can inflict damage.
Obedience to Authority
Authority refers to the capacity of one
member to issue orders to others.
– They direct or regulate the behavior of
other members by invoking rights that are
vested in his or her role.
Resisting Influence and
Persuasion: Attitude inoculation
Enables target persons to defend their beliefs
against persuasion attempts.
– A refutational defense consists of giving
the target exposing a target to weak
attacks with an opportunity to refute them
so they can build up resistance and
prepare for stronger attacks.
Resisting Influence and
Persuasion: Forewarning
Forewarning is simply warning people that they are
about to be exposed to a persuasion attempt.
In order for the forewarning process to work, the
targets of the persuasion attempt must care about
and be psychologically involved in the issue.
If they do not care about the issue, the forewarning
may have little effect and, in some instances, can
even produce greater attitude change.
Resisting Influence and
Persuasion: Reactance
Occurs when the target of the persuasion
attempt begins to feel that their independence
and freedom being threatened reacts in
 Feeling the need to reassert control, the
targets will behave in a way counter to the
persuasion attempt in order to demonstrate
their independence.